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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?

What we will learn from US navy which have 50+ warship just in their seventh fleet where we are operating 5 frigate ? we are already have training program for our navy with many navies ,so nothing to learn by giving docking access and allowing a dragon and Lion to showcase their might we the ''ant'' will suffer the most better to have a safe distance from their rivalry

Myanmar is doing the opposite and getting huge investments from all sides. Their infrastructure development is moving way ahead of Bangladesh because they have opened up to the Chinese and the West. You can keep your silly dreams we need strategic thinkers not dreamers.
I think BD should provide docking facilities for the US and Chinese navies. It will be a good experience for own navy to learn how other navies operate. I think Bangladesh is too small to accommodate a full fledged military base.

If we do not open up to the US and China then other countries in the region such as Myanmar will. You will see that in 20 years Myanmar is far ahead of Bangladesh because they made the right decision in their national interest. They are already providing military facilities for the Chinese and Indians and possibly the Americans will follow. Myanmar will steam ahead of Bangladesh in every sphere while we remain a poor, backward and weak country that can only dream.

Are you sure you didn't make an absurd statement? Is there a foolproof way to remain friends with both USA and China in the coming days?
I think BD should provide docking facilities for the US and Chinese navies. It will be a good experience for own navy to learn how other navies operate. I think Bangladesh is too small to accommodate a full fledged military base.

If we do not open up to the US and China then other countries in the region such as Myanmar will. You will see that in 20 years Myanmar is far ahead of Bangladesh because they made the right decision in their national interest. They are already providing military facilities for the Chinese and Indians and possibly the Americans will follow. Myanmar will steam ahead of Bangladesh in every sphere while we remain a poor, backward and weak country that can only dream.

Suu Kyi's speech at the World economic forum sheds doubt over what you said in the bold part.

Ms Suu Kyi said she was worried about two superpowers jostling for position over her country. "A lot of people are talking now about what the position of Burma will be now that we are starting to engage ... more with the United States and how it will affect our relations with China," she told
reporters. "I'm always very concerned when Burma is seen as a battling ground for the United States and China. "It should not be so, it should be an area of harmony for those two big countries," she said.

Aung San Suu Kyi worried about US and China jostling over Burma - RT News
My previous post was perhaps a bit tongue in cheek but there was serious intention to it. My two cents advise to you guy's would be to find a great power help you advance your interests.

Now there is nothing wrong with this. Proud and powerful countries do this, like Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Turkey. I dare say all these countries are far from poverty swamps like our part of the world is. Just have a look at Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore City and Istanbul or Ankara.

Now I would suggest you use the USA if you can. Don't forget this is a deal you make, it is take as well as give. How much you can take will depend on your strategic value and how smart you play your cards.

The reason why I suggest it should be USA is simple. Ask yourself some simple questions. What is the real backbone of a country? My answer would be your economy. Your economy sustains everything. If your people are well fed, well cared for and you have the money to build a strong military. On top of this the world will value your market and will come running to sell stuff to you which will give you international leverage. That is power.

So like some smart American once said 'it's all about economy stupid'. A good economy will pump you up so that you stand stiff and erect with vigourlike Viagra does to a old man's member. That gents will keep the Indian's or anybody else at bay.

So how do you put your economy in the most advantagous position you can? Well first have a look at your economy now and see what sustains it. I suspect there will be two factors that are contributing the most dollars to your economy. One will be exports to the West and other will be remittances from ex-pats.

Now when we say West we mean Canada, All of Europe, Australia, New Zealand ( most of the white kith and kin ) and others who hang on to the western tail for their own benefit like Japan etc. We all know or should know that USA is like the big brother of the west. Where US goes all the rest follow even if they sometimes are not too happy. Case in point, 9/11, USA goes into Afghanistan. You already know most every western countries have soldiers in Afghanistan to help big brother USA.

That is not to say this western family does not argue and ***** with each other but rest assured when it comes to outsiders they all line up behind big brother America. Antagonize America all of the West will get cold with you, become friends with USA all the West will warm up with you. Even World Bank or Asian Development Bank will will help out with a eye on your relationship to the West.

So tell me me my 'brother's in Bangladesh where do most of your exports go? To friggin China? To India? To Pakistan? Somehow I have a feeling most of your exports are bought by the West and probably the USA is your largest market followed by Europe. If I am wrong accept my apologies.

Now next where do most of your remittances come from? China? India? Pakistan? I suspect probably a good chunk come from the West followed by the Middle East. The only differance will be the poor Bengali's in Middle East are taste the Arab boot up their posterior and are treated like dogs. In the West they probably also get racism but at least the law is equal and even gives them their citizenship.

So finally if most of your dollars come from the West, which I suspect they do, that is what puts the juices into your balls. So what should you do? Annoy and antagonize the West or try to make the best strategic deal with them that you can?

I think the answer is a no brainer. I expect most Pakistani's here will advise against this but then have you seen the state of that country? Why not follow South Korea, Singapore or even Turkey? But realize this you never will be equals but then again you already know that.

If you look at the history of Pakistan you will realize that when we were very closely allied to the USA and West during Ayub Khan's time and that during that period thanks to US dollars Pakistan made the greatest progress it ever has done. Almost every dam in the country, Warsak, Tarbela, Mangla, the re structuring of the Indus Irrigation System ( neccessary because Indian's diverted Sutlej and Ravi Rivers ) rebuilding of Islamabad city, bottom up building of the PAF, Pak Army and Navy was all financed by what? US aid.

Even the SSG that Pakistani's are so proud of was built up by US experts and most of it's officers learnt their craft from Fort Bragg, USA. All airforce pilots were trained by US experts.

Most of the new Cantonments built since the British left were built with American aid in the late 1950s and early 1960s. My grandfather worked in the 1960s for US Corp of Engineers who were building Kharian Cant. It was finance, build, equip and handover over the keys to Pakistan free of cost courtesy of US tax payer. Of course there is nothing as a free lunch in this world. USAF was using Badabher Airbase outside Peshawar to spy on USSR. Gary Powers the American pilot of the U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Russia was from this base.

Francis Gary Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pres. Ayub Khan even managed to get NASA help to set up SUPARCO in 1961 and built a Missile station in Balochistan where Pakistan space agency ( SUPARCO ) tested US supplied NIKE missiles. Please read NASA-SUPARCO cooperation.

Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And those Pakistani's who crow on about their 'Atom Bumb' forget how we got it. You think the West, the USA or Isreal would allow any Muslim country to even have a wet dream about nuclear weapons? Look what happened to Iraq? All they did was got two radioctive screws togather and Saddam was sanctioned until he could not even import pair of socks without UN inspectors checking them. We in Pakistan were allied with USA in Afghanistan and because of that although CIA knew we were busy building the bomb they ignored us and let us continue.

Along the way we managed to even squeeze 40 F-16s from the USA which in those days would have been like getting the Stealthy Raptor. Of course we paid the price because Pakistan become awash with Kalashnikov and drugs. Even that was our fault we should have controllede those things. Some of the blowback still haunts us today but like I said it is a deal you make. You gain some, you lose some. It a bargain you make. Pakistan chose to do make a deal although lot of my countrymen got on as if the American's forced us. Fact was we went running to Washington in 1950s. Because of our strategic position the American's entered into a deal with us.

But those nukes we got are what keeps the 1.1 billion Indian at bay across the border.

Choice is yours.
Why are we fighting over something that something that Indian RAW farted out? Nothing is confirmed yet. And I don't know
how people are saying that we can keep china close by giving a base to US.We have to choose either of the 2 super powers but I
agree that we have to go under the umbrella of either of the 2 and at the same time enhance our military capability. Don't forget that India managed to pull of 1/11 and the MUA/FUA saga with the help of uncle sam. Even if US changed its mind by now
(looking at how BAL is angry at the US for some strange reason) we still don't know their real intention yet. And the Indians
would not have this much grip over us if the whole 1/11 saga didn't even happen. It was a disaster in simple terms that
may have backtracked our development by couple of decades.
No idea of base in Bangladesh: Mozena
US Ambassador in Bangladesh Dan W Mozena Star Online Report

US Ambassador in Bangladesh Dan W Mozena on Sunday refuted straightaway an Indian TV report that said the US wants to park its Seventh Fleet in Chittagong.

“There is no plan, no discussion, no idea of having a base in Bangladesh. I was here with Secretary Clinton as you know, I was with her, I was at her side the whole time she was here,” he said.

“And in her meetings with the honourable prime minister, the honourable foreign minister, the honourable Leader of the Opposition, there was no discussion, no discussion, no discussion whatsoever about the seventh fleet, the word was never even mentioned about any base or anything like that,” the US envoy said.

The direct speech, which Mozena delivered at a certificate awarding ceremony for women journalists jointly organised by News Network and American Center, was collected from a private television channel.

Earlier on Thursday, Times Now, a Mumbai-based 24-hour English news channel, aired a news item that said the United Sates wanted to park its Seventh Fleet in Bangladesh in its strategic interests.

The Times of India website carried a written version of the TV report.

Bangladesh and the United States have already termed the Indian media report baseless, unfounded and fabricated.

Addressing as chief guest, the US diplomat also praised the role of the Bangladeshi media in building democracy and addressing problematic issues.

“The best way to build a strong democracy is to strengthen the pillars of democracy, specially the media,” he said.

“I believe our responsible media, with a powerful tradition of investigative reporting, shinning the light into the dark corners of corruption, ineptness, laziness and incompetence, is essential, absolutely essential, to building a strong democracy,” he added.


No idea of base in Bangladesh: Mozena
US Ambassador in Bangladesh Dan W Mozena Star Online Report

US Ambassador in Bangladesh Dan W Mozena on Sunday refuted straightaway an Indian TV report that said the US wants to park its Seventh Fleet in Chittagong.

“There is no plan, no discussion, no idea of having a base in Bangladesh. I was here with Secretary Clinton as you know, I was with her, I was at her side the whole time she was here,” he said.

“And in her meetings with the honourable prime minister, the honourable foreign minister, the honourable Leader of the Opposition, there was no discussion, no discussion, no discussion whatsoever about the seventh fleet, the word was never even mentioned about any base or anything like that,” the US envoy said.

The direct speech, which Mozena delivered at a certificate awarding ceremony for women journalists jointly organised by News Network and American Center, was collected from a private television channel.

Earlier on Thursday, Times Now, a Mumbai-based 24-hour English news channel, aired a news item that said the United Sates wanted to park its Seventh Fleet in Bangladesh in its strategic interests.

The Times of India website carried a written version of the TV report.

Bangladesh and the United States have already termed the Indian media report baseless, unfounded and fabricated.

Addressing as chief guest, the US diplomat also praised the role of the Bangladeshi media in building democracy and addressing problematic issues.

“The best way to build a strong democracy is to strengthen the pillars of democracy, specially the media,” he said.

“I believe our responsible media, with a powerful tradition of investigative reporting, shinning the light into the dark corners of corruption, ineptness, laziness and incompetence, is essential, absolutely essential, to building a strong democracy,” he added.

My previous post was perhaps a bit tongue in cheek but there was serious intention to it. My two cents advise to you guy's would be to find a great power help you advance your interests.

Now there is nothing wrong with this. Proud and powerful countries do this, like Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Turkey. I dare say all these countries are far from poverty swamps like our part of the world is. Just have a look at Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore City and Istanbul or Ankara.

Now I would suggest you use the USA if you can. Don't forget this is a deal you make, it is take as well as give. How much you can take will depend on your strategic value and how smart you play your cards.

The reason why I suggest it should be USA is simple. Ask yourself some simple questions. What is the real backbone of a country? My answer would be your economy. Your economy sustains everything. If your people are well fed, well cared for and you have the money to build a strong military. On top of this the world will value your market and will come running to sell stuff to you which will give you international leverage. That is power.

So like some smart American once said 'it's all about economy stupid'. A good economy will pump you up so that you stand stiff and erect with vigourlike Viagra does to a old man's member. That gents will keep the Indian's or anybody else at bay.

So how do you put your economy in the most advantagous position you can? Well first have a look at your economy now and see what sustains it. I suspect there will be two factors that are contributing the most dollars to your economy. One will be exports to the West and other will be remittances from ex-pats.

Now when we say West we mean Canada, All of Europe, Australia, New Zealand ( most of the white kith and kin ) and others who hang on to the western tail for their own benefit like Japan etc. We all know or should know that USA is like the big brother of the west. Where US goes all the rest follow even if they sometimes are not too happy. Case in point, 9/11, USA goes into Afghanistan. You already know most every western countries have soldiers in Afghanistan to help big brother USA.

That is not to say this western family does not argue and ***** with each other but rest assured when it comes to outsiders they all line up behind big brother America. Antagonize America all of the West will get cold with you, become friends with USA all the West will warm up with you. Even World Bank or Asian Development Bank will will help out with a eye on your relationship to the West.

So tell me me my 'brother's in Bangladesh where do most of your exports go? To friggin China? To India? To Pakistan? Somehow I have a feeling most of your exports are bought by the West and probably the USA is your largest market followed by Europe. If I am wrong accept my apologies.

Now next where do most of your remittances come from? China? India? Pakistan? I suspect probably a good chunk come from the West followed by the Middle East. The only differance will be the poor Bengali's in Middle East are taste the Arab boot up their posterior and are treated like dogs. In the West they probably also get racism but at least the law is equal and even gives them their citizenship.

So finally if most of your dollars come from the West, which I suspect they do, that is what puts the juices into your balls. So what should you do? Annoy and antagonize the West or try to make the best strategic deal with them that you can?

I think the answer is a no brainer. I expect most Pakistani's here will advise against this but then have you seen the state of that country? Why not follow South Korea, Singapore or even Turkey? But realize this you never will be equals but then again you already know that.

If you look at the history of Pakistan you will realize that when we were very closely allied to the USA and West during Ayub Khan's time and that during that period thanks to US dollars Pakistan made the greatest progress it ever has done. Almost every dam in the country, Warsak, Tarbela, Mangla, the re structuring of the Indus Irrigation System ( neccessary because Indian's diverted Sutlej and Ravi Rivers ) rebuilding of Islamabad city, bottom up building of the PAF, Pak Army and Navy was all financed by what? US aid.

Even the SSG that Pakistani's are so proud of was built up by US experts and most of it's officers learnt their craft from Fort Bragg, USA. All airforce pilots were trained by US experts.

Most of the new Cantonments built since the British left were built with American aid in the late 1950s and early 1960s. My grandfather worked in the 1960s for US Corp of Engineers who were building Kharian Cant. It was finance, build, equip and handover over the keys to Pakistan free of cost courtesy of US tax payer. Of course there is nothing as a free lunch in this world. USAF was using Badabher Airbase outside Peshawar to spy on USSR. Gary Powers the American pilot of the U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Russia was from this base.

Francis Gary Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pres. Ayub Khan even managed to get NASA help to set up SUPARCO in 1961 and built a Missile station in Balochistan where Pakistan space agency ( SUPARCO ) tested US supplied NIKE missiles. Please read NASA-SUPARCO cooperation.

Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And those Pakistani's who crow on about their 'Atom Bumb' forget how we got it. You think the West, the USA or Isreal would allow any Muslim country to even have a wet dream about nuclear weapons? Look what happened to Iraq? All they did was got two radioctive screws togather and Saddam was sanctioned until he could not even import pair of socks without UN inspectors checking them. We in Pakistan were allied with USA in Afghanistan and because of that although CIA knew we were busy building the bomb they ignored us and let us continue.

Along the way we managed to even squeeze 40 F-16s from the USA which in those days would have been like getting the Stealthy Raptor. Of course we paid the price because Pakistan become awash with Kalashnikov and drugs. Even that was our fault we should have controllede those things. Some of the blowback still haunts us today but like I said it is a deal you make. You gain some, you lose some. It a bargain you make. Pakistan chose to do make a deal although lot of my countrymen got on as if the American's forced us. Fact was we went running to Washington in 1950s. Because of our strategic position the American's entered into a deal with us.

But those nukes we got are what keeps the 1.1 billion Indian at bay across the border.

Choice is yours.

There's currently no competent leadership in BD who'll go for a win-win deal, they'll only give and gain nothing like Pakistan. However, thanks for your constructive suggestion.
I am very worried about bangladesh. I am also surprise to see that many bangladeshis supporting the idea that US should bring its 7th fleet to bangladesh. Now I just read an article saying US offered to guard our border.

All BS claims made by the Indian media. The US officially denied it not only once, but TWICE. Now is that a hard thing for our Indian friends to understand?

The US may use Chittagong as a re-supply point for its naval vessels. They already do it in Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia. It's a nice source of revenue for the supplying country.

But yes, Bangladesh appears to be heading to a path of increasing instability. Perhaps even a civil war in 5-10 years time if things continue the way they are. Everyone is worried, but powerless to stop it.

Now why would the US want a base in a country like Bangladesh that is heading toward instability? Their air bases in Diego Garcia and Guam are all US administered.
Suu Kyi's speech at the World economic forum sheds doubt over what you said in the bold part.

No contradiction at all. That is what diplomats are supposed to say. Get the most out of the situation. She is setting up her country for investments from all sides. We are just objecting to this for all the wrong reasons.
My previous post was perhaps a bit tongue in cheek but there was serious intention to it. My two cents advise to you guy's would be to find a great power help you advance your interests.

Now there is nothing wrong with this. Proud and powerful countries do this, like Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Turkey. I dare say all these countries are far from poverty swamps like our part of the world is. Just have a look at Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore City and Istanbul or Ankara.

Now I would suggest you use the USA if you can. Don't forget this is a deal you make, it is take as well as give. How much you can take will depend on your strategic value and how smart you play your cards.

The reason why I suggest it should be USA is simple. Ask yourself some simple questions. What is the real backbone of a country? My answer would be your economy. Your economy sustains everything. If your people are well fed, well cared for and you have the money to build a strong military. On top of this the world will value your market and will come running to sell stuff to you which will give you international leverage. That is power.

So like some smart American once said 'it's all about economy stupid'. A good economy will pump you up so that you stand stiff and erect with vigourlike Viagra does to a old man's member. That gents will keep the Indian's or anybody else at bay.

So how do you put your economy in the most advantagous position you can? Well first have a look at your economy now and see what sustains it. I suspect there will be two factors that are contributing the most dollars to your economy. One will be exports to the West and other will be remittances from ex-pats.

Now when we say West we mean Canada, All of Europe, Australia, New Zealand ( most of the white kith and kin ) and others who hang on to the western tail for their own benefit like Japan etc. We all know or should know that USA is like the big brother of the west. Where US goes all the rest follow even if they sometimes are not too happy. Case in point, 9/11, USA goes into Afghanistan. You already know most every western countries have soldiers in Afghanistan to help big brother USA.

That is not to say this western family does not argue and ***** with each other but rest assured when it comes to outsiders they all line up behind big brother America. Antagonize America all of the West will get cold with you, become friends with USA all the West will warm up with you. Even World Bank or Asian Development Bank will will help out with a eye on your relationship to the West.

So tell me me my 'brother's in Bangladesh where do most of your exports go? To friggin China? To India? To Pakistan? Somehow I have a feeling most of your exports are bought by the West and probably the USA is your largest market followed by Europe. If I am wrong accept my apologies.

Now next where do most of your remittances come from? China? India? Pakistan? I suspect probably a good chunk come from the West followed by the Middle East. The only differance will be the poor Bengali's in Middle East are taste the Arab boot up their posterior and are treated like dogs. In the West they probably also get racism but at least the law is equal and even gives them their citizenship.

So finally if most of your dollars come from the West, which I suspect they do, that is what puts the juices into your balls. So what should you do? Annoy and antagonize the West or try to make the best strategic deal with them that you can?

I think the answer is a no brainer. I expect most Pakistani's here will advise against this but then have you seen the state of that country? Why not follow South Korea, Singapore or even Turkey? But realize this you never will be equals but then again you already know that.

If you look at the history of Pakistan you will realize that when we were very closely allied to the USA and West during Ayub Khan's time and that during that period thanks to US dollars Pakistan made the greatest progress it ever has done. Almost every dam in the country, Warsak, Tarbela, Mangla, the re structuring of the Indus Irrigation System ( neccessary because Indian's diverted Sutlej and Ravi Rivers ) rebuilding of Islamabad city, bottom up building of the PAF, Pak Army and Navy was all financed by what? US aid.

Even the SSG that Pakistani's are so proud of was built up by US experts and most of it's officers learnt their craft from Fort Bragg, USA. All airforce pilots were trained by US experts.

Most of the new Cantonments built since the British left were built with American aid in the late 1950s and early 1960s. My grandfather worked in the 1960s for US Corp of Engineers who were building Kharian Cant. It was finance, build, equip and handover over the keys to Pakistan free of cost courtesy of US tax payer. Of course there is nothing as a free lunch in this world. USAF was using Badabher Airbase outside Peshawar to spy on USSR. Gary Powers the American pilot of the U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Russia was from this base.

Francis Gary Powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pres. Ayub Khan even managed to get NASA help to set up SUPARCO in 1961 and built a Missile station in Balochistan where Pakistan space agency ( SUPARCO ) tested US supplied NIKE missiles. Please read NASA-SUPARCO cooperation.

Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And those Pakistani's who crow on about their 'Atom Bumb' forget how we got it. You think the West, the USA or Isreal would allow any Muslim country to even have a wet dream about nuclear weapons? Look what happened to Iraq? All they did was got two radioctive screws togather and Saddam was sanctioned until he could not even import pair of socks without UN inspectors checking them. We in Pakistan were allied with USA in Afghanistan and because of that although CIA knew we were busy building the bomb they ignored us and let us continue.

Along the way we managed to even squeeze 40 F-16s from the USA which in those days would have been like getting the Stealthy Raptor. Of course we paid the price because Pakistan become awash with Kalashnikov and drugs. Even that was our fault we should have controllede those things. Some of the blowback still haunts us today but like I said it is a deal you make. You gain some, you lose some. It a bargain you make. Pakistan chose to do make a deal although lot of my countrymen got on as if the American's forced us. Fact was we went running to Washington in 1950s. Because of our strategic position the American's entered into a deal with us.

But those nukes we got are what keeps the 1.1 billion Indian at bay across the border.

Choice is yours.

The Chinese will be the largest economy by 2020.

The world of the future will not be like that of the past.
Are you sure you didn't make an absurd statement? Is there a foolproof way to remain friends with both USA and China in the coming days?

Not at all the Central Asian Republics and Middle Eastern countries are doing it. They have ships from several powers docking at their ports for refueling and maintenance.

The Chinese will be the largest economy by 2020.

The world of the future will not be like that of the past.

Like I said that is 10 years too long for Bangladesh.
So like some smart American once said 'it's all about economy stupid'. A good economy will pump you up so that you stand stiff and erect with vigour like Viagra does to a old man's member. That gents will keep the Indian's or anybody else at bay.

So finally if most of your dollars come from the West, which I suspect they do, that is what puts the juices into your balls. Choice is yours.

ha ha this guy is obsessed with d!ck's :woot:
All those Bangladeshi's who are up in arms about US base, US has not made any proposal like that yet it seems, and it was a RAW leak that created a fake news, just to pre-empt any such moves, as Indians do not like this move at all and are nervous about it. I have seen this mentioned in a Indian defense website from an experienced insider.

But if the US was asking for a base, why we should not give it to them? Atanz (I don't know where he is from, a Pakistani?) made a good post, essentially making the same points I made briefly in a previous post:

May be those that have objection, can refute those points.

China has been an irresponsible and negligent ally to protect us from Indian threat, so why should we not go for an option that may actually work? I am totally with Munshi Bhai on this one, although I am not sure about idune Bhai's position. Simply put, we have no choice but to work with US/West a 34 trillion dollar economy, we will consider China, 7.4 trillion dollar economy, when it topples the US led West as a hyper power. China supporters need to understand how the world works now, not how the world will work in the future, which all of us, including Munshi Bhai and myself will welcome with open arms.

Seeking to outmaneuver China, US tries not to cause waves with ‘Pacific Pivot’ in a wary Asia - The Washington Post

Seeking to outmaneuver China, US tries not to cause waves with ‘Pacific Pivot’ in a wary Asia
(Wong Maye-E/ Associated Press ) - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta waits to deliver his speech on the “US Rebalance Towards The Asia Pacific” at the IISS Shangri-la Security Summit on Saturday June 2, 2012 in Singapore.

By Associated Press, Published: June 2
SINGAPORE — As the United States moves to bolster its military position in Asia, it faces severe budget cuts from Congress, an increasingly powerful rival in China and a hornet’s nest of regional political sensitivities.

The shift in U.S. policy puts Asia and the Pacific front-and-center of its strategic priorities and is driven by concerns that China has raced ahead in the world’s most economically dynamic region while the U.S. was tied up fighting its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in a region rife with disputes and increasingly beholden to China’s economic engine, the Pentagon is being careful its “pivot to the Pacific” doesn’t create too many waves.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is spearheading the U.S. effort to sell the new strategy in Asia, told regional defense leaders at a major security conference in Singapore that it is only natural for the Asia-Pacific to be in the spotlight because it is home to some of the world’s biggest populations and militaries.

Before moving on to Vietnam and India, Panetta said Washington will “of necessity” rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region and vowed 60 percent of the Navy’s fleet will be deployed to the Pacific by 2020. He said the U.S. presence will be more agile, flexible and high-tech. Troops may increase overall, but no major influx is expected.

Long-term allies such as Japan, Australia and South Korea strongly support a robust U.S. presence and see the shift as a welcome development.

“The U.S. has made the Asia-Pacific its top priority to reflect the fact that the world economic center of gravity now resides in this region,” said Carlyle Thayer, a professor at the University of New South Wales, in Australia.

But others worry the U.S. could try to isolate China, at the rest of Asia’s expense.

“With their enormous economic potentials, it is natural that many countries want to build good relations with both China and the United States,” Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said at the three-day Singapore meeting, which ended Sunday. “Asia is certainly big enough for all powers — established and emerging.”

U.S. officials stress they are not seeking new permanent facilities on foreign shores and instead are looking at a slew of less-threatening and less-expensive deals to rotate troops into existing bases throughout the region, step up joint military maneuvers and push for access to key ports.

“This is not a Cold War situation in which the United States charges in,” Panetta said. He assured his audience that U.S. budget problems and cutbacks of nearly $500 billion over the next decade would not get in the way of changes, and he said the Defense Department has money in its five-year budget plan to meet its goals.

The United States has for decades maintained tens of thousands of troops in South Korea and Japan. But while Washington was waging its wars elsewhere and staying relatively static in Asia, China was vastly improving its military.

Beijing has used a 500 percent increase in defense outlays over the past 13 years to develop everything from better submarines and missiles to state-of-the-art fighters, aircraft carriers and electronic warfare systems. That has helped spawn an arms race across Asia — which now has the world’s top five arms importers and will this year surpass Europe in total arms expenditures.

Concerns over China in the past were focused mostly on its claims to Taiwan, which it considers a renegade province. But that has broadened out to Beijing’s increasingly aggressively claims to the South China Sea, where it has territorial disputes with a half dozen countries.

Those rival claims came to a head in April, when the Philippine navy accused Chinese boats of fishing illegally around Scarborough Shoal, which Manila claims as part of its exclusive economic zone, but which Beijing insists has been Chinese for centuries. The standoff has yet to be resolved, though no shots have been fired.

China says its actions are justified.

“China will be especially cautious about using military force to solve the disputes,” an op-ed in the China Daily newspaper said last week. “China sticks to a defensive national defense policy, but it will firmly defend its sovereignty and territory to the best of its ability, just as any other country would.”

Even so, Beijing’s perceived heavy-handedness in such confrontations appears to be strengthening Washington’s hand:

—Singapore has agreed to allow the U.S. to deploy four new Littoral Combat Ships designed to fight close to shorelines to its main naval port starting next year. But to avoid the appearance of opening up too much, it has demanded the ships’ crews live on board while in port and their families stay elsewhere.

—Indonesia, which had only limited military relations with Washington in the 1990s because of U.S. human rights concerns, is now looking to buy a broad range of American hardware and is joining in joint maneuvers.

—The Philippines, which kicked U.S. forces bases off their soil in 1992, is actively courting increased U.S. military support, including allowing more troops in on a rotational basis.

Washington is already testing out that approach in Australia, which has agreed to allow up to 2,500 Marines to deploy to the northern city of Darwin. The Marines will use Australian facilities, not a new U.S. base, and the plan has met with little opposition. The first detachment of Marines arrived in April.

Most of the troops going to Darwin were freed up by another deal aimed at placating a key ally — an agreement with Tokyo this year to move about 9,000 Marines off of the island of Okinawa.
This is a complete coward mentality, we have to rely on us for our protection. Choosing a new trap to get rid of current one is a foolish thought. This the only example of 160 million people in the world that they can't protect themselves and show a mentality of relying on others' facility.

You obviously can NOT read or understand english. What I have said is completely opposite than what you are making up. Getting out of indian trap does not mean fall in the US trap. Rather utilizing advantage we can provide for out interest. You can not see two feet beyond your sight and you want to discuss staregic matters, we would better off if people like you stay off these topics.
You obviously can NOT read or understand english. What I have said is completely opposite than what you are making up. Getting out of indian trap does not mean fall in the US trap. Rather utilizing advantage we can provide for out interest. You can not see two feet beyond your sight and you want to discuss staregic matters, we would better off if people like you stay off these topics.

idune Bhai, please clearly spell out your position, as Munshi Bhai and myself have done, or may be I missed some posts in some other threads, as there is multiple threads for this topic.

Understanding geopolitics and strategic issues is beyond the ability of most "educated" people. So it is our job, who think we understand it better, to clearly explain it to the uninitiated. If some people have irrational views, then we have to attribute that to some inherent bias, which is a reality for most people in the world, Bangladesh and South Asia being no exception to this rule.

Geopolitical mistakes are the most costly mistakes for any nation's leadership, more costlier than corruption or any other vice, and it is unforgivable. Consider what the Mughal did giving permission to the English the license to trade or the case of Mir Jafar and Shirajuddaula, I don't want to mention 1947 and 1971, as they are more controversial, because of emotional attachment.
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