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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?

If you want to grow...you have to fall in trap of Hindu and Christian....Unless enjoy life like Pakistan......
I think the presence of US military in BD would certainly be beneficial for BD, but there is one problem... once they come here.. you cant make them leave, unless they want to. once they come, they wouldn't leave.

We left the Philippines when their government asked.

We are not at war with Bangladesh, nor are we even hostile as far as I know because Bangladesh isn't a pawn for China's interests. In light of this the natural response is cooperation, that is, expressing a willingness to cooperate to mutual benefit.

If the government formally asked us to leave I see no reason that would suggest we wouldn't. The US government would for sure try to renegotiate the terms to the host government's satisfaction first, but If Bangladesh didn't want it there I see no reason why the US wouldn't leave. Depending on the amount of troops there it might be years to fully remove the presence though.

It might put a crimp in Bangladesh-China relations as well, they wouldn't be happy. Though they couldn't really do anything overt as long as the US is there.

Unsure how it would affect relations with India. While we cooperate in many areas and have had a general trend of improved relations since the end of the cold war, I can't tell how aligned India's government views our interests and whether they'd take this proposal as a threat to India or not.

Honestly It is up to Bangladesh to decide and work out among themselves and US diplomats.
We left the Philippines when their government asked.

We are not at war with Bangladesh, nor are we even hostile as far as I know because Bangladesh isn't a pawn for China's interests. In light of this the natural response is cooperation, that is, expressing a willingness to cooperate to mutual benefit.

If the government formally asked us to leave I see no reason that would suggest we wouldn't. The US government would for sure try to renegotiate the terms to the host government's satisfaction first, but If Bangladesh didn't want it there I see no reason why the US wouldn't leave. Depending on the amount of troops there it might be years to fully remove the presence though.

It might put a crimp in Bangladesh-China relations as well, they wouldn't be happy. Though they couldn't really do anything overt as long as the US is there.

Unsure how it would affect relations with India. While we cooperate in many areas and have had a general trend of improved relations since the end of the cold war, I can't tell how aligned India's government views our interests and whether they'd take this proposal as a threat to India or not.

Honestly It is up to Bangladesh to decide and work out among themselves and US diplomats.

You brought up some good points and I would like point out few that both Bangladesh and US should take into consideration.

Indian desire is to interfere and control smaller south asian countries. India by itself can not do that. But since 9/11 india exploiting US WOT policy and actions to interfere and harm Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. Bangladeshis are killed at border every week by indian forces. India damming all major rivers and diverting water from Bangladesh which is life line for Bangladesh. India using puppet regime interfering and forcing anti Bangladesh policy.

Now indians are trying to stir up anti americanism to divert Bangladeshi public attention and resentment from its nefarious activities. Perhaps, US policy makers can see through indian agenda and design.

On evolving Bangladesh, Myanmar and SE asia relation there are some common interests that both China and US can take advantage and Bangladesh and Myanmar can benefit as well. It could be win win for all parties rather than a zero sum game as india is popagating. As long conceren parties are aware of indian motive and take action to outflank it, US, China, Bangladesh and Myanmar can benefit from evolving economic and strategic scenarios.
I think the news item is not directed at the Bangladesh public or the US or even China. It is intended to scare the Indian policy makers to become more aggressive in Bangladesh. Basically a RAW plot.

ah..here we are...i'm missing this words for days now...evil bharatis... :devil: :devil: :devil:

but here is a line for you delusional bangladeshis...you can run...but you can't hide... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



don't panic so much...India doesn't have any ill intentions just like you guys claimed.but be sure...USA has it..it may prosper you guys,but it'll make a vessel state of USA..
ah..here we are...i'm missing this words for days now...evil bharatis... :devil: :devil: :devil:

but here is a line for you delusional bangladeshis...you can run...but you can't hide... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



don't panic so much...India doesn't have any ill intentions just like you guys claimed.but be sure...USA has it..it may prosper you guys,but it'll make a vessel state of USA..

I think I will copyright the words 'Basically a RAW plot and conspiracy' and make a load of money as everyone will then have to pay a fee if they use those words in that sequence.
1.No way. We Bangladeshis don't like foreign troops on our soil. Even when they come for cyclone rescue we ask them to leave quickly.
2.When in 1970 the British Marines were a little late after their cyclone rescue work, there was an outcry. The first thing Mujib told Indira on meeting her was to ask her to withdraw her troops. For several years we have on offer from China to establish one more naval bases here. There was even an offer to place a nuclear sub.
3.But we have explained to our Chinese allies that this would get negative response from the people in the long run. It will be another matter if we are faced with an imminent invasion from India. In that case we will welcome China, Indonesia and other Muslim states.
I think I will copyright the words 'Basically a RAW plot and conspiracy' and make a load of money as everyone will then have to pay a fee if they use those words in that sequence.

yup...that delusional is a hit line in PDF..just you have to yell...."bacha bacha delusional conspiracy theory nin...sostay dichchi aj...5 ta theory 10 taka...dada,didi,boudira.." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

those who don't know bengali.."take hot collective conspiracy theory..i'm selling them cheap..5 theory only for rs.10..sir and madam..."
i am thinking as to who are more delusional ................ PAKISTANiS or BANGLADESHIS........ hmmmmmm my vote goes for BANGLADESHIS:cheesy:
China may be the future hyper power of the world in about 30-50 years, but at this moment it is not. Today that position belongs to the US. Also as a country Bangladesh has two economic pillars, Garments exports and remittance from migrant workers. Garments market is mainly in the US/West and migrant workers or expats are mainly in US allied and protected GCC states as well as US/West. Chinese economy now is around 7.4 trillion, whereas US/West economy is around 34 trillion. So the choice is obvious, beggars cannot be choosers.

Like the gentleman from US said in his post, the US will leave when Bangladesh asks them to leave, so I see no reason why Bangladesh cannot give the US a base, if they ask for it for their Asian Pivot policy:
America's Pacific Century - By Hillary Clinton | Foreign Policy
Obama pivots policy toward Asia | Stanford Daily
Power Pivot or Duffer
The American Pivot to Asia - By Kenneth Lieberthal | Foreign Policy
US Asian pivot calls for Japanese strategic response | East Asia Forum
Pacific pivot: America

I think the pivot policy will eventually fail, as China cannot be contained like Soviet Union and it will not break apart like Soviet Union. Essentially it will be just one more failed foreign policy blunders by State Dept. But that is another story. For that please look at:

But in the short and medium term, we can make lemonade out of a lemon, work with the US to:

- reduce RAW/Indian interference in Bangladesh
- keep Bangladesh secure against Indian threats (water terrorism, border violence, defaming Bangladesh as a terrorist infested state etc.)
- improve relation with Myanmar and make the road connection a reality (which is also a US-China convergence of interest)
- become a full member of ASEAN

China will always remain our close neighbor. When we want to improve our relationship with China, if the ASEAN+ project fails for some reason, we can always ask the US to leave and give the base to China instead. But ideally I would like to see that we succeed as a part of ASEAN+ union, instead of becoming a vassal state or pawn of China and see Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia ships replacing US ships, when the ASEAN+ union takes off.
I am also amazed that so many Bangladeshis here are for the US to set a naval base and even to allow US soldier's into it's soil.

This will ultimately lead to disaster for Bangladesh.

Once the US is invited in, do people honestly feel that it will leave when asked?
Now look at the example of Saudi Arabia.

If Bangladesh really feels that threatened by India then it needs to spend a much higher proportion of GDP on defence than it does now. This is no longer the days when Bangladesh had such as tiny economy that it did not have the money. Doubling the defence budget a year to 3 billion dollars won't have too much of strain in the rest of the economy.
Why put strain on your economy? Just make powerful friends and progress according to your limits.

To lose our sovereignty to an enemy of Muslims such as the US would be shameful.
Enemy of Muslims? Come on, brother

GCC nations and Turkey disagree with you.

You know what? Indians prey on your fear-mongering.
We are presently under the Indian boot. China is not coming forward to assist Bangladesh against India. The present government is keeping China at a distance. How long do you think we can keep our sovereignty safe from India? People are worried that the US will take our sovereignty but India has already taken over the country and people are dreaming that they have a choice in any of this. BD will one day have to make a deal with either India or the US. Take your pick. Do you think BD has a choice? What world are you living in? Nice to be idealistic but in the real world BD is already screwed. Somehow Bangladeshis here think they are better Muslims then every other who have allowed US presence on their territory. Why don't you join Al-Qaeda and try to get the US out of Saudi Arabia. Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, Pakistan and the dozens of Muslim countries that have military ties with the US instead of moaning on PDF. Do you think we are better Muslims for keeping the US out? Do you think anyone cares? We are a poor backward country that no one gives a **** about and we are behaving as if we can stop India by ourselves. Why did all these other Muslim countries allow US troops on their soil? To protect their sovereignty from external threats which they could not protect themselves. Since China is not forthcoming and if they were India will likely invade what choices do we have? If the US is interested to dock the Seventh Fleet in Chittagong then we should negotiate the terms so it is not offensive to China. At the same time China will soon come forward and we can have more military arrangements with them. We can then keep the Indians out.

The idea is to keep friendly ties with both the US and China. BD cannot survive by angering too many great powers. If we oppose India then we will also anger the Russians. For the rest you can throw your dumb Muslim Ummah BS in the dustbin. No Muslim country will come to our aid against India.

I am really feeling worried about You. With such scary hallucinations & idiotic fear about India I doubt you can barely sleep at night.

Please Boss, dont think much I will sum up India's stand about Bangladesh in 2 points :

1) Majority of Indians except 2-3 states in India talks or thinks about Bangladesh only during Cricket Matches or series.

2) Be Sure India will never attack Bangladesh till next 500 years if it doesnt involve itself in activities that can send India a threat like our western neighbour is doing.

Now have a sound sleep, We love Bangladesh, Its freedom & Its sovereignity. You are safe until you people care to be worth of our care.

P.S : And you can join or dont join US its your decision, you dont have to consider india while doing it
You need to get out of the Indian trap first!

I dedicate a song of Enrique Iglessias to all BDs.

Bangladesh had been in indian trap for last five years. But now there is a chance to get out of that indian trap. And Bangladesh goal should be while getting out of indian trap not falling for other propaganda, traps. First things is to do not to fall for indian originated news and propaganda. Hope that answer your question. I hope you use existing thread rather than opening new one just to ask question.

This is a complete coward mentality, we have to rely on us for our protection. Choosing a new trap to get rid of current one is a foolish thought. This the only example of 160 million people in the world that they can't protect themselves and show a mentality of relying on others' facility.

I am also amazed that so many Bangladeshis here are for the US to set a naval base and even to allow US soldier's into it's soil.

This will ultimately lead to disaster for Bangladesh.

Once the US is invited in, do people honestly feel that it will leave when asked?

If Bangladesh really feels that threatened by India then it needs to spend a much higher proportion of GDP on defence than it does now. This is no longer the days when Bangladesh had such as tiny economy that it did not have the money. Doubling the defence budget a year to 3 billion dollars won't have too much of strain in the rest of the economy.

To lose our sovereignty to an enemy of Muslims such as the US would be shameful.

Spending much behind defense is required badly...true, but I believe that will not solve the issue of security as long as weak leadership continues.
Is that your best answer? It clearly shows that you have not thought out all the issues. We cannot even protect ourselves and you're concerned about whether the US can protect us!

Why are you making bad comments just against Arabs. Dozens of non-Arab Muslim countries have made pacts with the US. Are they uncivilized also? Are you the only civilized Muslim on PDF? Are the Bangladeshis the only civilized Muslims on this earth for not having a military arrangment with the US? What other Muslims think of Bangladeshis is obvious from any airport in the world.

What angers me is that we are opposing the US because we are Muslim. This is an idiotic argument.

I'm not a good believer of religion, I strongly oppose basing right to US (though it's baseless, but saying about possibility). As most US base supporters here are arguing that it'll be a counter check to india, my question is who'll be counter check to USA when it'll start its hegemonic behavior. A population of 160 million must be capable to protect itself, it's not Bhutan who has only 5/6 million people and are not capable on many sides.

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