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Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland

It is definitely hard to emulate the success of the 2010 Delhi Games, especially from the security point of view.

Compare it to Pakistan - they couldn't even secure 15 odd Sri Lankan cricketers and India successfully secured 6,000+ international athletes. Yet some Pakistanis have the audacity to mock India.

And as UK's Telegraph put it, "India has every right to be proud".

Commonwealth Games 2010: India has every right to be proud after torrid build-up - Telegraph

Congrats Delhiites. :)
And just want to point out how wrong the Western media was.

*They predicted a large-scale terrorist attack during CWG. Australia and UK even issued severe terror attack warnings.
--No terror attack.

*They predicted that several international athletes will catch will catch dengue fever.
--All the athletes in India remained healthy throughout their stay. Some did have stomach illness but India was not at fault.

Malaysia camp blamed for swimmers' bug

*They predicted that the Nehru Stadium was damaged during the opening ceremony that the athletic events will be postponed.
--The athletics tracked was fixed within one day and every competition took place as per schedule.

*They even predicted that the closing ceremony's organization was in complete disarray and might not even take place.
Dear pakistanis y can't u appreciate something nice when u c them.. despite all the troubles in the beginning India managed to pull off great games with spectacular opening and closing ceremony.. or is the hatred so much that u have to find silly things to ridicule us...
English media still cant digest that a country, which they ruled just 63 years ago (less than a generation ago) can stage such a magnificient and brilliant sporting event and beat them in medal tally too. And their negative publicity is for the built up towards the next CWG to be held in Scotland. Since they cant beat India in amount of money and resources mobilized, they are trying to portray Delhi CWG as a mismanaged affair. So that after a mediocre Glasgow CWG, they can "proudly" project that despite of spending far less money, they managed to deliver a "Pure Sporting event, without chaos, noise and lavish spending of taxpayer's money"

And as for australian media, they have yet to learn humility. They are a poor losers, arrogant people. See how their atheletes reacted to Indian cricket victory over australia? Or how they so vehemently publicized the "tunnel of Hell" experience (as if the other 71 countries' athletes were waiting in AC tunnels)?
It is definitely hard to emulate the success of the 2010 Delhi Games, especially from the security point of view.

Compare it to Pakistan - they couldn't even secure 15 odd Sri Lankan cricketers and India successfully secured 6,000+ international athletes. Yet some Pakistanis have the audacity to mock India.

And as UK's Telegraph put it, "India has every right to be proud".

Commonwealth Games 2010: India has every right to be proud after torrid build-up - Telegraph

Congrats Delhiites. :)
Hey mate,its a time for every Indian to be proud off.
As the Telegraph said,"India has the right to be proud off"
It wasn't just Delhi,The security forces,the volunteers,the Indian athletes were from all over India.
Delhi just hosted it,provided the facilities.
Congrats Indians.
Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland

hey.. it's the next host country saying this. who are we to disagree with them? they know what hard work they will have to put thru to organise a games of this magnitude, unlike quite a few professional event managers in this forum!!
Commonwealth Games 2010: Delhi event hailed a success

BBC Sport - Commonwealth Games 2010: Delhi event hailed a success

Commonwealth Games chief Mike Fennell hailed Delhi 2010 a success despite the event getting off to a troubled start.
The Games overcame concerns on security and infrastructure to end with a lively closing ceremony, as the hosts' mantle was officially passed to Glasgow 2014.
"Delhi has performed," said Fennell. "The competition has gone well, the venues were of a high standard and the athletes are happy.
"We had to deal with a number of issues but the end result has been good."
Fennell conceded that the decision to award the Games to Delhi had been questioned in many quarters as preparations fell behind schedule.

The best realistic legacy that I can hope for is that the Commonwealth Games of 2010 mark the emergence of India as a power at future big sporting events
There were serious problems with the athletes' village and certain venues, while other setbacks included a collapsed pedestrian footbridge, ticketing confusion, poor crowds and big-name withdrawals.
But Fennell maintained that Delhi deserved the chance to stage its first multi-sport event since the 1982 Asian Games and insisted it had proved a worthy host.
"Before the Games people were asking me 'why are you going to India? Why are you going to Delhi? When are you going to cancel the Games?'," he said.
"But we felt it was our job to fix what was wrong not give up. A year out from the Games people asked 'what is your Plan B?' I said 'our Plan B is Delhi'.
"I don't blame the media for exposing what had to be exposed. It was important to expose some of the fundamental problems and that helped. It helped us to get action going in some areas.

Gold medals and total medals won:
1. Australia 74 gold, 177 overall
2. India 38, 101
3. England 37, 142
4. Canada 26, 75
5. South Africa 12, 33
10. Scotland 9, 26
13. Northern Ireland 3, 10
15. Wales 2, 19
"People have seen an extremely positive image of the Games through television, right across the world."
Fennell accepted that a tough task lay ahead in persuading top athletes - such as Jamaican sprint sensation Usain Bolt - to fit the Games into their calendars in the future after opting not to compete in Delhi.
"We have to look at the timing of our event - October is the end of the season for track and field athletes - and a lot of athletes were put off by the reports on a lack of preparedness and chose to pull out," he said.
"Also in hindsight I think more could have been done to mobilise spectators as it was disappointing that in the early days of the Games a lot of stands were empty.
"We have to make sure we present the Games in a more positive way and rebuild that demand in the lead-up to Glasgow 2014."

We're hosting the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, let's get the Scots out, cheering the home team on and hopefully we'll see some outstanding performances from the Scottish team
Glasgow 2014 chief executive John Scott
Delhi 2010 organising committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi was jeered at the start of his closing speech, but remained upbeat in his assessment of the Games.
"For the athletes it has been a life-changing experience. For India it has been a new beginning in sports," he told a capacity crowd at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.
"For the world it has been evidence of what India can do on the sporting stage. This is a new era for Indian sport. All this has made what has turned out to be the largest, the most watched and the most enjoyable Games ever.
"A month ago, questions were being asked whether the Games would be held at all. We drew inspiration from [India's first prime minister Jawaharlal] Nehru: 'Success does not come suddenly or without setbacks'."
Kalmadi, who called the experience an "amazing journey in the face of series of roadblocks", added: "We remained committed to our task. We have learnt a lot and continue to learn.

I really do believe that Delhi has exceeded most expectations. Of course there have been problems but the end result was well worth waiting for
"The Games displayed India's ability to stand up and show the world what we can achieve, despite being faced with adversity. This is not the end. In fact this is just the beginning."
The two-and-a-half hour closing ceremony - a dance, music and fireworks spectacular attended by India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Prince Edward - gave a finishing sparkle to the 11-day event.
Archer Nicky Hunt, who won two gold medals, carried England's flag and shooter Jon Hammond did the honours for Scotland after becoming his country's most prolific medal-winning athlete in a single Games with four.
Rob Weale, who won gold on Wednesday and now has a Games record six lawn bowls medals, took Wales' flag and silver medallist Steven Ward of Northern Ireland, part of the most successful boxing team at the Games, was his country's carrier.
Following Kalmadi's speech, the Commonwealth Games flag was officially handed over to Scotland and Glasgow 2014 chief executive John Scott outlined his aims.
A team of Scottish performers then wowed the crowd with a modern take on their country's heritage. It was full of music, colour and dance, with kilt-clad bagpipe players and even a mock Loch Ness monster.

There are people here who have learned a huge amount about staging major sporting events - The expertise they have gleaned needs to be capitalised upon and consolidated
"Indians have been doing very well here and that's great for India to be succeeding," said Scott. "This is the one thing we want to give to Scotland.
"We're hosting the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, let's get the Scots out, cheering the home team on and hopefully we'll see some outstanding performances from the Scottish team."
The ceremony followed a day of competition in which India won a late badminton gold to leapfrog England into second place in the final medals table.
India's athletes performed beyond all expectations, with highlights including a memorable triumph for their women's 4x400m relay team and 10 wrestling golds.
Yet Australia were comfortably the most successful nation with 74 golds to India's 38 and England's 37. Scotland were 10th with nine golds, Northern Ireland 13th with three and Wales 15th with two.
Australian Alicia Coutts claimed five golds in the pool, while compatriot and fellow swimmer Leisel Jones collected the 10th Commonwealth gold of her career.
"Yes, a lot of top competitors were missing," said BBC athletics commentator Steve Cram. "But there were some undoubted talents coming to the fore here in Delhi and a sprinkling of world-class stars.
"It would be nice if more of the nations supported it. The Commonwealth Games has a valid place in world sport."
I am thinking where is that moron Iliyas Kashmiri,h predicted mass attacks during Hockey world cup,CWG and Cricket World cup,two events had completely passed

He must had taught the security cover here must b just like Pakistan

Where is that moron hiding
Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland

hey.. it's the next host country saying this. who are we to disagree with them? they know what hard work they will have to put thru to organise a games of this magnitude, unlike quite a few professional event managers in this forum!!

so people start realizing that it's a challage to organise a games of this magnitude ...

very well !!
Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland

New Delhi: Scotland, which hosts the next Commonwealth Games, is highly impressed with Delhi's success in holding the multi-sport event, which it says will prove a "challenge to emulate" in Glasgow in 2014. Scotland is also keen to scale up economic, energy and educational collaboration between the two sides.

"Holding a multi-sporting event is a challenge for any country in the world. Delhi hosted very successful Commonwealth Games. It will be a challenge to emulate," Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond, who heads the provincial Scottish government, said.

"India is a major sporting power and a major world power. Scotland will have to be on our march to match the colour, vibrancy and spectacular nature of the opening ceremony," Salmond said.
Glasgow was officially handed over the flag by Delhi Thursday night for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Salmond, an ardent proponent of Scottish independence, said he was enthused by the performance of Scotland, which won 26 medals, including nine Gold medals. He was also highly impressed with the "fantastic time" he had at the athletes' village.

Blending sports and business, Salmond, who came here Monday on his maiden visit, is juggling time between meeting senior Indian ministers, businessmen and educationists to promote ties between India and Scotland, a semi-autonomous province of the United Kingdom with a population of around five million.

In his interaction with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Salmond shared his ideas for taking business, education and energy ties between India and Scotland, home to 35,000 Indians, to another level. "We see a huge potential in the business relationship between India and Scotland. Indian companies have invested 700 million pounds in Scotland, creating 3,200 jobs. We want to double and even treble trade and investment in the next five years." He said that 16 Scottish companies are already operating in India.

Forging closer collaboration in education and research is another promising area. "Scotland has a global reputation for research and the quality of its educational institutions. We want to develop joint ventures with India in developing intellectual capital and in nurturing medicinal products," he said.

Scotland and India Tuesday signed four educational agreements to promote joint research in fields like biotechnology and bio-informatics, diabetes and foot care training, IT and video games.

The Scottish government has identified India as a key focus country for expanding strategic and economic engagement. Scotland's Minister for External Affairs Fiona Hyslop has published an India Plan that focuses on four key areas - tourism, education and science, trade and investment, and cultural links.

Around 4,000 Indian students also study in Scottish colleges and universities and nearly 20 Bollywood films have been shot in picturesque locales in Scotland.

Bilateral collaboration in energy holds huge potential, said Salmond, while pointing out that Scotland is a global leader in renewable energy that accounts for 40 percent of its electricity requirements.

Scotland, potentially Europe's green energy powerhouse, is estimated to have 206 Gigawatts of practical offshore wind, wave and tidal resource, worth around 200 billion pounds.

Scotland has offered its expertise to India in developing off-shore wind energy and proposed a plan to map India's offshore energy which could be worth 60 Gw, said Salmond. Scottish Energy Minister Jim Mather is expected to come to India next month with 12 top energy companies to discuss these proposals in greater detail, said Salmond.

Delhi's CWG success tough to emulate, says Scotland | NDTV.com

Are you kidding or what. The Delhi CWG was a success in a Bollywood film, are you living in real world or just dreaming like most Indians. Shameful Delhi CWG according to Indian press and international media was a complete fiasco and failure proving that the CIO would never let India organize the Olympic even in 100 years. The DELHI CWG WAS A SHAME FOR INDIA. Poor infrastructure quality, doubtful water quality of the swimming pool, dengue epidemic outbreak, the games village with human faecal wastes every where given that there is no toilet in India, delegation threatening to withdraw, all stadiums are mostly empty, terrorist bomb alert, no world records, no outstanding performance, absence of international reputed athletes, poor hygienic conditions, collapse of a roof and a gateway in a stadium, defective balance for the boxing tournament, ineffective communication of results to the press, 3 doping cases reported, participants suffering of gastro diseases, no international media coverage for instance US and French media have not reported one article on the CWG except regarding the poor and ineffective organisation of the games, no technological use of infrastructure etc etc, all these testify that the CWG was a failure and a shame for humanity. The Delhi CWG has made humanity return back in the 50's or prehistoric ages. In the Closing ceremony Micheal Fennell president of the Games Federation has confessed that the best well known athletes need to be attracted that there were only only 2nd catergory and junior athletes participating in th CWG and he further added that it is essential to rebuild the CWG image and reputation for the next Glasgow CWG in 2014 given that the Delhi Games had tarnished the reputation of the declining CWG event and that well known athletes had refused to participate.
All participants agreed that the Melbourne games were better in terms of organisational capacity and infrastruture. Just like Mr Keith Nigel Hyliger abd Sepp Blatter the current FIFA president, they do not think that India could be able to organize international sports event like the Olympic or the World Cup like China and South Africa did and just like Brazil will do.
The CWG has higlighted to all the World that India is still a third world country which is good only to purchase US and Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction with no organizational capacity and lagging far behind CHina which had orgainzed really the best extravaganza Olympic in 2008, the mega Shanghai World Expo 2010 and in November the best ever Asian Games.
India has tallied second in medal ranking dominating England the latter having sent only their junior participants just like all the other commonwealth countries (while India has sent its best athletes), we will see if India could be second in Asia or else if China, South Korea, Japan would dominate as usual. We can also make a comparaison of the Asian and Delhi CWG games interms of organizational capacity and infrastruture. In fact all infrastructures are already ready since one year for the Asian Guangzhou Games just like for the Beijing Olympic and several tests of the infrastructure can be made while this had not been the case for the Shameful Delhi CWG.
We cannot compare the Beiging Olympic with the shameful CWG as the former is an international event while the latter is just a declining regional and now shameful event. The real comparaison would be betweeen the Guangzhou Asian Games. Lets wait in November 2010and see.
Anyway the Shameful Delhi CWG was indeed a fiasco and a failure, a shame for human beings. Pakistan would have certainly done better.:china::pakistan::victory::yahoo::bounce:
pakistan cwg ...........lol. cant provide security to 15 men how they gonna provide security to 6000 athletes. lol. begging is the national game of pakistan

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