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Keep pretending that whatever happens is happen bcz of Muslisms, I never said that Hindus Started the conflict neither I said Muslims were innocnet, what I really was trying to explain is that "when an Ignorant and extremist become a leader of a nation the Nation pay the price for it, and when I said Nation it includes everyone, I mean everyone, let me repeat once again I mean everyone whether they are Muslims Hindus Sikhs Christians or any other Religions, It happened in Nazi Germany it happened in Yugoslavia and will happen in India if Indian People continue to support an aggressive Leaders like Modi.

You have no right to say our PM as Ignorant and extremist. He followed the democratic process of India and became PM of my nation. And linking everything to NaMo doesn't suites to your level of education.
Your words are like just because some unnoticed random pakistani doesn't want NaMo as PM of India, all Indians have to obey that unnoticed random pakistani.
This is not your land of puure, this is our country our decision, but I just want our decision doesn't harm any Indians. That's it.
Conversely clean shaved person can also be islamist (or be proponent of exceptionalism wrt islam) and support sharia law.

true... just today ( in koramangala area, bangalore ), i saw a clean-shaven young fellow on a scooter with probably his wife on the back seat... she wore burqa...

and i have spoken to clean-shaven young fellows who speak of ladies in moralistic terms... words like "decency" were thrown about...

its incorrect to assume all bearded/burqa clad people are crazy islamist.. in my experience appearance is deceiving.

true again... about two years back, i was browsing in a internet parlor... there was a burqa'ed lady sitting on the next seat... her face was uncovered though... and she opened the conversation by asking my help in filling a job application form for a government teacher's position... she must have about 27 and pretty... she was clearly flirting... and i moved to sit very close to her...

i am not lying... :-)

For many its a panacea to all evils that they think is in western society (girls wearing revealing cloths... heavy metal music etc) and also islamic countries (if only they had 'real' sharia law..is what they say)

well, that is just their cultural prejudices against ladies... "islam" is just the garment...
Lol this who did what non-sense is still going on? And as usual it's the Indians who're giving some non-sense about who did what.
Liaquat Ali Khan was a punjabi muslim. The very name Pakistan is attributed to Choudhary Rehmat Ali who was also a Punjabi Muslim. Sikandar Hayat Khan etc. etc. It was the erst-while Punjabi Unionist party that changed the game when it comes to creation of Pakistan. Had they not taken the cause with both hands, who knows what history would have looked like? Some Indians sure know how to keep pulling certain agendas. They have truly mastered this art.
You have no right to say our PM as Ignorant and extremist. He followed the democratic process of India and became PM of my nation. And linking everything to NaMo doesn't suites to your level of education.
Your words are like just because some unnoticed random pakistani doesn't want NaMo as PM of India, all Indians have to obey that unnoticed random pakistani.
This is not your land of puure, this is our country our decision, but I just want our decision doesn't harm any Indians. That's it.
Well first of all I never said directly that it is your PM who is Ignorant and extremist and for instance if I do think that you did have taken it that way than I reckon you are quite active watching and reading daily media resources who consider your PM a master mind behind Gujrat attacks, A good example is "NEW YORK: A US court has issued summons against the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his role in the anti-Muslim massacre in Gujarat during 2002 when he was Chief Minister of the state."
Secondly, I never accused your PM that he has taken a short routes and became a PM and if I have than I definitely would like you read my post thrice before you post a reply.
Finally, I can make a good gesture that you have declared your PM as your God, if I am not wrong that NaMo means God in Sanskrit so I suppose their is nothing left to debate on. I personally hate extremists, hypocrites, narrow minded religiously extremists & by the looks of your words your qualities of a response defines them all.
And yes you are right I personally don't want some extremist NaMo as a PM of India, as we are neighbors, any decisions made by your PM can effect the entire region, where billions of other innocent people live, and by the way I don't consider myself just being a Pakistani but I consider myself as a Global Citizen. Ignorant extremists like you(as your words defines you) have nothing to do with the peace or prosperity of India, what they really want is to fulfill their act of hatred against minorities specially and specifically against Muslims.
And every land is a Land of Pure because every land has given a birth to great People, India also certainly has, a good example for you is Bhagat Sing, Nehru, Gandhi and so on, by calling India not a land of pure you are insulting your own Mother Land this can describe your ignorance and an extremist attitude towards everyone who is not a radical extremist Hindu.
And in the end you said "but I just want our decision doesn't harm any Indians. That's it." well if you look at the situation all in all since your PM has taken a command in his hand, in coming future you will certainly repeat this sentence like this "I just want our decision some how can be rectified, thats it"
On other side, I would like to know why their parents produced six children when they were not in good economical position? To increase their population?

OT:- This is a very sad but crude reality, no matter what the issue is, always women are made targets. A simple road side fight turns in verbal abuse of Maa ki..., Bahen Ki..., etc etc. to sever riots where women is disrobed of her prestige. Its always the weaker sex which has to bear the burnt of what ever is done by man. I dont know what to say but this happened all around the world.

their parents produced 6 children hoping maybe maybe one of them makes good fortune, their fathers are jobless and living on handouts and begged food so they stay home and what to do at home when you have nothing to do???
India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.
Mate if this really happens in the near future we'll ensure that the Dharmification of all the minorities to ensure the stability of this country just like what your Govt. did in Xinxiang or in T.A.R.Plus the muslim population of India is around 180 millions which is roughly 15% of the Indian population as per the latest Census.Yeah it's true that they haven't yet declared the results because the then ruling UPA Govt. thought that this information of dividing people in the name of religion is against the "Secular" fabric of this nation which itself was quite a stupid logic.I know this because several of my relatives are at high positions in the Central Govt. and one of them works at the Ministry of Home Affairs.Plus you must also remember the fact that a thrid of the Indian Muslims are Shia plus there are a significant no. of Ahmedis and hence the muslim community is itself divided pretty badly in terms of demography.Now the Average Shia citizen tends to more loyal to this country.So there is absolutely no chance of India getting turned into an Islamic majority country in the near future.
Well first of all I never said directly that it is your PM who is Ignorant and extremist and for instance if I do think that you did have taken it that way than I reckon you are quite active watching and reading daily media resources who consider your PM a master mind behind Gujrat attacks, A good example is "NEW YORK: A US court has issued summons against the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his role in the anti-Muslim massacre in Gujarat during 2002 when he was Chief Minister of the state."
Secondly, I never accused your PM that he has taken a short routes and became a PM and if I have than I definitely would like you read my post thrice before you post a reply.
Finally, I can make a good gesture that you have declared your PM as your God, if I am not wrong that NaMo means God in Sanskrit so I suppose their is nothing left to debate on. I personally hate extremists, hypocrites, narrow minded religiously extremists & by the looks of your words your qualities of a response defines them all.
And yes you are right I personally don't want some extremist NaMo as a PM of India, as we are neighbors, any decisions made by your PM can effect the entire region, where billions of other innocent people live, and by the way I don't consider myself just being a Pakistani but I consider myself as a Global Citizen. Ignorant extremists like you(as your words defines you) have nothing to do with the peace or prosperity of India, what they really want is to fulfill their act of hatred against minorities specially and specifically against Muslims.
And every land is a Land of Pure because every land has given a birth to great People, India also certainly has, a good example for you is Bhagat Sing, Nehru, Gandhi and so on, by calling India not a land of pure you are insulting your own Mother Land this can describe your ignorance and an extremist attitude towards everyone who is not a radical extremist Hindu.
And in the end you said "but I just want our decision doesn't harm any Indians. That's it." well if you look at the situation all in all since your PM has taken a command in his hand, in coming future you will certainly repeat this sentence like this "I just want our decision some how can be rectified, thats it"

Who told you that NaMo means god ? NaMo is short name for our PM Narendra Modi.

If one US court's summon is your source to decide Modi's actions then your country is to be blamed for the whole problem of the world.

Ignorant extremists like you(as your words defines you) have nothing to do with the peace or prosperity of India, what they really want is to fulfill their act of hatred against minorities specially and specifically against Muslims.

And stop barking about rights of minorities as everyone in this world knew **** track record in this matter.

I personally hate extremists, hypocrites, narrow minded religiously extremists & by the looks of your words your qualities of a response defines them all.
Your nation was founded by the same extremists, hypocrites, narrow minded religiously extremists. I know you are is full retard mode as you forgot the pills.

Again I'm repeating We don't need a random **** to decide who should be our PM or President and if you are very concerned about this region better you stop exporting the islamist scumbags from your land of pure(?!).

Replying to you is waste of time. Anyway I cannot blame you because syllabus in land of pure(?!) is like that.
Who told you that NaMo means god ? NaMo is short name for our PM Narendra Modi.

If one US court's summon is your source to decide Modi's actions then your country is to be blamed for the whole problem of the world.

And stop barking about rights of minorities as everyone in this world knew **** track record in this matter.

Your nation was founded by the same extremists, hypocrites, narrow minded religiously extremists. I know you are is full retard mode as you forgot the pills.

Again I'm repeating We don't need a random **** to decide who should be our PM or President and if you are very concerned about this region better you stop exporting the islamist scumbags from your land of pure(?!).

Replying to you is waste of time. Anyway I cannot blame you because syllabus in land of pure(?!) is like that.

woohoo, look who is replying? if you really had concerned about your nations as whole not just about Hindus than you would have never said what you just said in your statement, "And stop barking about rights of minorities as everyone in this world knew **** track record in this matter." I will bark and will continue barking until People like you will clean up their filthy ear drums just like their brains, I know reality hurts but thats what happened with your respected PM.

Now with your statement as you said "If one US court's summon is your source to decide Modi's actions then your country is to be blamed for the whole problem of the world." what do you think? if anyone from Pakistan was involved in terrorists attacks around the world than you reckon US Government is so good that it would have never attacked Pakistan? Well you are nothing but a narrow minded individual not even Indian, please dont call yourself Indian bcz you are an Insult for Indians. We let Americans to execute drone attacks, and kill every single one of them who are involved in insurgency inside or outside of Pakistan.
what you have did? The person who is a key blamer for the Gujrat attacks you have made him a PM? Is this your Justice you were talking about minorities? is this how you treat minorities in India? that whoever kill them burn their houses rape their women he will earn the popularity bw extremists Hindus, I will repeat once again bcz i know your eyes are quite blur & i bet you wear glasses, EXTREMISTS HINDUS. I have hundreds of Hindu friends who are respectful, humble, intelligent and sober, but what I have found about you is you r just like other extremists Hindus you have a narrow mind and an aggressive behavior. Face the reality, smell the humus mate, stay calm and think before you write or say something, people around the world are not fool, and yes you are right I shouldn't response to your posts anyway, bcz no matter how many times i will try to explain you things at the end of the day you will come back with a same attitude, People like you just cant except to be dominated, they forget to realize that learning and understanding everyday is the vital part of our life, we born as students and we die as students.

Let me tell you the reality my friend, every single blast we had in Pakistan v had sources that it was executed from Delhi and Israel,(India and Israel have really strong Intelligence co-operation, but we never blamed), you know why, you ignorant? bcz the entire world's Intelligence agencies has an agreement bw each other that if they find out any clues regarding any terrorist activities in the world executed by any Intelligence agency it will never be out spoken in Public. Only those are out spoken which have been executed directly by the Country's own Intelligence, like 9/11 or your 26/11, this is the world of darkness you have no idea what you are talking about, remove the blanket of clumsiness and face the reality, if you are patriotic its a good thing and I respect you for that, bcz I hate hypocrites, but don't be a judgmental a*hole bcz it will only shrink up your brain and you will lose the ability to learn more. I urge you to dig first before you write anything in here, I have friends with me from India and they are more than Patriotic than you are, but they simply use their brain, they don't think from their balls hanging down bw their legs.

If you call the entire race of Muslims a Terrorists than I suppose you are nothing but a fool.
woohoo, look who is replying? if you really had concerned about your nations as whole not just about Hindus than you would have never said what you just said in your statement, "And stop barking about rights of minorities as everyone in this world knew **** track record in this matter." I will bark and will continue barking until People like you will clean up their filthy ear drums just like their brains, I know reality hurts but thats what happened with your respected PM.

Now with your statement as you said "If one US court's summon is your source to decide Modi's actions then your country is to be blamed for the whole problem of the world." what do you think? if anyone from Pakistan was involved in terrorists attacks around the world than you reckon US Government is so good that it would have never attacked Pakistan? Well you are nothing but a narrow minded individual not even Indian, please dont call yourself Indian bcz you are an Insult for Indians. We let Americans to execute drone attacks, and kill every single one of them who are involved in insurgency inside or outside of Pakistan.
what you have did? The person who is a key blamer for the Gujrat attacks you have made him a PM? Is this your Justice you were talking about minorities? is this how you treat minorities in India? that whoever kill them burn their houses rape their women he will earn the popularity bw extremists Hindus, I will repeat once again bcz i know your eyes are quite blur & i bet you wear glasses, EXTREMISTS HINDUS. I have hundreds of Hindu friends who are respectful, humble, intelligent and sober, but what I have found about you is you r just like other extremists Hindus you have a narrow mind and an aggressive behavior. Face the reality, smell the humus mate, stay calm and think before you write or say something, people around the world are not fool, and yes you are right I shouldn't response to your posts anyway, bcz no matter how many times i will try to explain you things at the end of the day you will come back with a same attitude, People like you just cant except to be dominated, they forget to realize that learning and understanding everyday is the vital part of our life, we born as students and we die as students.

Let me tell you the reality my friend, every single blast we had in Pakistan v had sources that it was executed from Delhi and Israel,(India and Israel have really strong Intelligence co-operation, but we never blamed), you know why, you ignorant? bcz the entire world's Intelligence agencies has an agreement bw each other that if they find out any clues regarding any terrorist activities in the world executed by any Intelligence agency it will never be out spoken in Public. Only those are out spoken which have been executed directly by the Country's own Intelligence, like 9/11 or your 26/11, this is the world of darkness you have no idea what you are talking about, remove the blanket of clumsiness and face the reality, if you are patriotic its a good thing and I respect you for that, bcz I hate hypocrites, but don't be a judgmental a*hole bcz it will only shrink up your brain and you will lose the ability to learn more. I urge you to dig first before you write anything in here, I have friends with me from India and they are more than Patriotic than you are, but they simply use their brain, they don't think from their balls hanging down bw their legs.

If you call the entire race of Muslims a Terrorists than I suppose you are nothing but a fool.

பிப்பிளிகாபியாபி....... :)

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