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Delhi under Hindutva attack: Women describe how Diwali riot escalated into sexual threat

If modi continues, either india will flourish or it will go to a civil war. With the way things are going, seems like he is taking it towards civil war.
If modi continues, either india will flourish or it will go to a civil war. With the way things are going, seems like he is taking it towards civil war.

India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.
India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.
Agreed. And such incidents add fuel to the fire.
Sonal Bhadoria
October 28, 2014

10 Reasons Why The Handling of The Trilokpuri Riots Baffles Us

The communal riots that started on Diwali night and continued unchecked for 3 days have raised many baffling and unanswered questions.

1. Why did the police arrive 2 hours late after the first reports of violence?


The calls went out after the first incidents of violence, but the response was delayed.

2. Intelligence agencies had warned states of communal clashes during the festive season. Why didn’t the Delhi police pay heed to this?


3. Did the Delhi police have some instructions from the political masters to hold back?


What else can explain the fact that despite the presence of police officials, RAF, additional forces, water cannon and riots control vehicles, the hooligans were able to gather, pelt stones and fire shots on the second and third day.

4. Why was an ex-BJP MLA allowed to lead a mob in a communally charged atmosphere?


There are reports that former BJP MLA Sunil Kumar Vaidya visited the area a day after the tensions began and allegedly instigated people for a fresh round of violence.

5. Why was the MLA from Trilokpuri, AAP’s Raju Dhingan missing in action?


Being his constituency, wasn’t it his responsibility to be pro-active and ensure peace? Surfacing after days, this is what he had to say, “It was not at all communal tension. Some anti-social elements have tried to disturb peace of the area and we will teach them a lesson in the next elections.”

6. Why was section 144 not imposed immediately?


Section 144 of CrPc does not allow assembly of five or more persons, carrying of arms, banners and placards and shouting of slogans in disturbed areas. The deputy commissioner of Police has the authority to impose it on the basis of ground reports. Why did he wait for the third day to issue the orders, when the violence had gotten out of hand?

7. Why was a ‘Mata ki chowki Jagran’ organized outside a mosque on Diwali night?


It is a special worship offered during the navratras, which ended weeks back. And why just outside another religious place of worship, a sure shot way to create communal tension?

8. Why weren’t sufficient police forces deployed in Trilokpuri after the Diwali night incident?


This despite the fact that Trilokpuri is a declared sensitive location, owing to the 1984 Sikh riots?

9. Who allowed the outsiders in?


After the first day of violence, how were outsiders allowed to gather in large number in the area? Why didn’t the police monitor suspicious entries and exits?

10. Did the police really discriminate while detaining people?


There are reports that the police has been illegally detaining men of particular communities, and allowing unauthorized people to enter the police stations.

10 Reasons Why The Handling of The Trilokpuri Riots Baffles Us
Why was a ‘Mata ki chowki Jagran’ organized outside a mosque on Diwali night?
Why should it not? Freedom to practise religion is there in India. I sure don't want to hear azaan at times. Does not mean I will go and throw stones at the loudspeaker. Why can't the people tolerate a temporary structure that does not block traffic even for a couple of days?
7. Why was a ‘Mata ki chowki Jagran’ organized outside a mosque on Diwali night?

that is easy... this year, one of my neighbors installed a much bigger ganesha idol during the ganesha festival, with more number of people attending the rituals... same has happened all over india this year... and the reason is modi becoming the prime minister.
India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.
sure.. when UK has muslim majority, we will get sharia law.. but I guess that time will never come.. so just chill :)
Besides BJP rule wont last forever, congress might bounce back in 5 years, we have elections every 5 years.
Why should it not? Freedom to practise religion is there in India. I sure don't want to hear azaan at times. Does not mean I will go and throw stones at the loudspeaker. Why can't the people tolerate a temporary structure that does not block traffic even for a couple of days?
well, for that you already have many destroyed masajid to your credit.. ! Babri Masjid even remember :astagh: ? champ of secularism..

India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.
Nor Muslim minorities in northwest provinces of Xinjiang, Gansu, and Ningxia of China, would appreciate crack down on them..by anti-Muslim squad... tough to digest ? have a hajmula.. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::hitwall:
for that you already have many destroyed masajid to your credit..
Guess we fell far short of the threshold, considering the only Babri is the only 'structure*' that comes to mind.
*Supreme Court's statement, not mine.

Secondly, I am not personally secular, the Constitution is. I need to abide by it. You won't understand. Thanks.
sure.. when UK has muslim majority, we will get sharia law.

just to say, the beards and burqas in britain calling for "sharia law" are not muslim... they are fake-muslim... munaf**... the real teachings of islam go contrary to these fools. :-)

the next time you meet such a person, ask them their opinion on muslim socialist societies like libyan jamahiriya ( where islami socialism plus more were actually implemented ) and muslim socialist heroes like jamal abdul nasser.

the beard or the burqa will have the exact same opinion as the western bloc governments and their disinfo-propaganda agencies like bbc.

Secondly, I am not personally secular, the Constitution is. I need to abide by it. You won't understand. Thanks.

:tup: You are right about many here not understanding that.

India even deliberately hid the results of their 2011 census when it came to religion.

Clearly the Indian Muslim population (which has a much higher total fertility rate than the rest) is booming in terms of population.

When India has the largest Muslim population in the world, I don't think the Indian Muslims will accept being ruled by people like Modi and his kind.

Even if the census didn't show religion, an election could still show some effect of substantial population increase. That doesn't seem to have happened anywhere (with the possible exception of West Bengal but even there, other factors worked including the BJP's complete absence previously) There may be some increase, not huge
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just to say, the beards and burqas in britain calling for "sharia law" are not muslim
That's your PoV. I don't see them violate any pillar of Islam. In case you want otherwise, YOU go and tell them that they are not Muslims.

this year, one of my neighbors installed a much bigger ganesha idol during the ganesha festival, with more number of people attending the rituals
If you are genuinely offended by a temporary installation of a Ganesh idol during Ganesh Chaturthi, then I suggest you suffer silently. That's the only thing you are peacefully allowed to do in the Constitution. Nothing to do with Modi.
In case you want otherwise, YOU go and tell them that they are not Muslims.

been doing that for many years.

That's your PoV. I don't see them violate any pillar of Islam.

ask them the conditions and method of the islami way of wedding and marriage life... but you think you a sangh supporter will tell me now what islam is... :-)

remember, i am a socialist of the extreme type... and i know what real islam is... though i seek a post-religion humanity which will be governed under socialism.
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