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Delhi under Hindutva attack: Women describe how Diwali riot escalated into sexual threat

There may be some increase, not huge
Unless they are resorting to cloning, most unofficial estimates point to a 15.6% at maximum. Conservative estimates lead to 14.4%.

This includes everyone who thinks themselves as Muslims - like Ahmedias and Shias.

The Sunni population is around 10%
Sad to see where India is heading to. The last bastion of a calm and peaceful subcontinent is falling prey to ever increasing intolerance and violence
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I have read them all. Now don't ask me what I think about them. I won't answer that question. :devil:

all of them including the libyan great green charter?? how could you read that and not immediately call yourself a jamahiri??

but i think you have not read it... nor have you read the other works...

just so i confirm... i ask you what i asked you to ask the burqas and beards... what is the islami conditions and method of islami wedding and marriage life?? and how does that compare to what "muslims" in india are practicing...

you don't need to give me your opinion, give me just the comparisons...
Sad to see where India is heading to. The last bastion of a calm and peaceful subcontinent is falling prey to ever increasing intolerance and violence
I have no issues with that. For the contradictions with the Quran or hadiths, - that may be a concern for you. Not mine.

that was my very point... those "muslims" in india ( or britain, where hinduguy lives ) are not following actual islam... they follow external rituals and traditions...

anyway... like i said before, i seek a post-religion humanity which would be governed by socialism... please do read the "worldwide government" thread.
@Oscar lol If your last bastion was India then you've got some pretty low standards bro. Hope is not near. :lol:
The lame is high in this one.

Lame, as in catering to Indians for peace in the "sub-continent"?

You mahajers only had to transfer your bank accounts, while we Punjabis fought tooth and nail for survival. My grandmother walked on foot to Pakistan, while being attacked by drunk Sikh sardars. For you it is only a game while we left our lands for a Muslim nation. It irks me that you rather relate to your bretheren from across the border, than people that spit on their land and wealth for Pakistan.

And then you pseudo-seculars question the identity of Pakistan. This infuriates me to no end.

The people across the border are more important to you than the us Punjabi Pakistanis. What did we give our lives for? For some pseudo-intellectual Karachiite to make lovey dovey with Indians. It is because of people like you that Pakistan is not a united nation. Please, I insist you blame mullahs for your inadequacies.
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To make some points clear, The whole Project Pakistan was headed by a Gujarati Shia and run by Bhaiyya ( AMU chaap ) muslims of UP.

You people were inconsequential before actual Radcliffe line was drawn on map.

The points you bring up are either, or. In reality, Pakistani Punjabis neither liked Sikhs or Hindus.
That is not the point. Even muslims living in India despise Kuffar.

Point is that all the heavy lifting, ie preparing intellectual and political ground for Pakistan, was done first by Bengali Muslims ( Pre WW I era ) and then by Bhaiyya ( AMU chaap ) Muslim ( Post WW I).

Had they not done that , you would still be living in India while being oppressed by ze ebil Yindooo.

Muhajirs are primary guardians of legacy of Pakistan.

Pakistan or not, we would have massacred Hindus and Sikhs under the umbrella of India.
How come?

Sikhs and Hindus used to outnumber you ( 3:1 ) even in undivided India. They would have called for reinforcement.

And if partition is anything to go by, even muslims could not compete with Sikhs in strike rate.

I am talking Punjab where Muslims were always majority.

Sikhs were massacred,stripped naked and sent home to India. Forget the strike rate.
just to say, the beards and burqas in britain calling for "sharia law" are not muslim... they are fake-muslim... munaf**... the real teachings of islam go contrary to these fools. :-)

the next time you meet such a person, ask them their opinion on muslim socialist societies like libyan jamahiriya ( where islami socialism plus more were actually implemented ) and muslim socialist heroes like jamal abdul nasser.

the beard or the burqa will have the exact same opinion as the western bloc governments and their disinfo-propaganda agencies like bbc.
its incorrect to assume all bearded/burqa clad people are crazy islamist.. in my experience appearance is deceiving.
Conversely clean shaved person can also be islamist (or be proponent of exceptionalism wrt islam) and support sharia law.
For many its a panacea to all evils that they think is in western society (girls wearing revealing cloths... heavy metal music etc) and also islamic countries (if only they had 'real' sharia law..is what they say)
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