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Defining The Punjabi Taliban Network


I saw the Reference for India.


It only mentiones total Muslim population of India so i think Wiki does not have the right figures..

The population of Shia: How many Shia are there in the world?

Any alternative numbers?

Perhaps the Shia numbers in India were extrapolated from the Shia percentage in Pakistan - approximately 20%, which given Pakistan's larger Muslim population would give it a larger number of Shia.
It's related to All Green's suggestion that the CII could be used as a means of pushing Madrassa reforms, since the GoP could claim religious cover for its actions, by pushing reforms under the aegis of the CII.

like i said before, all-green wasn't able to catch up with the madrassa reforms act already in place. they is little between the CII and
the act. please do read the post and link provided below.

Once again, has anyone been following this and knows its progress in 2009 — have the reforms been abandoned by the government for good?
This article suggests that two thirds of the Indian Muslim population is Barelvi (Sunni), with other Sunni and Shia groups such as the Deobandis etc. part of the remaining third.

Deobandis and their missionary wing, the Tablighi Jamaat-distinguished by their long white tunics, turbans and flowing beards-call for a pan-Islamic identity unencumbered by nation or region.

They are in sharp contrast to the Barelvi school to which over two-thirds of India's 15 crore Muslims subscribe to and who follow the Islam enriched by its contact with fertile local cultures, revere the Prophet and revel in Sufi traditions like dargah visit, music and mysticism.

In addition, India also counts Ahmedi's as part of its Muslim population. So the 20% Shia may be accurate.

Anyway, a tangential issue.
Any alternative numbers?

Perhaps the Shia numbers in India were extrapolated from the Shia percentage in Pakistan - approximately 20%, which given Pakistan's larger Muslim population would give it a larger number of Shia.

So i think the difference would be very small (2 million).
So i think the difference would be very small (2 million).

Depends on what Muslim population size you pick for the two countries.

Is this data recorded in the Indian census (2001 was the last one I think) and can you access it?
Depends on what Muslim population size you pick for the two countries.

Is this data recorded in the Indian census (2001 was the last one I think) and can you access it?


I calculated from the the Wiki link you had provided.

Country ? Muslim Shia Shia Population
Pakistan 167,430,802 21% 35,160,468
India 156,254,615 20% 31,250,923

Difference 4 Million. So its a close competition....:cheers:

Personally i think Shia's Population is 3% of India's Total Population.
Then the Shia's Population would be 34,982,376
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I calculated from the the Wiki link you had provided.

Country ? Muslim Shia Shia Population
Pakistan 167,430,802 21% 35,160,468
India 156,254,615 20% 31,250,923

Difference 4 Million. So its a close competition....:cheers:
You are correct - the Wiki link either has the percentage or the numbers wrong for India.

If the numbers given on Wiki (20 million Shia) are correct, then the Indian Shia population is about 13 percent of the total Muslim population, and if the percentage is correct then the numbers you came up with are correct.

Out of curiosity, why the 'competition' over Shia now? It used to be that you guys just wouldn't accept Pakistan had a larger Muslim population than India. So now that 'competition' is beyond doubt, there is a 'competition' over Shia? :what:
Personally i think Shia's Population is 3% of India's Total Population.
Then the Shia's Population would be 34,982,376
Why do you 'think' that?

Any stats, or is it that 'competitive' instinct taking over?:lol:

Can you find this in your census data? It should be there.
Out of curiosity, why the 'competition' .

I hate when people provide the Wiki Link (One should use the reference which are provided in Wiki). Just wanted to prove that Wiki can be wrong big time. They messed up on a simple Calculation.
I hate when people provide the Wiki Link (One should use the reference which are provided in Wiki). Just wanted to prove that Wiki can be wrong big time. They messed up on a simple Calculation.

As long as you check to ensure valid sources for Wiki facts are listed, it should be fine. In this case the CIA link was valid, but I didn't browse through the entire link to validate the Shia numbers, which apparently are not mentioned anywhere.

Nonetheless, better than 'I think', right.;)
Javed Ashraf Qazi certainly destroyed his credentials when he said on tv twice that there are 40 Siparaas in the Quran...our media added fuel to the fire and really ensured that we gave ammunition to all the Mullahs who started accusing that the person who is changing the curricula of the Madrassas does not even know one of the most basic information about Islam and will damage the institutions...

Whereas i can agree that anyone can make a mistake...such sensitive things are best handled by those who have solid knowledge and credentials...there was no such face in the whole movement to regularize the madrassas...instead we had to see inaccurate statements by people who were not subject matter experts and things got out of hand...knowing well the sensitivity of the matter, more care should have been taken!

Islamic Council is only ineffective since its recommendations are usually sidelined by the political religious parties...
I do remember the Hadood Ordinance amendments proposed by Islamic Council which actually were helping women and removing many grave ambiguities in the laws which have mostly been used to further victimize the victims....instead of following through with the council recommendations the government came under intense flak by self proclaimed experts like Maulvi Fazl ur Rehman who holds control of most madrassas and is really a very corrupt person...under this pressure the government instead of relying on the expert panel which included the likes of Dr. Ghamdi, decided to pass the matter on to a committee of our parliamentarians.... needless to say nothing more was heard of the ammendments...
This is what i am actually concerned about...Islamic Council is always sidelined by the government...whereas certainly all Islamic Council recommendations may not be popular amongst every member of the nation...i am sure that most will be quite good if implemented since the council represents all major sects and schools of thought...
As opposed to the ideas of the run of the mill Mullah who even declare TV as the great Satan....the Islamic Council has had much more realistic, educated and qualified people in its ranks and will give far better recommendations due to its entirely different level of knowledge and understanding...
Nothing starts out as perfect...a department of the state will only be as much effective as the role given to it...the more you limit the role...the more it becomes ineffective
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like i said before, all-green wasn't able to catch up with the madrassa reforms act already in place. they is little between the CII and
the act. please do read the post and link provided below.

Once again, has anyone been following this and knows its progress in 2009 — have the reforms been abandoned by the government for good?[/QUOTE]

yes just like everything else in this country!:enjoy:
I hadn't realized the level of sectarian violence in the Punjab between sunni-shia. Why the out-sourcing? Economic need in FATAland make these poor souls more available or ideological/theological motivation? Are the attacks evenly distributed between the two sects?

S-2, maybe i wasnt able to clarify - there is no out-sourcing - the people of the south are not involved in suicide attacks, the suicide attacks are being conducted by taliban.
like i said before, all-green wasn't able to catch up with the madrassa reforms act already in place. they is little between the CII and
the act. please do read the post and link provided below.

Once again, has anyone been following this and knows its progress in 2009 — have the reforms been abandoned by the government for good?[/QUOTE]

yes just like everything else in this country!:enjoy:
Thank you — i had given up on getting a reply on that just like everything else on this forum :)!
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