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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

This is strange they have piece of missile , but no piece of plane. Seems either pilot was ridding on missile. Or secretly ,Pakistan has modified JF17 to launch AIM 120C.

Special Bharti Su30 missile teleported our F-16 into another dimension leaving only the missile he was able to fire before leaving this universe.
Lol Soviet Era weapons are supposed to be this bad in this day and age.
I used to wish Pak had more Russian equipment, now I thank Allah for he is the greatest of planners. They are out in full force supporting India and trying to make this look bad for Pakistan. Your equipment is bad and you should feel bad Russia. It underperformed. Israel constantly defeats your AA systems and now Pakistan destroyed your fighter aircraft. Either start selling to us or force Indians to fly on autopilot ;) this looks terrible for the Russians

Wouldn't put it past them to cover this up. I guarantee somewhere in Russia one of two things is happening:

An SU-30 is being quietly delivered to India by sea.

A frozen factory in Siberia is working tirelessly to produce a clone to the jet we downed as fast as possible while Putin stares them down.
Russia has a lot of good weapons for this era , which Pakistan can surely benefit from buying .
Lol Soviet Era weapons are supposed to be this bad in this day and age.Russia has a lot of good weapons for this era , which Pakistan can surely benefit from buying .
They are a good parts bin we raid from time to time but even employing Russian air defense is a step in the wrong direction. India is important to Russia and Israel for arms sales. We are never going to be able to make our sales important enough for Russia to ignore Indians concerns when selling to us. It would be giving us a handicap.

We are much better off buying from China, US, and Turkey as well as making our own. This is what will give us a decisive edge in the years to come.
Finnish expert busts Indian claim of downing Pakistan F-16



On the left below, we see an F-16 GE F110 engine being removed from the aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo) On the right, a close up of the fragment from Pakistan. Note the uniform rectangular distribution on the F-16 engine cover, while the piece in Pakistan in showing different patterns and thicknesses of supports on the piece, while also curving inward.-Bellingcat photo

Bellingcat, which received international attention with its analysis of forged data on satellite images of the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 during the still ongoing war in eastern Ukraine, in its latest finding stated that there's no compelling evidence that an F-16 was shot down by India over Kashmir.

Authored by Veli-PekkaIt,a Finnish expert on technology, the report concluded that all signs points to downing of Indian Air Force's Soviet era MiG 21 instead of Pakistan's F-16.

Bellingcat analyzed the images Pakistan had shared of the downed Indian Aircraft and found out that they appears to show what it said an exhaust consistent with an R-25 engine found on the MiG-21bis.

Before drawing the conclusion the website examined the pictures from different angles shared by both Pakistan and India.



File picture of cross section of F16 engine and wreckage of downed Pakistani F16 jet


8:45 AM - Feb 28, 2019

6,292 people are talking about this

Indian media and government claimed that wreckage of MiG-21 surrounded by Pakistan army soldiers was actually that of LockHeed's F-16 downed by old Russian old warhorse MiG-21.

Focusing on Indian claims that pictures released by Pakistan actually showed parts of F-16, the Website compared two different images released by Pakistan and determined that they were two different angles of the same aircraft part which turned out to be MiG-21.

The report also referred to CIA's archive of MiG-21 service manual to support its argument and analysis.


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Falcon vs Bison: Verifying a MiG-21 Wreck

March 2, 2019

By Veli-Pekka Kivimäki

On February 27th amid heightening tensions between India and Pakistan in Kashmir, an Indian Air Force MiG-21 aircraft was shot down by Pakistan. In the ensuing war of words over the incidents, both sides made varying claims about the incident, with India saying they had downed a Pakistani aircraft, while Pakistan stated it had downed two Indian aircraft. India acknowledged the loss of one, while Pakistan denied any losses of aircraft.

Against this backdrop, when images of apparent aircraft wreckage started popping up on social media, different interpretations were offered on what the images actually show. This post focuses on claims that pictures released by Pakistan actually showed parts of an F-16, purportedly downed by India.

The two tweets below are examples of claims made regarding the aircraft pieces.



File picture of cross section of F16 engine and wreckage of downed Pakistani F16 jet


08:45 - 28 Feb 2019

6,292 people are talking about this

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step to confirm that its a F16 debris

1. check box no. in 1st img.

2. search it in F16 database, link below.http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-16 …

3. It's Jordan F16. How it's reached Pak, link below.https://thediplomat.com/2016/06/us-pakistan-f-16-deal-is-dead-islamabad-mulling-jordan-f-16-fighter-jets-instead/ …

credit of info- @SamStein357 #Abhinandan


11:24 - 28 Feb 2019

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The tweets above claimed to show F-16 parts, so we’re focusing on these for the verification. First, comparing two of the images released by Pakistan, we can determine they are two different perspectives of the same aircraft part. The colored arrows point out details that can be used for matching, such as a service hatch and a bent metal pipe.


A YouTube video from the scene also presents a walkaround view of the same part, establishing the same. (1:56 onwards)

The imagery appears to show an exhaust consistent with an R-25 enginefound on the MiG-21bis. Additional imagery from the scene helps us verify this is the tail section. For example, this image:


If we rotate the image 180 degrees and put it side-by-side with a MiG-21’s tail, we have a good match.


For completeness, we can also match the section with the box which was claimed to contain an F-16 serial to this same piece.

According to a MiG-21 service manual available through CIA’s archive, we can determine that this is the thermocouple service hatch. Another manual for the aircraft states that the thermocouple junction box is located in this part of the aircraft, so it’s possible that is the function of the numbered box.


In fact, if we take a closer look at the service hatch, we can see a “CU” format serial number on there, which is used on the upgrade Indian MiG-21bis aircraft.


So, taken together, this is all so say that the claim about the writing on the junction box proving this is be an F-16 part is not correct. This is in fact very much part of an Indian MiG-21.

But what about the other fragment that was matched to an F-16, suggesting it was part of the engine? We don’t have a good match to an F-16 there, either. On the left below, we see an F-16 GE F110 engine being removed from the aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo) On the right, a close up of the fragment from Pakistan. Note the uniform rectangular distribution on the F-16 engine cover, while the piece in Pakistan in showing different patterns and thicknesses of supports on the piece, while also curving inward.


Here, YouTube gives us another interesting point of comparison. Reportedly, a MiG-21bis was shot down in Croatia in 1991, and the wreckage of the aircraft is on display at the “museum collection of the homeland war in Turanj“. The YouTube walkaround of this wreckage shows features which match better to a MiG-21 than an F-16.


In summary, there’s no compelling evidence offered as of yet that an F-16 would have been shot down, and all signs point to MiG-21 wreckage having been on display thus far.

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Let the indian whining .. But the message has been sent to relevant party of the other side... They will never even dream to obey modi in future... Lol
Bharati know it's lie, They are just trying to solace their people with funny claims.
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