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Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

Don't forget if there will be 100% evidence, that's a "casus belli" . It doesn't interest if it were your proxies in Iraq

thanks for you opinion ... but it was you ISIS brothers not us ... and if this news is true then my first guess is " it was just a false flag - a cooperation with ISIS - to justify Turkey presence in north of Iraq "

Do you quote this guy @BordoEnes ??
I didn't claim it was Iran , in fact I really don't trust this news till it get confirm by multiple sources ... it was our Turks brothers ...
I hope Allah give grant his best to all Muslims and all who see as worthy humans ....

God doesn't care about people with nationalist agenda(Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia), he's not going to change our situation until we seek and demand Islam to be our constitution. If you believe that God is above all than join the Sunni Islamist community. However, if you prefer nation states with secularism and injustice than stay how you are.
Turkish PM :

" Security of Turkey begins NOW beyond Turkish boarders.
Armed Forces have order to react in Syria and Iraq immediate with own decision"!

“Irak ve Suriye’de öyle gelişmelerle karşı karşıyayız ki artık sınırlarımızın güvenliği sınır ötesinde başlıyor. "!
Don't forget if there will be 100% evidence, that's a "casus belli" . It doesn't interest if it were your proxies in Iraq

Do you quote this guy @BordoEnes ??

no , it was you ... but I add second part of my post in some minute later ... sorry for that ...
in fact we are closing to Parliament election in Iran and in this times , we don't do this kind of things , especially with Hassan Rouhani and his " reduce tension / be friend with everyone " forigen policy ....
attacking you after your withdraw doesn't benefit us ...
God doesn't care about people with nationalist agenda(Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia), he's not going to change our situation until we seek and demand Islam to be our constitution. If you believe that God is above all than join the Sunni Islamist community. However, if you prefer nation states with secularism and injustice than stay how you are.

both of us seek same thing " True and Pure Islam " , but we have different views about what is right and what is wrong .... and that is sad part of our conflicts ...
both of us seek same thing " True and Pure Islam " , but we have different views about what is right and what is wrong .... and that is sad part of our conflicts ...

So better meet at common sense which is first being a good human.
both of us seek same thing " True and Pure Islam " , but we have different views about what is right and what is wrong .... and that is sad part of our conflicts ...

Actually we don't, I'm not convinced that the Shi'ite community seeks Islam. The Shi'ite community is not as religious as it's adherents make it out to be. Shi'ite community doesn't want an Islamic state. They prefer Iranian model of government which is socialist and has secular tendencies. Iran's government will not make crucial political decisions based on Islam but rather based on what is more important for Iran. So I do not recognize the Iranian gov't as an Islamic one. To me it is just like any other government in the Muslim world. They appoint some religious clerics to relate with the people but they are not serious about Islam and actually crackdown on people who are serious about Islam and justice.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are the very alike in many ways. They have clerics which denounce their political opponents whenever they conflict with Saudi or Iranian interest. We call these the 'clerics of the state' and they go contrary to what Islam tells us. I personally strive for justice. This is why I take the side of the weak and just. You see I didn't say just weak, I also said just. It's obviously not sensible thing to take side of Sunni Islamist. Because for one, they are very weak and can't achieve much due to the conspiracies against them. Second, many of them are on terrorist list which scares many of Muslims from sympathizing with them. Third, people are constantly told by their governments that their visions for the future/society are unrealistic and bad for humans. Yet none of this will scare or fool me into supporting our current array of administrations. It's just not in my nature. I simply can't sympathize with those who laugh at their people and use religion as tool to achieve nationalist interests(Like Saudi Arabia and Iran). Also while their society lives secular lifestyle.

You live in Iran and you know how your young generation is. They date a lot and do things that are against Islam. This is the same way across the Arab world too. And it is prevalent, so once you see this kind of behavior which is against Islam is abundant, then you know there is something wrong. Our leaders aren't implementing Islam and our leaders are corrupt. All they care about is wealth/power. Our people have become very corrupt, they no longer care about other Muslims plights. All they care for is their country interest. Our people are becoming exposed to Western lifestyle and want to be like that. Our leaders allow it. So we come to the conclusion that no way these people who claim to be champions of Islam are anything near it.

This is why Sunni Islamist are actively trying to change the political status-quo and the society in the region. They start by urging people to move away from moral corruption. Then they do social activities. Even if it lands them a vacation in jail. If you look all over the region, Sunni Islamist has been targeted by their local government. This is evident in Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc....They collectively arrest them and in some cases kill them. They ban them from having any rights. They close down their mosques, schools, etc....And then this forces Sunni Islamists to take up weapons. And when they do that, they get attacked by US, Israel, the West or even your country Iran. So for the people who say Sunni Islamist have a cause for personal reasons I reject that notion. Anyone who is Sunni Islamist in region is taking very big risk, either he persecuted or is killed even if he is not part of armed group. He makes no material gain out of this. The only gain in his eyes is he strive to spread justice and the word of God. And that is enough for him.

So I tell you once again sir, if you genuinely believe in justice/society that follows Allah's path and Prophet's Sunnah than look into Sunni Islam and advocate the cause of Sunni Islamist. Not Sunni government, there is not a single government today in the Muslim world which advocates genuine Islam. However, if you are fine with current course of things and don't mind us fighting over nationalist interests where anyone who is in favor of Islam gets persecuted and where secularism/dating is appealing to you then remain as you are.
I'm not convinced that the Shi'ite community seeks Islam

Do you mean them ?

But the following second picture is also no solution.

There is for sure a mid way !


So better meet at common sense which is first being a good human.

You can't have common sense if we don't establish standards. Most of us here are good human beings in our personal lives. But, nevertheless on internet/in our minds we enable our governments to run their course. Most of the time blindly. This is because we forget that we have a set of standards. None of us think twice before deciding what we should support or what we should advocate. With Islam we have a wide array of standards. God tells us to recognize our limits and God asks us in Quran to always be conscious of him in relation to everything. Whether that is simple public affair or position of leadership.

If our people continue to be blinded by nationalism, even if we are good people there won't be common sense established and this situation of breaking up the Middle East will continue. It all starts with our basic morals. Our Prophet(SAW) said everything is related one way or another. If our leadership is corrupt(meaning they have ill intentions or indifferent to Muslim suffering) than our people are corrupt(morally). If our morals don't improve then our political state won't improve. Some of us are fine with this political state because as I said we don't value Islamic standards anymore. If so and so benefits me than might as well keep it that way. That's not how any of the Prophet's approached matters.

Do you mean them ?

But the following second picture is also no solution.

There is for sure a mid way !




This is an example of an clown who has no standards and makes mockery of everything. And you wonder why this region is a mess. Look at the problems engulfing the region, Turkey has civil strife inside its border. Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Syria are self explanatory. This is going to get worse as time goes by. When others become victim to what they created than it won't be funny anymore. People in this world(all backgrounds) who value morals and standards are paying a price for the actions of those who don't.

There is no problem with recognizing human are beautiful. God created us as the best manner. Doesn't mean we should encourage people to avoid healthy relationships/marriage. And no, the alternative isn't wearing full veil. Good dress is jeans/long shirt with scarf. Or full jacket with scarf. Full veil is for those who chose to wear so. It's not mandatory. Relationship(done legally and halaal) is not a problem and is encouraged. Islamists aren't harsh on the society. Moderate Islamist permit people to enjoy life as long as it doesn't go against our morals. ISIS doesn't reflect of genuine Islamic state. ISIS thinks everything is about judicial punishment, they are young and will mature. Islamic state(for now) is about establishing morals, teaching people the faith, encouraging education, giving people reasonable amount of freedom and being realistic. The further steps are for later until we have legal consensus/permission to do so.
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Turkey has civil strife inside its border. Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Syria are self explanatory

You don't k now Turkey.
Palestine has one real chance. Accepting Israels security and its rights as a state despite to Iran.
That's real policy . I believe all the civilized world would then struggle to establish a wealthy country FILISTIN.
You don't k now Turkey.
Palestine has one real chance. Accepting Israels security and its rights as a state despite to Iran.
That's real policy . I believe all the civilized world would then struggle to establish a wealthy country FILISTIN.

Read my previous post, and don't lecture me on Palestine. I have better wisdom/political vision for you and I know what the solution is for the region. Yes I know Turkey is secular, didn't claim otherwise. Being secular doesn't make you superior in any sense. It makes you greedy, careless and arrogant. I don't know why you people pretend to be 'higher' people. Islamists are very well educated people who have more advanced political vision than you. I have been doing this for years and don't you need you to tell me what is the solution or what isn't. We already have plan, the current goals is to gain support base/enable political freedom to operate.

It's sad that the only thing that will get you to listen to us is if you become victim to war. This is a problem in Muslim community, most Muslims nowadays don't value Islamic standards and don't seek to remember God except when disaster comes their way.
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Oh please this is obviously a false flag operation. During the ISIS occupation of Mosul never were there any soldiers killed or wounded all these years and suddenly when there is a dispute between Turkey and Iraq about the legitimacy of Turkey increasing its troops there, this suddenly happens. Mark my words, Turkey will use this to increase its number of troops within Iraq.

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