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Cross border shelling: Kabul complains to UN against Pakistan

Don't or Can't ? :) No hard feelings - Just quote a better source - even a biased media one next time you make a claim.

I mean - even the weaker country gets the occasional punch, right?

Like how Afghanistan destroyed a Pakistani border post in 2013

Cant what? You like to beat around the bush be my guest, I am not making a claim here unless you believe in the myth of Hanuman army. The reason i quoted your post was because you tried to take a cheap shot. As for better source I brought the whole thread because it has links and videos from different sources all combined under one roof. You want to dismiss them all sure.
As for Afghans destroying our post, From your own link it states Afghanistan claimed to destroyed our post which was debunked literally. Besides if they did than whats stopping them to do it now specially since they claimed to give Pakistan a tougher response? But apparently actions speak louder than words and hence they decided to run to UN instead.
Not Really. The text uses the phrase 'Durand Line' as opposed to international border. If anything it reinforces the Afghan refusal to accept that demarcation. No different to how Pakistan periodically protests Indian shelling at the 'LOC' as opposed to 'international border'
What a silly Indian. Durand Line is the name of the international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. If you didn't know that before, now you know it. So, why so much fuss out of nothing?
1. Pakistan forces at border (and pounding targets inside Afghan territory).
2. Russian forces at border.
3. Chinese forces at border (some claiming inside Afghan territory)
4. Soon Iran forces will be at border.

This time there will be 3-4 invading armies to sort out the mess in Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban seem to be part of the solution than the problem and these Northern Alliance scums will most likely join ISIS and be part of the problem.

There will be huge magical (read: NATO) arms supply to ISIS in Afghanistan, just as they got such supplies in Iraq.

This game will rapidly evolve now.

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghanistan has complained to the United Nations against Pakistan regarding what was termed ‘consistent breach of Afghanistan’s territorial integrity by Pakistani military forces.’

Over the past three weeks, Afghan officials say, Pakistani forces have been firing rockets and artillery rounds into four districts of eastern Nangarhar and Kunar provinces. The shelling has displaced hundreds of families besides causing casualties and damages to residential homes.

A government official, who wished not to be named, told Pajhwok Afghan News on Wednesday that the complaint to the UN was submitted through Afghanistan’s permanent representative to the world’s body, Mahmoud Saikal.

The complaint letter submitted to the UN, a copy of which is available with Pajhwok Afghan News, said the security situation was deteriorating in eastern parts of Afghanistan as a direct result of consistent breach of Afghanistan’s territorial integrity by Pakistani military forces.

The letter said Pakistan military forces over the past two months had increased their violation of Afghanistan territory.

It accused Pakistani forces of flying unauthorized flights over the Afghan air-space and incessant shelling Afghan territory. The shelling hit villages of Lalpura, Goshta, Sarkano and Khas Kunar districts Nangarhar and Kunar provinces.

“These attacks have brought untold human suffering, including the loss of innocent lives, destruction of property, including residential property and displacement of local population.”

Based on confirmed government estimates, the complaint letter, said approximately 1,266 mortar and artillery shells had been fired into Afghan territory since January 1, forcing more than 450 families to leave their homes, seeking refuge.

In the letter ambassador Saikal said he had raised the issue of Pakistan’s violation of Afghan territory in his statement before the Security Council’s debate last year.



LOL at the whining. Do something about it if you can. Afghans should become used to the idea that Pakistan is going to hunt and demolish terror factories in their land.

Not only that, Pakistan is closing the border and repatriating all Afghans. Nothing anyone can do about that.

No one cares what opium land has to complain about. A tribal land that has become the headquarter of ISIS cannot demand anything. A tribal land that cannot even control its capital city cannot be taken seriously. A tribal land that is the world's top opium producer has no moral authority. A tribal land that has become a proxy hub for other nations has nothing useful to add. A tribal land that only exports instability is a lost cause. Nothing but a big fat failure.

Afghans can scream and shout all they like. No one will listen because Afghanistan is a huge failure. So huge that no one likes to spend their precious resources on a failed tribal land. Other powers are only toying with this cursed land. China, Russia and others are securing their interests and ruling the roost. I'm enjoying this all the way.
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Pakistan has made too many enemies lately, troops and resources are now being used to defend both its eastern and western borders simultaneously.
Maulana Abul kalam Azad very logically said that Pakistan would make enemies of almost all of its neighbours.
The relation with Indian was always bad, relation with Afghanistan was Luke warm to brotherly now turned to extreme hatred, relation with Iran is not very friendly as per recent checkpost attacks and terror attacks. The only country that has good relations with Pakistan is China, now when will it turn sour ( mostly because of terrorism) is anybody's guess.

Now with the new threat of ISIS in south asia, things will get tough for all countries.
Pakistan has made too many enemies lately, troops and resources are now being used to defend both its eastern and western borders simultaneously.
Maulana Abul kalam Azad very logically said that Pakistan would make enemies of almost all of its neighbours.
The relation with Indian was always bad, relation with Afghanistan was Luke warm to brotherly now turned to extreme hatred, relation with Iran is not very friendly as per recent checkpost attacks and terror attacks. The only country that has good relations with Pakistan is China, now when will it turn sour ( mostly because of terrorism) is anybody's guess.

Now with the new threat of ISIS in south asia, things will get tough for all countries.

Only India and Afghanistan are a problem in this entire region. All other countries are normal. Unless India halts its anti-Pakistan terror operations in Afghanistan true peace can never prevail.

Whereas Pakistan has bled due to Indian interference in Afghanistan, today we have largely defeated terror. Normalcy is returning and our friend China is investing in our economy. On the contrary, Afghanistan is cursed and stuck in misery. ISIS is now the latest problem in Afghanistan. The stark comparison speaks for itself.

You can all go to hell as far as we are concerned. We are going to kick out all Afghans and close the border. We are done pleading for peace. You should now take care of your own problems. Let's see what you can do about ISIS.
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Only India and Afghanistan are a problem in this entire region. All other countries are normal. Unless India halts its anti-Pakistan terror operations in Afghanistan true peace can never prevail.

Whereas Pakistan has bled due to Indian interference in Afghanistan, today we have largely defeated terror. Normalcy is returning and our friend China is investing in our economy. On the contrary, Afghanistan is cursed and stuck in misery. ISIS is now the latest problem in Afghanistan. The stark comparison speaks for itself.

You can all go to hell as far as we are concerned. We are going to kick out all Afghans and close the border. We are done pleading for peace. You should now take care of your own problems. Let's see what you can do about ISIS.
Will you put the entire blame of all terrorist attacks on India and Afghanistan?
Are all the problems faced by Pakistan foreign funded?
Will you put the entire blame of all terrorist attacks on India and Afghanistan?
Are all the problems faced by Pakistan foreign funded?

LOL Why is it that despite decades of householding in Afghanistan you haven't rid terror from opium land? Afghanistan is the undisputed terror hub of the entire world. From ISIS to oppressive warlords and zillions of militant factions. All find refuge in Afghanistan. They thrive and multiply like unhealthy micro-organisms in Afghanistan. This isn't a mere coincidence. Just answer the question. You have the audacity to question Pakistan when your presence in Afghanistan has only led to instability and an increase of terror factories. LOL Is this your definition of success?

Admit it. Afghanistan is a failed state that only exports opium and terror. Don't question us when Afghanistan represents a completely failed nation. We are going to make sure that Afghan misery doesn't reach our borders. Pakistan has already suffered enough at the hands of Afghan misery.

Afghans are on their way out. The border won't be reopened. Deal with it.
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A little story to set proper expectations for every one. Remember, it's a story passed down through generations, it might not be true. BUT, it sheds a lot of light on the mystery that is Afghanistan.

It is said that when Alexandar the Great's general faced stiff opposition in Afghanistan and no gains were made for a long time, he sent a messenger demanding an explanation. As response, the general took some sand from Afghanistan and asked the messenger to spread it in Alexandar's court. The messenger returned, and as soon as the sand was thrown in his court, everyone started fighting amongst themselves. Then the messenger relayed the message: "We are faced with an unfathomable situation here. The Afghans are divided in factions, and everyone is fighting everyone else. They are fighting against us, they are fighting with us, and they are fighting amongst themselves. It is impossible to get a grasp on this situation. There is something in the very soil here that creates disharmony and discord."

Now consider the following testament to the valor of Afghans from more reliable sources (at the bottom of the article, it says not to be reproduced without the author's permission, so please take the time to navigate the link and read).


And in this context, sit back and think about the achievements of Pakistan Army in North Waziristan. Common people don't realize this, but the reaction from UK to US and around the world to Pak Army's achievements has been a mixture of stunned respect and disbelief. People are literally speechless at what has been achieved.

And our winning formula is very simple. We don't just fight them, we work with them AND fight them, AND help them fight themselves. This is the formula within Pakistan. Within Afghanistan, our winning formula is simply described with two words: Afghan Taliban. Many Pakistani brothers don't realize this and slag off everyone under the umbrella term of 'Taliban'. We have to be very careful to maintain good relations with our major asset, because that happens to be the only winning formula in the long term. Other than this, there are millions of poor common Afghans who deserve our sincerest sympathies being our Muslim brethren, and having faced much strife over decades and even after all this they continue to act as a buffer for us against the Northern Alliance.

Hopefully this will clarify a lot for everyone's benefit.
LOL Why is it that despite decades of householding in Afghanistan you haven't rid terror from opium land? Afghanistan is the undisputed terror hub of the entire world. From ISIS to oppressive warlords and zillions of militant factions. All find refuge in Afghanistan. They thrive and multiply like unhealthy micro-organisms in Afghanistan. This isn't a mere coincidence. Just answer the question. You have the audacity to question Pakistan when your presence in Afghanistan has only led to instability and an increase of terror factories. LOL Is this your definition of success?

Admit it. Afghanistan is a failed state that only exports opium and terror. Don't question us when Afghanistan represents a completely failed nation. We are going to make sure that Afghan misery doesn't reach our borders. Pakistan has already suffered enough at the hands of Afghan misery.

Afghans are on their way out. The border won't be reopened. Deal with it.
It is obvious that Afghanistan is a failed state and terror hub, but I won't blame Afghanistan entirely for every terror attack in Pakistan, there are terror factories in Pakistan itself and you should not deny that.
The recent ISIS attack on Indian railways is a clear example of how terrorism can grow from within the countries population.
Is that means terror factories in India?
Yes, there is high probability that ISIS has sympathizers in India and it may mislead the gullible religious youth of the nation with their ideology.
ISIS is very strong in online propaganda, some Indians have already left to Syria and Iraq to fight for the false caliphate.
Yes, there is high probability that ISIS has sympathizers in India and it may mislead the gullible religious youth of the nation with their ideology.
ISIS is very strong in online propaganda, some Indians have already left to Syria and Iraq to fight for the false caliphate.

Fair enough though you may remember how India thanked ISIS for rescuing Indian Nurses in Tikrit or that is a conspiracy.

Pakistan sacrificed thousands of civilians and Military personnel in war on terrorism and the same being acknowledged world wide as well as our efforts to eliminate the same that most of areas are being cleaned from such cancer. There are no terror factories but one can sleeper cells that tries to harm us and these people cannot survive without any support. I wouldn't derail the topic further but you may search Mehsud confession about terrorism in Pakistan so also, would like to hear again what Kulbushan said as these are few examples available in public domain that how much threat we are dealing with.

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