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Cross border shelling: Kabul complains to UN against Pakistan

Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires. No wonder he says that Afghans are waiting for direct and in uniform invasion from Pak Army.
Pakistan knows the cost of invading Afghanistan, perhaps better than even Afghans themselves know. If Pakistan ever goes to war with Afghanistan, it will not look to occupy, it will end the war swiftly, and leave Afghanistan in clean up its own mess.
Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires. No wonder he says that Afghans are waiting for direct and in uniform invasion from Pak Army.

who says that???? its a myth.... afghanistan came into being like 200yrs back ..prior to that half of it was under persian and mughal empires and before that those who ruled delhi or Persia were ruling afghanistan ..and genghis khan even destroyed kandahar completely.... and if anyone says that afghanistan was never ruled by foreigner plsssss read the history it was always ruled by either persians or turks and by mongols and for brief period it was ruled by arabs ....
Well the document is official recognition of Pakistan land, air raids inside Afghanistan border which many were still doubting. Until and unless Afghan govt doesn't make their writ in their own country completely, others will continue to violate their sovereignty. Be it Pakistan, US, Russia or else.
Pakistan knows the cost of invading Afghanistan, perhaps better than even Afghans themselves know. If Pakistan ever goes to war with Afghanistan, it will not look to occupy, it will end the war swiftly, and leave Afghanistan in clean up its own mess.
Kehna Assan hai Sir,,, your one misdeed will upset the equations with pashtuns forever and there are lots of pashtuns in Pakistan and for them also durand line could be in files but not on the land. Thats why that twitter fellow will be happy to see Pakistan invade Afghanistan.

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghanistan has complained to the United Nations against Pakistan regarding what was termed ‘consistent breach of Afghanistan’s territorial integrity by Pakistani military forces.’

Over the past three weeks, Afghan officials say, Pakistani forces have been firing rockets and artillery rounds into four districts of eastern Nangarhar and Kunar provinces. The shelling has displaced hundreds of families besides causing casualties and damages to residential homes.

A government official, who wished not to be named, told Pajhwok Afghan News on Wednesday that the complaint to the UN was submitted through Afghanistan’s permanent representative to the world’s body, Mahmoud Saikal.

The complaint letter submitted to the UN, a copy of which is available with Pajhwok Afghan News, said the security situation was deteriorating in eastern parts of Afghanistan as a direct result of consistent breach of Afghanistan’s territorial integrity by Pakistani military forces.

The letter said Pakistan military forces over the past two months had increased their violation of Afghanistan territory.

It accused Pakistani forces of flying unauthorized flights over the Afghan air-space and incessant shelling Afghan territory. The shelling hit villages of Lalpura, Goshta, Sarkano and Khas Kunar districts Nangarhar and Kunar provinces.

“These attacks have brought untold human suffering, including the loss of innocent lives, destruction of property, including residential property and displacement of local population.”

Based on confirmed government estimates, the complaint letter, said approximately 1,266 mortar and artillery shells had been fired into Afghan territory since January 1, forcing more than 450 families to leave their homes, seeking refuge.

In the letter ambassador Saikal said he had raised the issue of Pakistan’s violation of Afghan territory in his statement before the Security Council’s debate last year.


Pakistan, in fact, is doing a favor to Afghans by eliminating IS terrorists from Afghan soil. Afghan government has repeatedly admitted that it has no control over the areas in Afghanistan where these IS terrorists and their local cohorts are active. These terrorists are not only staging deadly terrorist attacks in Pakistan but also in Afghanistan. Afghan rulers need to take a lesson from yesterday's attack on a military hospital in Kabul by IS terrorists. Only sick-minded animals would attack patients and their doctors, students and their teachers, devotees in mosques, and innocent shoppers in markets. This scourge of IS terrorism is not a local phenomenon. Rather these terrorists are being actively supported and shifted into Afghanistan by our enemies. The enemies who cannot see this region getting prosperity through the CPEC project. The brainless idiots in Afghan rulers need to understand the real bloody game of the enemy disguised as the friends of Afghanistan. One thing is clear. That is, for bringing development and prosperity in our two countries, we must first remove lawless areas and pockets in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Those areas are being used by our enemies as springboard to launch terrorist attacks in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Forget it. The only way Talibans can get to power is by participating in elections. Taliban has started breaking up. Their leaders are waiting for some immunity against their past crimes and rehabilitation package.
Don't ignore the fact that the same talibans are watching you how you are treating the Pashtun refugees in your country. They are fast becoming disillusioned with Pakistan.
did they came to power previously like that?
what do you mean by power?? They already control more than half of the country.
LOL UN. USA is losing Afghanistan, the yesterdays attack on Kabul by ISIS justifies Pakistan's aggression.
Well the document is official recognition of Pakistan land, air raids inside Afghanistan border which many were still doubting.

Not Really. The text uses the phrase 'Durand Line' as opposed to international border. If anything it reinforces the Afghan refusal to accept that demarcation. No different to how Pakistan periodically protests Indian shelling at the 'LOC' as opposed to 'international border'
And what is their progress on the list we gave them?

Probably zero. They handed us a list in return. That was their way of saying enjoy copulating with yourself. The Afghans will only ever understand one language.
Afghanistan is the graveyard of Empires. No wonder he says that Afghans are waiting for direct and in uniform invasion from Pak Army.
Yes you are right ... You remembered it right as Afghans decmiated you Indian Hindus in Past on numeric occassion ... I can understand your feeling as you are in same shock ... But we are from same bloodline and will handle these stooges of yours sitting in the govt ... Common people of Afghanistan are with Pakistan and once current regime is removed than both Afghanistan and Pakistan will repeat the history of sub continent ... period.
Another parallel with the shoe on the other foot.

This is not the first time the UN has received complaints regarding cross border shelling in the region.


No wonder it is considered wise to treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself.
The difference is we dont just complain to the UN we also show Indians their aukaat.
I think your English comprehension skills are pretty weak. Read from line 4 to 6 carefully but than again why I am even saying this to an Indian :coffee:

A weak attempt at evasion - I think we both understand the significance of the use of the term 'Durand Line' quite well (see my earlier post, acronyms such as this are used only for disputed borders - LOC, LAC, McMahon line, Nine-Dash line, etc.) - so I regret being unable to engage you in la-la land anymore.

The difference is we dont just complain to the UN we also show Indians their aukaat.

Glad that you have accepted what I posted.

Now for your claim - I could find no news stories (not even Pakistani ones) - try googling 'pakistan destroys indian posts' and see the results. You may not like what you see :)
Glad that you have accepted what I posted.

Now for your claim - I could find no news stories (not even Pakistani ones) - try googling 'pakistan destroys indian posts' and see the results. You may not like what you see :)

Dont need to. You know just as much as i do that Indian posts get targeted just as much as Pakistan and no Indian violation goes unanswered and i dont need google to tell me that.

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