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Cross border shelling: Kabul complains to UN against Pakistan

Fair enough though you may remember how India thanked ISIS for rescuing Indian Nurses in Tikrit or that is a conspiracy.
I would also not want to derail this thread further but I must clear this point of yours.
India never thanked ISIS for anything, the people released were most likely ransomed back. India has a policy of paying ransom or releasing prisoners in exchange for its own citizens( remember Kandahar hijacking).

ISIS is the real deal, better cut out this cancer before it spreads.
Good oppprtunity for Pakistan if they could just grab it to expose planners and perpetrators and foreign govts who are running sabotage centers there.
and what about cross border attacks from Afghan side ? we recently lost 5 Soldiers .. who's is to blame ? the pu$$y arse kabul mayor can't control the Areas near Pakistan border while Americans are too busy in giving blow jobs to ISIS in Afghanistan , someone has to take care of these Terrorists .
Pakistan has made too many enemies lately, troops and resources are now being used to defend both its eastern and western borders simultaneously.
Maulana Abul kalam Azad very logically said that Pakistan would make enemies of almost all of its neighbours.
The relation with Indian was always bad, relation with Afghanistan was Luke warm to brotherly now turned to extreme hatred, relation with Iran is not very friendly as per recent checkpost attacks and terror attacks. The only country that has good relations with Pakistan is China, now when will it turn sour ( mostly because of terrorism) is anybody's guess.

Now with the new threat of ISIS in south asia, things will get tough for all countries.
Your piece dotted with some wishful thinking, and some naivety .
There was a time except Western Europe all warld was opposed to US many still are but US gets respect.
Pakistan has imporance which many dislike foremost by india.
Pakistan is just waking up to take its rightful position thats why India is full throttle in Afg against Pak and no visit of Modi ends wothout vilifying Pak.

Now where is that Abul Kalam Azad quote? Quiet far tetched!
ISIS is the real deal, better cut out this cancer before it spreads.

That is the reason we are expanding this operation.

Rest about the payment of ransom to ISIS thing , the story is different.

Sources, however, tell rediff.com that no money involved.

“It must be noted that the ISIS does not need money as it has that in abundance -- they are worth $4 billion. Moreover, the ISIS considers ransom as un-Islamic.
That is the reason we are expanding this operation.

Rest about the payment of ransom to ISIS thing , the story is different.
The story is different indeed.

ISLAMIC State maniacs who kidnapped a Catholic priest from an old people's home have demanded millions of dollars in ransom despite previous reports they had crucified him on Good Friday.
Crazed jihadis have sent a chilling video to the Indian government asking for a huge seven figure ransom in return for the life of Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, according to sources in New Delhi.

The latest twist comes after reports that the sick terrorists had executed the 56-year-old priest, who is originally from India, by crucifying him on Good Friday."

It seems ISIS is not that islamic after all.
According to them they can do haram stuff under the guise of jihad i.e drinking, womanizing and ransom etc..etc...
It seems ISIS is not that islamic after all.
According to them they can do haram stuff under the guise of jihad i.e drinking, womanizing and ransom etc..etc...

They are not Muslims even and we do not treat them as such. Now coming to the point of agenda here that it is surprising as ISIS did not take any ransom from India but UK source claim them contrary to Indian situation. Also, ISIS is famous for slavery etc yet Indian Nurses declared them contrary to what world views about ISIS so the thing is, when the A party is being benefited by XYZ will not oppose but if B does so, the A will make it a mountain. You cannot say that India paid ISIS for release yet. Now they executed the priest but spared a doctor and nurses from India. Now the question arises what was Indian Priest doing in Yemen and you know that who are rebels in Yemen however, this stops here.

It was referred as the most dubious rule of everyone in this world. Now coming to Pakistan ISIS supported culprits hit anyone either it is Military or civilian so we are in open fight against them and there is no discount from our side neither expecting any favour from terrorists at all. This is the reason that Kabul is jumping up & down because couldn't deal the matter and when we are going to hit them terrorists, Kabul is going to complain. Also, the area being hit is already as claimed by Kabul regime as "out of control for Afghanistan Government" then there shouldn't be any doubt that who we are hitting.
ISIS backed by ................ lol every one know.....
Isis in Afghanistan only for Pakistan , China and Russia........... But wrongly for there masters now they start attacking them ............. Yes I mean India ................ And sooner or later Iran will get a big hit......
That is Y Pakistan + China + Russia (and may be Iran in Future also ) planning to take action in Afghanistan . Its a very complicated situation , who knows what comes out of this .... May be all Pashtun Area of Afghanistan will join Pakistan and same as Tajik and Uzbek Areas joins there native countries , or nothing like that happen .
But my guess is Armies of 3 countries are almost ready to take action in Afghanistan and NATO will simply give way or stay in Kabul..............
Now question is about the security of whole region almost 3 Billion people lives in this very close and border shearing countries . (central Asia + south Asia ).
Forget it. The only way Talibans can get to power is by participating in elections. Taliban has started breaking up. Their leaders are waiting for some immunity against their past crimes and rehabilitation package.
Don't ignore the fact that the same talibans are watching you how you are treating the Pashtun refugees in your country. They are fast becoming disillusioned with Pakistan.
there's literally no backing to your claims.
Sounds like Afghans have too much time in their hands. It is better that either their different factions unite together against Pakistan, or focus on fighting with each other until a single winner emerges, but not doing both at the same time.
there's literally no backing to your claims.
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has signed peace deal with Afghan Government. ISIS is spreading in Afghanistan by stealing the Taliban cadre. Their leadership is constantly under American target. The pressure is on Taliban to make peace with the government.
I think the best thing for Afghanistan would be to close down those Indian "cultural centers" aka terrorist training centers along the border with Pakistan.

That would be beneficial for the people of both countries.

But whom am I kidding by expecting anything rational from those pot smokers on Indian payroll - Northern Alliance...

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