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COAS and DG ISI reach PM house

The political parties at the moment in Pakistan....................


Today the state of Pakistan has officially accepted that the threat was real after the high-level security meeting between the government and the military establishment. It is not a joke anymore. No such threat was ever received formally by the state before except for verbal encounters. No factual evidence exists of any of such historic threats. However, this is the first time a threat has been conveyed officially via diplomatic channels. The military establishment admitted and should prepare to confront the adversary. According to the law, this level of threat should be dealt with severely including consulting the security council. All the organs of the state including the Military, Judiciary should be legally bound to be aligned with the government that has been threatened by foreign elements or country(s). There should be extremely serious repercussions for those identities who were directly involved in the conspiracy. Toppling a sitting regime by getting foreign funds or by getting foreign support should be charged with high treason acts anywhere in the world. Under the given circumstances, the Supreme court should strike down the opposition’s no-confidence motion and order an inquiry. The aides/abettors should be arrested, and an emergency should be imposed. Technically Military and judiciary MUST REACT against the perpetrators without ifs and buts.
Pakistan is a nation that anybody is able to do whatever they want and get away with it.
We are unable to do anything as we are too nice to enemies.
but still Imran khan has next 24 hrs to do big favor for nation if he really care about nation ,His game is over but he should stand for the nation , sack that bloody corrupt General Bajwa and DG ISI . and bring any strong patriotic Generals and anounce emeregency aka brutal martial law still even after that he will be gone but this nation would saved from these traitors judges politician and generals .

The last and only time a civilian PM sacked a COAS was by NS in '99 and we all know what happened after that...

If you want a confirmed coup then that would be the route to take...
Those corrupt Generals are in full control ,they won't let IK do such decision .
They have already prepared for such worse case scenerio .
IK has chosen wrong targets ,those stooges could not kick him out in last 3 years , what now all of sudden , General bajwa and that DG ISI is standing behind them .

Mark my words
Imran khan is history now , he will lose PM office on sunday and if afterwards he do any street agitation or do '' chon charan '' God forbid he will be killed just like Mr liaqat ali khan .He won't be in power again . He is done ....

but still Imran khan has next 24 hrs to do big favor for nation if he really care about nation ,His game is over but he should stand for the nation , sack that bloody corrupt General Bajwa and DG ISI . and bring any strong patriotic Generals and anounce emeregency aka brutal martial law still even after that he will be gone but this nation would saved from these traitors judges politician and generals .


Lets wait till April 3 and exercise all peaceful options.

Khan sahab knows this game well.
This is the law of power. Every weak nation has to face such interventions. Didn't we intervene in Afghanistan?
Imran Kaka has the spirit of Faqir Ipi, he is the modern day Faqir Ipi. Both fighting against Western Imperialism and Colonialism.



The last and only time a civilian PM sacked a COAS was by NS in '99 and we all know what happened after that...

If you want a confirmed coup then that would be the route to take...

Bajwa announcing coup being done in the middle of a halwa poory nawala. Crazy.
Yet we Pakistanis generally don't self-reflect and accept, "my bad." I literally argued with an uncle who thought the shahadah/kalimah wasn't one of the 5 pillars. Guy replaced it with jihad. When I showed him the textual evidence, his response was, "so are you saying what I was taught in my childhood was wrong?" I'm standing there thinking, "what. the. frig." That's the thought process of our nation.
That is the crux of it hence why maybe its time once focuses on the loyalties to the adopted nations.
I feel that our drawing-room discussions default to addressing sideshows (e.g., the parties, the generals, etc) and not the underlying problem, i.e., the system. The system we're seeing now is the result of 70+ years of development. It has matured...into a regressive and corrupt reality. No one wants to confront that fact because it forces us (as a society) to critically examine ourselves and admit where we (as individuals, families, tribes, ethnic sub-groups, etc) all went wrong.

Yet we Pakistanis generally don't self-reflect and accept, "my bad." I literally argued with an uncle who thought the shahadah/kalimah wasn't one of the 5 pillars. Guy replaced it with jihad. When I showed him the textual evidence, his response was, "so are you saying what I was taught in my childhood was wrong?" I'm standing there thinking, "what. the. frig." That's the thought process of our nation.

The most dangerous thing is all the institutions protect the system because it protects their wrong doings, the net result is that the rich and powerful get away with their wrong doings and the country and general population suffers.

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