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Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel

IF IA chief visited Israel there might been a dozen conspiracy theories.

Here's 1 technology with military applications, of many, that India bought from Israel: Iron Dome.

Name 1 technology with military applications bought from Israel by China within the past 20 years that was actually delivered.
China Israel ties growing fast, even a FTA also proposed, regarding defence deals, they are silent deals. We know the reason very well.
Jews are discriminatory against Chinese and we don't discriminate them.
Really? Examples?
They backstabbed us more than Japan or Russia in the past 50 years, and we didn't even recognize Israel until 1992.
How? Details?

These claims sound pretty weird to me. China doesn't have a problem with Jews now and to the best of my knowledge never has.
No conspiracy theories this time? No "anti-Muslim" alliance?

Oh, okay never mind then.
China could be just ensuring that in Next Inda vs China-Pakistan war Israel does not provide spares to Indians during war.

Just saying you know.
These claims sound pretty weird to me. China doesn't have a problem with Jews now and to the best of my knowledge never has.

Historically never, many Europeans Jews fleeing the holocaust found refuge in Shanghai when places like Canada and the US refused them but we are concerned with the moral midgetry of Israel's attitude towards its neighbours and the discriminatory policies towards Chinese workers.
As for transfer of technology, what technology may be transferred?
Personally I would love to see China wash its hands of immoral regimes like Sudan, North Korea, and Israel, but realpolitik says we have to deal with them whether it is morally right or not or be at a disadvantage.
China & Israel vow to improve military ties


Chen Bingde, visiting chief of the General Staff of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), pledged Sunday to lift the friendly ties between the Chinese and Israeli militaries to a new level during a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

A deepening Sino-Israeli cooperation is contributing to regional peace and stability, Chen said, stressing the relationship between the two countries' armies is developing in recent years.

Barak, who visited China two months ago, hopes that the two countries will work together to tackle all kinds of threats and challenges.

Chen's visit is the first of its kind, according to Israel Defense Force (IDF) Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, who said the visit was significant in promoting the relations between the two militaries.

At the invitation of Gantz, Chen arrived here on Sunday for a three-day visit.



China, Israel vow to improve military ties
we are concerned with the moral midgetry of Israel's attitude towards its neighbours -
It strikes me as a rare thing for Chinese to be concerned about another country's morals. Is this attitude something limited to Israel, or are there other examples?

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