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Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel


Jul 11, 2010
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Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel


Chinese military chief Gen. Chen Bingde, left, meets with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv on Sunday. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)


Published: Aug 14, 2011 22:15 Updated: Aug 14, 2011 22:15

JERUSALEM: The chief of China’s armed forces visited Israel on Sunday in what analysts saw as part of a Middle East reassessment by Beijing following the political upheaval of the “Arab Spring.”

General Chen Bingde was scheduled to tour an army base and hear security briefings, the Israeli military spokesman said, describing the unprecedented visit as part of “the development and upkeep of international cooperation as a means of facing mutual challenges.”

Israel and China established ties almost two decades ago, but the relationship has been clouded by US disapproval of Israeli arms sales to the Asian superpower.

The Israelis have also been troubled by Beijing’s past reluctance to back international sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program.

Gedaliah Afterman, China expert with the Jewish People Policy Institute, an Israeli think-tank, saw in Chen’s visit a sign of “the growing Chinese interest in the relationship with Israel because of the instability in the surrounding Arab states.”

“They were caught ill-prepared, they didn’t expect the events in the Middle East,” Afterman said, adding that China could try to renew defense deals with Israel.

There was no immediate comment from the Chinese embassy.

Israeli officials described Chen’s visit as part of wider bilateral contacts and played down any prospect of defense deals being discussed. China hosted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in June.

An Israeli defense ministry statement said Barak and Chen discussed “ties with the Palestinians Authority, the situation in Pakistan and Iran and the fight against international terrorism.”

© 2010 Arab News
China, Israel vow to improve military ties


TEL AVIV - Chen Bingde, visiting chief of the General Staff of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), pledged Sunday to lift the friendly ties between the Chinese and Israeli militaries to a new level during a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

China, Israel vow to improve military ties

Chen Bingde, visiting chief of the General Staff of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), shakes hands with Israel's Defence Minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv August 14, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]

A deepening Sino-Israeli cooperation is contributing to regional peace and stability, Chen said, stressing the relationship between the two countries' armies is developing in recent years.

Barak, who visited China two months ago, hopes that the two countries will work together to tackle all kinds of threats and challenges.

Chen's visit is the first of its kind, according to Israel Defense Force (IDF) Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, who said the visit was significant in promoting the relations between the two militaries.

At the invitation of Gantz, Chen arrived here on Sunday for a three-day visit.

China, Israel vow to improve military ties|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn
Probably signing more technology transfer deals under the table again. It had been revealed in the past that China sent its special forces troops to be trained in Israel also, so we might see more of that in the future.
Probably signing more technology transfer deals under the table again. It had been revealed in the past that China sent its special forces troops to be trained in Israel also, so we might see more of that in the future.

Israel is more or less China's technology gateway to the US.
we love china because they are the most clever people in the world china is the money supermarket and every one wants money israel the most.israel has to bow down to china because its financer the US is bankrupt.EVEN AFTER 1/4 OF US CONGRESS WENT TO ISRAEL TO STOP THEM MEETING CHINESE BUT THEY COULDNT STOP PLA CHEIF VISIT BUT CHINA KNOWS ISRAEL
It's highly unlikely that there are going to be any major military deals. Israel got burned really bad over the AWACS deal a decade ago. Israel had to cancel it under US pressure and for breach of contract had to fork over 1 billion dollars to China as a penalty.
we love china because they are the most clever people in the world china is the money supermarket and every one wants money israel the most.israel has to bow down to china because its financer the US is bankrupt.EVEN AFTER 1/4 OF US CONGRESS WENT TO ISRAEL TO STOP THEM MEETING CHINESE BUT THEY COULDNT STOP PLA CHEIF VISIT BUT CHINA KNOWS ISRAEL

Yep Jews love money. I just hope all Jews can leave China. Once that happens, I don't care what happens in Israel.

It's highly unlikely that there are going to be any major military deals. Israel got burned really bad over the AWACS deal a decade ago. Israel had to cancel it under US pressure and for breach of contract had to fork over 1 billion dollars to China as a penalty.

I think they kept the money.
What is your problem with Jews? Historically, China has never had any antisemitism campaign before and majority Chinese have indeed warm feeling towards Jewish people.

I would like more and more Jewish people come to China to help with our modernization. What is wrong with Jews good at making money? It is much better than being stupid and poor.

We have a lot to learn from them and a good and healthy relation between the two countries is quite essential.

Yep Jews love money. I just hope all Jews can leave China. Once that happens, I don't care what happens in Israel.

I think they kept the money.
What is your problem with Jews? Historically, China has never had any antisemitism campaign before and majority Chinese have indeed warm feeling towards Jewish people.

I would like more and more Jewish people come to China to help with our modernization. What is wrong with Jews good at making money? It is much better than being stupid and poor.

We have a lot to learn from them and a good and healthy relation between the two countries is quite essential.

Why is it better than being "stupid and poor", they only increase our competition. Jews are discriminatory against Chinese and we don't discriminate them. Know who else we can learn from? Russians, Japanese and Koreans.

What can Israel provide that Japan or Russia can't? They backstabbed us more than Japan or Russia in the past 50 years, and we didn't even recognize Israel until 1992. Yeah, historically, both Japan and Russia hurt us more in the past 100 years, but that's because the Jews have no ability to hurt us on that scale, besides, that was then and this is now, Japanese and Russians can help China FAR more than Israel can. Japan and Russia both can make jet engines... in fact, China already makes better jet engines than Israel (which doesn't make jet engines), and our last deal, the Israelis backstabbed us.

Name 1 specific technology transferred from Israel to China, that China couldn't have gotten elsewhere. Desalinification? Corruption gave it to Israel; Singapore does it better and cheaper. Agriculture? China's the biggest agricultural producer in the world by far, only corruption gives deals to Israel. AWAC? Sorry, Israel took our money and left us nothing. Lavi? Confirmed to be a hoax. So tell me 1 specific thing.
What is your problem with Jews? Historically, China has never had any antisemitism campaign before and majority Chinese have indeed warm feeling towards Jewish people.

I would like more and more Jewish people come to China to help with our modernization. What is wrong with Jews good at making money? It is much better than being stupid and poor.

We have a lot to learn from them and a good and healthy relation between the two countries is quite essential.

Ordinary Jews are not a problem, but the ZIONIST are a huge problem.

ZIONIST have a World domination agenda and will stab CHINA in the back in a second.

Israel is based on ZIONIST AGENDA. They want to rule the World.

Be careful with the ZIONIST, they cannot be trusted.
^ No fact to back up but rants :tdown:

Go and talk to the millions of Palestines. They will confirm that the Zionists are thieves and liars and of course lowest form of humans. The Chinise wont have the wool pulled over thier eyes.
No conspiracy theories this time? No "anti-Muslim" alliance?

Oh, okay never mind then.

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