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Chinese general reveals shocking inside story of Sino-Indian border conflict

Nah India is more valuable to US. India is the only country that has enough courage to send troops to fight with us. Japan and Aussie just sail with their ships, no action at all. That is why India is the only one from the QUAD that can have a military clash with China. The Indian fist fights is not something to write back home after witnessing their poor performance for sure but nevertheless it's the only one stupid enough to sacrifice itself for the US. That is why i believe the US treats India more as a valuable asset for sacrifice, but what does Modi get back in return that's what i wanna know.

Modi is getting different messages from Biden vs Trump.

I wonder if US elections have bigger impact on India than Indian general elections themselves. Since Modi gets his instructions from Washington now.

I bet that the last message from Biden to Modi was “ Go make a Bollywood movie. Stop causing troubles!!!” As a result, Indian troops had to pull back.
You won’t get there, as you have no idea the fortresses of defences in those distances.
Once more we can mobilise faster, direct far greater force in one area than you can.
You also tried in 65 with massive superiority in arms and men yet failed.
I can see it now looking forward to conquering Lahore but losing the East.....

you are wrong. I can see an Indian Bollywood movie with Indian troops enter Lahore in one day. And the Indians would create threads bragging their military victories.
The general just represent certain fiction within the PLA.

I don't think India was not our strategy priority, instead I think India should be our first priority.

I am all for a war with india first before take back Taiwan and others.

It is much easier and predictable to have a war with india, then taking back Taiwan (which could trigger a war with US and its lapdogs, leading to the realm of unknown waters, may or may not lead to a nuke war).

For india, due to its sheer incompetence, the war will be swift and a decisive victory is for certain, the benefit of the war is the US will have a even harder time to form an anti-China alliance, and it will make our coming war to take back Taiwan easier (otherwise, judging by india's shameless nature, they will almost for certain, open a second front with China, if the war on Taiwan turned to be a global war with the US and its alliance, so we will have a war with it anyway).

And no, China wont be dragged into a mess like the US's vietnam war/Soviet-Afghanistan war, since China wont try to take over the entire shithole, which itself has very little benefits, China's goal should be just cut off some large chunk of terrority from it, and let the rest explode, and their neighbors, like Pakistan, India's NE east-asian like populations, and other countries, will help China stabilizing the situation.

So it is not like Vietnam war/Afghanistan war, which was a pure Alien-invading-local case.
I bet that the last message from Biden to Modi was “ Go make a Bollywood movie. Stop causing troubles!!!” As a result, Indian troops had to pull back.
Yes, whatever Trump promised Modi it's no longer on the table after he lost the election. Biden ain't offering Modi anything at all so the only viable option is to sit down with China and agree to withdraw. Modi made the wrong bet as he expected another Trump term which did not materialize despite India pulling the string of the storming of the Capitol. Still future clash with Indian troops are likely to happen again while Japan and Aussies aren't that stupid to go as far as initiating the attack against China. So i stand by my point that India is more valuable asset to the US. With India you know it's a country run by idiots that falls for the US tricks, so predictable.
compare to Japan and Australia, India is even more worthless. As the past couple of years had shown. India is relying on propaganda and movies to win military victories. Sad.

How Indians think it happened.


What actually happened.

The general just represent certain fiction within the PLA.

I don't think India was not our strategy priority, instead I think India should be our first priority.

I am all for a war with india first before take back Taiwan and others.

It is much easier and predictable to have a war with india, then taking back Taiwan (which could trigger a war with US and its lapdogs, leading to the realm of unknown waters, may or may not lead to a nuke war).

For india, due to its sheer incompetence, the war will be swift and a decisive victory is for certain, the benefit of the war is the US will have a even harder time to form an anti-China alliance, and it will make our coming war to take back Taiwan easier (otherwise, judging by india's shameless nature, they will almost for certain, open a second front with China, if the war on Taiwan turned to be a global war with the US and its alliance, so we will have a war with it anyway).

And no, China wont be dragged into a mess like the US's vietnam war/Soviet-Afghanistan war, since China wont try to take over the entire shithole, which itself has very little benefits, China's goal should be just cut off some large chunk of terrority from it, and let the rest explode, and their neighbors, like Pakistan, India's NE east-asian like populations, and other countries, will help China stabilizing the situation.

So it is not like Vietnam war/Afghanistan war, which was a pure Alien-invading-local case.

China is building up the infrastructure (along the border) and economic relations with the neighbors around India to isolate India, and subdue them without fighting, as Sun Tzu said; Subduing without fighting is the most supreme form of warfare.

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first, then seek to win”

Building up the railway along the entire Tibet border all the way to Hotan and Xinjiang will allow for reliable logistics. Building more Bases like Hotan, and further expansion of the Hotan base, with squadrons of J-20s and a number of sensor laden manned and unmanned platforms will psychologically wear down the Indians when contemplating a fight.

Also, because Indians are temperamental, the Chinese can irritate them (As Sun Tzu advised) with economic and military deals with nations all around them, including free hardware or participation in joint exercises or scholarships for many students to Chinese universities.

Wearing the Indian military down with similar build ups along their borders is another way to reduce their willingness to fight; Sun Tzu said “Even the Finest Sword, plunged into salt water will eventually rust”. But this build up must look like the kind of build up of conventional capabilities, so the Indians maintain a conventional military, and do not invest in modern/ Shashoujian weapons; Sun Tzu said “Engage people with what they expect, it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment - that which they cannot anticipate.”

But as the build up at Hotan proves, China is getting prepared, come what may.
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China is building up the infrastructure (along the border) and economic relations with the neighbors around India to isolate India, and subdue them without fighting, as Sun Tzu said; Subduing without fighting is the most supreme form of warfare.

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first, then seek to win”

Building up the railway along the entire Tibet border all the way to Hotan and Xinjiang will allow for reliable logistics. Building more Bases like Hotan, and further expansion of the Hotan base, with squadrons of J-20s and a number of sensor laden manned and unmanned platforms will psychologically wear down the Indians when contemplating a fight.

Also, because Indians are temperamental, the Chinese can irritate them (As Sub Tzu advised) with economic and military deals with nations all around them, including free hardware or participation in joint exercises or scholarships for many students to Chinese universities.

Wearing the Indian military down with similar build ups along their borders is another way to reduce their willingness to fight; Sun Tzu said “Even the Finest Sword, plunged into salt water will eventually rust”. But this build up must look like the kind of build up of conventional capabilities, so the Indians maintain a conventional military, and do not invest in modern/ Shashoujian weapons; Sun Tzu said “Engage people with what they expect, it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment - that which they cannot anticipate.”

But as the build up at Hotan proves, China is getting prepared, come what may.
China operates at a different realm than India,it moves at totally different level than the Indian mindset can comprehend,the moment China decides to wage war on India,India will be in blacked out in all spheres,and wouldn't even be able to launch a precise missile. India will be back to stone age.All the warfare electronic system and power grids will fry,hardly any communication and navigation will be helpful ,while Bollywood bravado infused military will try to put up a front despite their hidden fears,China will make quick work with their predetermined precise advanced warfare with tech and machines in the lead unlike body bags of the Indian side,it will be a swift war for total occupation,not some border conflict for the chinese.India will be disintegrated thereupon.
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China operates at a different realm than India,it moves at totally different level than the Indian mindset can comprehend,the moment China decides to wage war on India,India will be in blacked out in all spheres,and wouldn't even be able to launch a precise missile. India will be back to stone age.All the warfare electronic system and power grids will fry,hardly any communication and navigation will be helpful ,while dumb Bollywood bravado infused military will try to put up a front despite their hidden fears,China will make quick work with their predetermined precise advanced warfare with tech and machines in the lead unlike body bags of the Indian side,it will be a swift war for total occupation,not some border conflict for the chinese.India will be disintegrated thereupon.

Perhaps, but I don’t think China has any interest occupying or governing any heavily populated areas of Indian territory. At best, China may form buffer states, particularly in Northeast India especially the chicken’s neck, to prevent any future Indian movements the could threaten China or allow India to bring in a third power to threaten China. (If captured, the “Chicken’s neck” would create a direct link to Bangladesh and have implications for Chinese presence in the Bay of Bengal region, tightening the encirclement of India)

Should a war breakout, particularly in Ladakh, China may help Pakistan decisively to win in the Kashmir/Ladakh theater, to form another buffer, to protect OBOR/BRI investments, and end the last remnants of a Tibetan Buddhist government in exile , in Ladakh and adjacent areas, just outside of Tibet, depending on what happens with the Dalai Lama.

In the end, What would be left would still be an India in name but severely crippled. The fact that Delhi or other key regions aren’t taken would keep the war conventional, but the humiliation, and panic, may lead to some level of anarchy, requiring the declaration of an “emergency” (basically martial law). Something like what happened in Russia after the end of the 1905 Russo-Japanese war.

This is why it would be wise for India not to go to war with China. It would very much be like the Russo-Japanese war in a number of ways.
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All I see, one retired retard chinese general said woulda shoulda coulda. Cheerleaders and cute members are having mental masturbation.
Islamabad is <150km from the border

Lahore <45km

And despite all the saber-rattling, chest-thumping and other hawkish, aggressive rhetoric from your country, not an inch of territory taken or attempted since I've been around (2+ decades.)

Lahore could be 5KM and you guys are still all talk. Several times bigger in all relevant domains and still don't have the balls to invade. Cute.
Perhaps, but I don’t think China has any interest occupying or governing any heavily populated areas of Indian territory. At best, China may form buffer states, particularly in Northeast India especially the chicken’s neck, to prevent any future Indian movements the could threaten China or allow India to bring in a third power to threaten China. (If captured, the “Chicken’s neck” would create a direct link to Bangladesh and have implications for Chinese presence in the Bay of Bengal region, tightening the encirclement of India)

Should a war breakout, particularly in Ladakh, China may help Pakistan decisively to win in the Kashmir/Ladakh theater, to form another buffer, to protect OBOR/BRI investments, and end the last remnants of a Tibetan Buddhist government in exile , in Ladakh and adjacent areas, just outside of Tibet, depending on what happens with the Dalai Lama.

In the end, What would be left would still be an India in name but severely crippled. The fact that Delhi or other key regions aren’t taken would keep the war conventional, but the humiliation, and panic, may lead to some level of anarchy, requiring the declaration of an “emergency” (basically martial law). Something like what happened in Russia after the end of the 1905 Russo-Japanese war.

This is why it would be wise for India not to go to war with China. It would very much be like the Russo-Japanese war in a number of ways.
I don't mean occupation like in colony,but momentarily control for restructure.

From my experience,in comparison to the interaction between North and south Indians , even North East Indians tends to actually get along with more modern south and north Indians ,the mainland Indians are curious about NE people since they are different and the popularity of East asian culture like -kdrama,kpop,anime etc effects the perception of the gen z,unlike the older gen.But the North and South Indians absolutely detest each other,and the divide grows,they have deep rooted reproach against each other. One crack on the union ,and the North and South can turn into an eternal nemesis of each other. In a situation of occupation,China will likely take a memorandum from the locals about being part of the union and thus divide india into north ,south, and North East.
I don't mean occupation like in colony,but momentarily control for restructure.

From my experience,in comparison to the interaction between North and south Indians , even North East Indians tends to actually get along with more modern south and north Indians ,the mainland Indians are curious about NE people since they are different and the popularity of East asian culture like -kdrama,kpop,anime etc effects the perception of the gen z,unlike the older gen.But the North and South Indians absolutely detest each other,and the divide grows,they have deep rooted reproach against each other. One crack on the union ,and the North and South can turn into an eternal nemesis of each other. In a situation of occupation,China will likely take a memorandum from the locals about being part of the union and thus divide india into north ,south, and North East.

In areas of heavy Chinese military activity and relatively small local population, such as Northeast India, there is definitely the possibility of breaking away to form either one or a number of new independent nations. But despite their differences, the North and South Indians will probably not separate unless there is so much anarchy the south wants to restore stability on its own terms.

The northeast of India has a number of separatist movements, but southern Indian doesn’t seem as restive. The exception being the eastern coastal areas of central India and the Naxal rebels. More autonomous for years until the central government gains back control, but eventually that too will fall back in place.

It’s the border lands close to China, taken during a conflict that have the only real likelihood of separating the rest will reform back into an India, if only to restore some stable common governance between the regions.
I don't mean occupation like in colony,but momentarily control for restructure.

From my experience,in comparison to the interaction between North and south Indians , even North East Indians tends to actually get along with more modern south and north Indians ,the mainland Indians are curious about NE people since they are different and the popularity of East asian culture like -kdrama,kpop,anime etc effects the perception of the gen z,unlike the older gen.But the North and South Indians absolutely detest each other,and the divide grows,they have deep rooted reproach against each other. One crack on the union ,and the North and South can turn into an eternal nemesis of each other. In a situation of occupation,China will likely take a memorandum from the locals about being part of the union and thus divide india into north ,south, and North East.
Too much expectations from chinese princlets ... in all out war china will find it hard to keep Tibet ... and wats this east asian kpop if u think majority of Indians even think about 6-7 ladyboys n plastics chirping on TV ... India has that kind of bullywood shit going around from past 70 years haha ... pretty crap I say...
Once India mobilize for war thr is no way even 2 fronts gonna push India much...
Chinese are just too far from thr mainlands in Tibet... majority of India bulk is situated in downhills of Himalayas... pakistan is an afterthought ...
Ur dreams will remain dreams... India is only rising
In areas of heavy Chinese military activity and relatively small local population, such as Northeast India, there is definitely the possibility of breaking away to form either one or a number of new independent nations. But despite their differences, the North and South Indians will probably not separate unless there is so much anarchy the south wants to restore stability on its own terms.

The northeast of India has a number of separatist movements, but southern Indian doesn’t seem as restive. The exception being the eastern coastal areas of central India and the Naxal rebels. More autonomous for years until the central government gains back control, but eventually that too will fall back in place.

It’s the border lands close to China, taken during a conflict that have the only real likelihood of separating the rest will reform back into an India, if only to restore some stable common governance between the regions.
Despite what some elites want in case of China occupation ,there will be memorandum,China gives two hoots about what elites think,asked for a memorandum,I doubt the south will be willing to stay under the union,not every state ,there will most likely disintegration.Not just south ,but many other parts of INDIA ,from central areas to eastern sides.Ofcourse China will put forward their own lucrative offers for investment and security in various sate ,further giving an agenda for disintegration.If China offered investment offer and security guarantee,I doubt many state in south even north ,will seek to remain in Union.

Too much expectations from chinese princlets ... in all out war china will find it hard to keep Tibet ... and wats this east asian kpop if u think majority of Indians even think about 6-7 ladyboys n plastics chirping on TV ... India has that kind of bullywood shit going around from past 70 years haha ... pretty crap I say...
Once India mobilize for war thr is no way even 2 fronts gonna push India much...
Chinese are just too far from thr mainlands in Tibet... majority of India bulk is situated in downhills of Himalayas... pakistan is an afterthought ...
Ur dreams will remain dreams... India is only rising
It's not expectation but realism. Tibet don't have instability at all,the dissidents are all in India,and elsewhere, why would average Tibetans seek breakaway instead of being part of the largest economy ,with living standard multifolds higher than their bretherens across the border? Humans want good living standard,economic prosperity,safety,essenticals,social mobility before political propaganda .
I'm talking about soft power,it might be a lost cause on you ,while you hate china,Indians are the largest consumers of Chinese drama on internet based on actual stats.
Here,I just typed C-drama in ytsearch,clicked on first video and there 99 % of top comment are indians. As Chinese soft power grows,India will lose heart against chinese .
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