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Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

how come coast guard v/s coast guard?
no two coast guards are going to fight each other?

No fight, Vietnam's coast guard is just hunting and pushing invader ships to run way from EZZ of Vietnam..
Did you watch the video? Did you hear the screams of the Vietnamese sailors dying as they realize they've been brainwashed by your country? Your country brainwashed them to believe South China Sea belongs to Vietnam. What a stupid idea. Then your country taught them to hate China..... just like you hate and other Vietnamese on this forum hate China.

Then when they are filled with hate and ready to challenge China, we Chinese open fire with our vastly superior military power and turn these young men with dreams and red blood into fish food. Oh poor boys, they will never see their families or friends again. They died for what reason? So your country can keep brainwashing you to hate us?

Wake up fools! Your brainwashing will only lead to your death. You are no match for China. Accept China's lesson or else we need to teach you again.
Why you don't mention those Chinese who got brainwashed into waging a war against Vietnam in 1979? 12,000 of them died on agony with their blood soak up on our land for the sake of your gov's propaganda. They died in vain without achieving any objective. Don't believe me, go to militaryphotos forum and your countrymen even listed the number of graves of those Chinese soldiers killed in 1979 war alone.

You guys on the other can only "proud" of shooting our transport boats with unarmed Viet soldiers or your coast guard ramming our civilian fisherman boats
Is that all you got? Accuse me being a spy? Is that all the argument you can come up with? You must be CIA then.


No matter what you say, your China is a Lonely country, because of you ambition to dominate the world.
See the bellow map and tell me, what the **** your Gov is doing? to help Asean countries and even Australia to protect themselves from aliens ?

No matter what you say, your China is a Lonely country, because of you ambition to dominate the world.
See the bellow map and tell me, what the **** your Gov is doing? to help Asean countries and even Australia to protect themselves from aliens ?


omg stop making fool out yourself little viet, these lines were drawn by america to contain China called two island chains defense.

China dominate the world? lol how ignorant and brainwashed you are? China has been leadng world economy, science and military for 2 thousand years have you heard any Chinese style ethnic cleansing, religious campaign, slavery and crusaders? as far as we can see is that the west especially america is warring everywhere corner of the world under the disgusting name of 'democracy' and 'human rights' which can only fool some simpletons like some little viets here
omg stop making fool out yourself little viet, these lines were drawn by america to contain China called two island chains defense.

China dominate the world? lol how ignorant and brainwashed you are? China has been leadng world economy, science and military for 2 thousand years have you heard any Chinese style ethnic cleansing, religious campaign, slavery and crusaders? as far as we can see is that the west especially america is warring everywhere corner of the world under the disgusting name of 'democracy' and 'human rights' which can only fool some simpletons like some little viets here

Then what was "let a thousand flowers bloom" movement? What are you doing in Tibet. No need to mention ma scare of innocent teenagers in Tienanmen square.Don't pretend to be a saint which you are not.
omg stop making fool out yourself little viet, these lines were drawn by america to contain China called two island chains defense.

Check the link bellow, and tell the truth, liar:
China plans for world domination--Taiwan first
"China took a giant step towards war against Taiwan and the US with the release of a white paper on October 16. Entitled, "China's National Defence in 2000", the white paper raised threats of military force against Taiwan, and indirectly to the US to the highest level since Taiwanese president Chen Shiu-bian was elected. On October 18, South China Morning Post quoted the the report as saying "The PLA has the absolute determination, confidence, ability and means to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity and will never tolerate, condone or remain indifferent to the realisation of any scheme to divide the motherland."
China has recently announced that it is establishing a First and Second Island Defense Lines within which it would consider its zone of influence. China has repeatedly defined that no nation can intervene in any way within its zone of influences. By announcing these lines of defense, China is establishing it as the power of this global region...."
Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India (All the democratic countries) are sceptical about Chinese intention. Countries like North Korea, Iran, Sudan saw pillar of support in you. Co-incidence eh?
omg stop making fool out yourself little viet, these lines were drawn by america to contain China called two island chains defense.

China dominate the world? lol how ignorant and brainwashed you are? China has been leadng world economy, science and military for 2 thousand years have you heard any Chinese style ethnic cleansing, religious campaign, slavery and crusaders? as far as we can see is that the west especially america is warring everywhere corner of the world under the disgusting name of 'democracy' and 'human rights' which can only fool some simpletons like some little viets here

even Viet Cong fan boys believe they have more human rights and democracy in vietnam than in China, they keep telling that around the world without any hesitate! Viet Cong using the same cards that CNN and BBC spreading out to blur China images.

that show how foolish and stupid the viets are, paranoid? NO, arrogant? NO, insane? NO.....just a bunch of god damn idiots!!!
even Viet Cong fan boys believe they have more human rights and democracy in vietnam than in China, they keep telling that around the world without any hesitate! Viet Cong using the same cards that CNN and BBC spreading out to blur China images.

that show how foolish and stupid the viets are, paranoid? NO, arrogant? NO, insane? NO.....just a bunch of god damn idiots!!!

In each country that has guys sycophantic, but who sycophantic China the most vulgar and despicable is that You and just you. Not only that, you have demonstrated for all to see the very nature of learning even though you have been in a most civilized countries as such as USA. What a fool eh?
even Viet Cong fan boys believe they have more human rights and democracy in vietnam than in China, they keep telling that around the world without any hesitate! Viet Cong using the same cards that CNN and BBC spreading out to blur China images.

that show how foolish and stupid the viets are, paranoid? NO, arrogant? NO, insane? NO.....just a bunch of god damn idiots!!!

Show us your true image, are you a 红卫兵 as bellow pic?:



that show how foolish and stupid ..: Let see you Chinese soldier doing exercises
In each country that has guys sycophantic, but who sycophantic China the most vulgar and despicable is that You and just you. Not only that, you have demonstrated for all to see the very nature of learning even though you have been in a most civilized countries. What a fool eh?

oh stop spreading your lengthy fishy argument troll, i don't give a damn care 4 what you have wrote above; indeed i don't give a glance on your facepalm! you have to know that we are not your retared viet fools so you cannot lecture us using that garbage reason!!!

Remember to keep your masturbation inside your vietnamese community only, don't bring that kind of garbage to the outside, people will kill you 4 making them upset.
Show us your true image, are you a 红卫兵 as bellow pic?:



that show how foolish and stupid ..: Let see you Chinese soldier doing exercises

wow usa's vietnamese sock puppets is gaining it population so quickly, more than everybody could image. how nasty is that!!!

bye bye troll, those garbage above isn't relate to anything about this topic so you are going to pinky state again 4 not so long!

hey puppet, you must use that garbage to against your Viet Cong fellows is better, China is not that before you were born 4 long!!!


oh stop spreading your lengthy fishy argument troll, i don't give a damn care 4 what you have wrote above; indeed i don't give a glance on your facepalm! you have to know that we are not your retared viet fools so you cannot lecture us using that garbage reason!!!

Remember to keep your masturbation inside your vietnamese community only, don't bring that kind of garbage to the outside, people will kill you 4 making them upset.[/

Its only today or you are always so frustrated and depressed? Just curious.
oh stop spreading your lengthy fishy argument troll, i don't give a damn care 4 what you have wrote above; indeed i don't give a glance on your facepalm! you have to know that we are not your retared viet fools so you cannot lecture us using that garbage reason!!!

Remember to keep your masturbation inside your vietnamese community only, don't bring that kind of garbage to the outside, people will kill you 4 making them upset.

Well, I know you will say so and I had anticipated, unscrupulous and sycophantic China are the same. Because the thickness of the face that made you not feel regret. Its look alike human lives among human but is not a human being. Unfortunately not too many people like you and you were perfect fit for that job eh?
oh stop spreading your lengthy fishy argument troll, i don't give a damn care 4 what you have wrote above; indeed i don't give a glance on your facepalm! you have to know that we are not your retared viet fools so you cannot lecture us using that garbage reason!!!

Remember to keep your masturbation inside your vietnamese community only, don't bring that kind of garbage to the outside, people will kill you 4 making them upset.[/

Its only today or you are always so frustrated and depressed? Just curious.

are you preferring about yourself or what? :unsure:

you have nothing new to say pathetic indian???

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