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China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

You false flag non-Chinese liar, if you stop babbling about India in each thread, and stop making statements like "India was created by the British for xyz purpose", I will stay off this thread. How about, China was "allowed to become a country" as a counterweight to possible future Japanese power?

And what's this psycho babble about 'Indian rule'? Are you a lunatic? So, since we have a gurudwara in HK, it means that Indians ruled China, eh?

Soon Indians (Tamils) will rule Canada...a few more ships loaded with Indians are on their way to Canada.
^^ been to HK many times, know many people there, NO ONE consider indians as their "overlords" actually they dont know much about india at all, most are either worried about their democracy in 2047 or proud to be reunited with the mainland.(or both i suppose)
Soon Indians (Tamils) will rule Canada...a few more ships loaded with Indians are on their way to Canada.

Well, the Canadians don't seem to mind them. Looks like you want to rule someplace too. You can start by improving your terrible image so that countries will be more willing to take you in. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, remember that.
Well, the Canadians don't seem to mind them. Looks like you want to rule someplace too. You can start by improving your terrible image so that countries will be more willing to take you in. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, remember that.

Oh yeah Canadians don't mind so much that they asked Thailand to arrest Tamils that was about to head to Canada.

^^ been to HK many times, know many people there, NO ONE consider indians as their "overlords" actually they dont know much about india at all, most are either worried about their democracy in 2047 or proud to be reunited with the mainland.(or both i suppose)

HK people sure love Indians even though they don't know much about India :


Gill Mohindepaul Singh just happened to be lucky because he was the only ethnic minority at the "Minutes to Fame" contest and the judges were so generous to let him win the crown. He did not sing that well but since he is a non-Chinese you can pardon his errors in the lyric.
Well , Chinese people are so damn generous that TVB signed him up as a TV star. He already appeared in several TV series.
Oh yeah Canadians don't mind so much that they asked Thailand to arrest Tamils that was about to head to Canada.

HK people sure love Indians even though they don't know much about India :


Gill Mohindepaul Singh just happened to be lucky because he was the only ethnic minority at the "Minutes to Fame" contest and the judges were so generous to let him win the crown. He did not sing that well but since he is a non-Chinese you can pardon his errors in the lyric.
Well , Chinese people are so damn generous that TVB signed him up as a TV star. He already appeared in several TV series.

May be they try to identify themselves with their former colonial masters. May be, they want to look like their masters.

Like this one: Chinese wearing turbans. :lol:


On Boxer Rebellion: Indians and Chinese:


---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ----------

YouTube - Free Tibet? True? Western Media? Answers Here
Stupid thread.

Challenger's logic of

Chinese blaming Indians ,for they did under British rule is as stupid as

Japanese blaming Chinese for what Chinese did under Mongol rule.

by the way,why am i replying here,when challenger isn't obviously Chinese

Also the same Indian soldiers fought against Japanese to protect Hong Kong ,though they failed ,


Also when sent to a prison camp the refused to join INA

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^^ been to HK many times, know many people there, NO ONE consider indians as their "overlords" actually they dont know much about india at all, most are either worried about their democracy in 2047 or proud to be reunited with the mainland.(or both i suppose)

Exactly right. :tup:

Challenger is not Chinese, he is South Asian, which is why he knows nothing about this at all.

He even claimed that "Han are not Chinese". :rofl:
Exactly right. :tup:

Challenger is not Chinese, he is South Asian, which is why he knows nothing about this at all.

He even claimed that "Han are not Chinese". :rofl:

I am not Chinese. Right. But Liu Xiaobo is Chinese. He speaks and writes excellent Chinese. Why is he in jail? Is he anti China, but he is Chinese, no?

And please ask the mods to ban me. After that the game will begin here. Either you will stay here or me.
Yuanmingyuan was pillaged and burned down by British and French aggressor troops in 1860 and again sacked and burned down in 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces -- troops sent by Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Tsarist Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria -- occupied Beijing. [/B]

Old Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

On October 18, 1860, the British High Commissioner to China Lord Elgin, in retaliation for the torture and execution of almost twenty European and Indian prisoners (including two British envoys and a journalist for The Times), ordered the destruction of the palace.[7]

The envoys, Henry Loch and Harry Parkes, had gone ahead of the main force under a flag of truce to negotiate with the Prince I at Tungchow. After a day of talks, on September 29 they and their small escort of British and Indian troopers were suddenly surrounded and taken prisoner. They were taken to the Board of Punishments in Beijing where they were confined and tortured. Parkes and Loch were returned after two weeks, with fourteen other survivors. Twenty British, French and Indian captives died. Their bodies were barely recognizable. The treatment of their people caused revulsion among the European army.

Yes the treasures should be returned but also the whole story should be told not just the looting.

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