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China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

I thought PLA will overrun entire ladhak and kashmir. That was picture on PDF. Now china is whining for Indian occupation? What a pathetic situation.
BTW It is a big shock for chinese cheerleaders.
Like how our Chinese boy scout bare knuckle and send 20 Indian soldier to meet their makers without suffer a fatality? We Chinese haven't even use 0.1% of our real strength.

The very reason why we Chinese hold back until now is becos indian still buy large number of honor, xiaomi and oppp smartphone even we killed Indian aggressor. If India complete ban Chinese product. We will overrun new delhi in a single day. :enjoy:
How has India shown any courage whatsoever? They literally took an unoccupied hill deep within their own side of the LAC. Courage would mean the Indians successfully evicting the Chinese out of their own fortified positions (basically had they been successful at Galwan). They have shown absolutely no courage at all ... meanwhile the Chinese just took took two more strategically important hills without any Indian response.

This is incorrect. India occupied one hill on the new Chinese LAC line ... the one they made up after the Galwan clash. The LAC prior to May 2020 is far to the right of the current LAC. If you take this to be the new LAC, then you are admitting that the 1000 square kilometers occupied by the Chinese after May 2020 is Chinese territory.
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The LAC is according to the Chinese perception after June 15.

If India did not violate China's perception of the LAC - wherever that is - Beijing wouldn't have used the word intrusion in their press release. So China is now in the same spot as India.

It doesn't matter if China hold 10 spots and India holds 2. A single violation brings it back to a draw.
How has India shown any courage whatsoever? They literally took an unoccupied hill deep within their own side of the LAC. Courage would mean the Indians successfully evicting the Chinese out of their own fortified positions (basically had they been successful at Galwan). They have shown absolutely no courage at all ... meanwhile the Chinese just took took two more strategically important hills without any Indian response.

This is incorrect. India occupied one hill on the new Chinese LAC line ... the one they made up after the Galwan clash. The LAC prior to May 2020 is far to the right of the current LAC. If you take this to be the new LAC, then you are admitting that the 1000 square kilometers occupied by the Chinese after May 2020 is Chinese territory.
View attachment 666012
The LAC is according to the Chinese perception after June 15.
No it's like this: before August 29, PLA had set up positions on the flat land east of Helmet top and Black top and (some distance away) close to Rechin La. PLA did not anticipate India will make a grab for the peaks. India deployed ethnic Tibetans who are more adaptable to high altitude maneuvers. By the time PLA tried to block Indian Army, they had already taken the peaks at Helmet top, Black top and Rechin La ridge. They even destroyed some cameras that PLA had set up. The following day PLA retook Helmet top and Black top (some clash with Indian casualties happened) but Indian Army still controls the Rechin La ridge. As long as they are there they have a vantage point over the PLA positions on the flat land on the other side. But it's not going to be easy for them to remain in that position for an extended time even assuming PLA does not take further action to dislodge them.
As I see it, China occupied some posts on Indian side and India occupied some posts on Chinese side. Score is now 1-1.

Pakistanis be disappoint.

Remember, this fight is f*g vs f*g. Now that the score is settled, the c*cks in Beijing and Delhi will call it a day.

Fanbois be disappoint.
Vedic math again, it's 2 hilltops vs 1000 sqkm, 20 killed, 60 captured, that's not including the earlier episode of 5 tied up bitches with full HD pics. Lol.
No it's like this: before August 29, PLA set up positions on the flat land east of Helmet top and Black top and (some distance away) close to Rechin La. PLA did not anticipate India will make a grab for the peaks. India deployed ethnic Tibetans who are more adaptable to high altitude maneuvers. By the time PLA tried to block Indian Army, they had already taken the peaks at Helmet top, Black top and Rechin La ridge. They even destroyed some cameras that PLA had set up. The following day PLA retook Helmet top and Black top (some clash with Indian casualties happened) but Indian Army still controls the Rechin La ridge. As long as they are there they have a vantage point over the PLA positions on the flat land on the other side. But it's not going to be easy for them to remain in that position for an extended time even assuming PLA does not take further action to dislodge them.
Ahhh no wonder Chinese MOFA keep on referring to Reqin pass. So they went slightly above our claim line and we retook the 2 peaks they tried taking earlier.
This Chinese-India dispute is too slow for my liking.

No one has to die for my entertainment, just shoot down a Rafale or MKI and serve the pilot tea - ill be happy with just that :lol:
China is like the bully who can't tell outside what beatings it had got inside the closed door. And the syncopants of CCP cheerleaders propagating in foreign forums doesnt help their cause in even crying out aloud in pain.

Today Finger 4 heights has been occupied by IA in another op. Reports coming in some heights in Chushul area has too been occupied. F4 has been previously vacated by China this July but they still had some camps but it seems special forces outmaneuvered them. Chushul heights was unoccupied by neither, but it was occupied by the first time this changing status quo. China has been telling us, if you occupy something it's yours. Seems IA is learning the tricks from PLA on how to salami slice neighbors lands.

That's the latest update.

PS: I won't respond to trolls but only to serious quotes of my post.
China is like the bully who can't tell outside what beatings it had got inside the closed door. And the syncopants of CCP cheerleaders propagating in foreign forums doesnt help their cause in even crying out aloud in pain.

Today Finger 4 heights has been occupied by IA in another op. Reports coming in some heights in Chushul area has too been occupied. F4 has been previously vacated by China this July but they still had some camps but it seems special forces outmaneuvered them. Chushul heights was unoccupied by neither, but it was occupied by the first time this changing status quo. China has been telling us, if you occupy something it's yours. Seems IA is learning the tricks from PLA on how to salami slice neighbors lands.

That's the latest update.

PS: I won't respond to trolls but only to serious quotes of my post.
Ever wondered that maybe just maybe we want you to come forward? Lol
China is like the bully who can't tell outside what beatings it had got inside the closed door. And the syncopants of CCP cheerleaders propagating in foreign forums doesnt help their cause in even crying out aloud in pain.

Today Finger 4 heights has been occupied by IA in another op. Reports coming in some heights in Chushul area has too been occupied. F4 has been previously vacated by China this July but they still had some camps but it seems special forces outmaneuvered them. Chushul heights was unoccupied by neither, but it was occupied by the first time this changing status quo. China has been telling us, if you occupy something it's yours. Seems IA is learning the tricks from PLA on how to salami slice neighbors lands.

That's the latest update.

PS: I won't respond to trolls but only to serious quotes of my post.
Seems like Finger 4 is back with us as well.
It looks Indians are going bonkers deluding themselves silly after PLA took back Helmet top and Black top and killed their special forces :rofl:

There too much confusion on what's happening. But, if a respected publication like The Print is reporting this, it brings some clarity.
India-China standoff: Indian Army captures Pangong North Finger 4 in Ladakh
India-China standoff: This is for the first time since early June, Indian Army and Special Frontier Force (SFF) mounted rapid mission to take position at Finger 4 heights

Beijing urged India on Tuesday to immediately withdraw troops that have crossed the Line of Actual Control and to stop its provocation and any moves that may escalate or complicate the situation.

Means, it is confirmed that India has taken under control the important heights...
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