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China - Uighur teenager handed death sentence over ethnic riots

Turkish members you really need to look at it from unbiased perspective - China would do this to any other ethnic group if they try to harm national interest of China.Chinese don't look at traitors from religious prescriptive.They execute them regardless of religion of traitors.

Thank you that was the point I think we were collectively trying to get across.
Turkish members you really need to look at it from unbiased perspective - China would do this to any other ethnic group if they try to harm national interest of China.Chinese don't look at traitors from religious prescriptive.They execute them regardless of religion of traitors.

I hope you are right bro.

if they are murdering uighurs because of they are muslims. We will never be quiet !!
If you follow the Chinese media, criminals from the Han Community are executed all the time, the reason that is not highlighted is their is no propaganda potential, that the rotten indian press can make out of it.
I guess death sentence might create another round of problem. Although I do wish those who are guilty are punished but death sentence would be too much. I am saying after gaining experience from Indian Politics.
I hope you are right bro.

if they are murdering uighurs because of they are muslims. We will never be quiet !!

Bro, their are millions of Chinese Muslims with different ethnicities - with many holding important positions in the PLA, CCP, and large commercial holdings, they are part and parcel of that society, there is no chance of persecution.

You have to go to China to experience the beauty of it's multi-cultural society, the foods - the national dresses, you will be astounded.
Bro, their are millions of Chinese Muslims with different ethnicities - with many holding important positions in the PLA, CCP, and large commercial holdings, they are part and parcel of that society, there is no chance of persecution.

You have to go to China to experience the beauty of it's multi-cultural society, the foods - the national dresses, you will be astounded.

Actually being a minority carries with it certain benefits like no one-child policy, free schooling, preferential job programs etc.

I guess death sentence might create another round of problem. Although I do wish those who are guilty are punished but death sentence would be too much. I am saying after gaining experience from Indian Politics.

The death penalty is a more matter of fact thing in China and people are still mostly supportive of capital punishment. All in all less controversial.
Each university in China have Muslims Canteen. In order to respect the Muslim diet.

Tsinghua University's Muslims Canteen:





Bro, their are millions of Chinese Muslims with different ethnicities - with many holding important positions in the PLA, CCP, and large commercial holdings, they are part and parcel of that society, there is no chance of persecution.

You have to go to China to experience the beauty of it's multi-cultural society, the foods - the national dresses, you will be astounded.

You're right. :tup: In fact, the Vice Premier of China is a "Hui" Muslim as well, his name is Hui Liangyu.
Dividing muslims as uighurs and others ??? bravooo !!!

They are killing innocent muslim uighurs everyday but that is ok for you coz you get some of your weapons from china !! so they are your holly brothers .... hypocrisy !!!! :angry::angry:

loads of uighers are happily living in pakistan, and more so in china, pakistan is concerned about human rights every where in the world and china alike, but people there are living happily and the future of uighers is very much tied to china. just as their separation is not good from china, as kurdish separation is not needed for turkey

though palestine, chechnya kashmir are a clear cut case of opression and the world is concerned about their conditions..
Radio Free Asia

This says all. It's a CIA/NED psy-op front, it's just doing its China bashing job.

But if this is all the dirt our indian member can dredge up from the gutter about China, then China is doing pretty good.

On the other hand, I am glad the murderers got caught, tried under the law and are meeting the long arms of justice. Even though the death punishment won't bring the innocent victims back, their families and loved ones can at least now go on living their own lives with a feeling of closure.
I appreciate China for not letting things out of control and not bothering about sensitivities of people. It will be beneficial in the longer run. If the Indian government had handled certain problems of ours the same way, we could have concentrated better on our development instead of wasting our resources on them.

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