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China to have problem with US selling arms to India, tops diplomatic agenda

Applause for the agricultural country
Every year tens of billions of dollars to buy weapons and ammunition reserve, imported parts.

But you need to correct your point of view. —— China never wants to buy weapons from other countries. China pursues military independence. Because we know that a country can not rely on imported weapons to become a powerful country. So we're trying to change that and reduce imports from russia. And export arms to the world. Including developed countries...Oh, the world is less stupid than indians.....?

This is the biggest difference with India.

Even if you buy the best products, such as SU-30 and C-130, but in the India air force, these good products are still a disaster! Products can be bought, but technology is not available.

As you can see, LCA can't beat J-7 or JF-17., isn't it? Oh, look, the freedom fighters of Manipur killed 20 India occupation army.


India why not buy soldiers tactics? The world's best soldiers wait for India to buy. As well as how to properly drive the aircraft, how to reverse the ship righting... What are you waiting for?

Cheers! Agricultural countries to buy advanced weapons into a powerful country! This is the confidence of an agricultural country!

Yet Chinese paid hefty sum for S 400 and Su35 .Pathetic state of affairs and so much for independence .
Oh well ,cultural revolution and copy pasting gave some type of prestige to our pea IQ Chinese more than Agriculture .So much for Mao .

History:US Army undertaken months of training in India before their Afghan invasion .
Have you heard CIJWS ?
What I am saying is that dont try to measure the capability of others with these half baked knowledge .
China is one of the few countries which can and does stand up to the big bully US,which is polled as the biggest threat to the world peace worldwide by their Pew research center. There are some US lapdogs cheering for their master in every possible turn and that only shows how pathetic and impotent they are.
Bully like in South China Sea and making artificial islands :pop:
Yet Chinese paid hefty sum for S 400 and Su35 .Pathetic state of affairs and so much for independence .
Oh well ,cultural revolution and copy pasting gave some type of prestige to our pea IQ Chinese more than Agriculture .So much for Mao .

History:US Army undertaken months of training in India before their Afghan invasion .
Have you heard CIJWS ?
What I am saying is that dont try to measure the capability of others with these half baked knowledge .
Oh, you don't need to have stressed that their IQ, all over the world to understand the India's IQ

China's imports of weapons is a transition, China remains the world's third largest arms exporter. while India is a dependence on imported weapons. Because if India does not import weapons, it can‘t protect themselves.

I am very pleased that you can cite examples only S-400 and SU-35. because China’s arms imports fell 25%. China has almost doubled its weapons exports in the past five years. according to The japan times.


Or say. The fate of India is determined by the West or russia. If they want to, India will get advanced weapons, if they refuse, India can't get advanced weapons.

For example, the India nuclear test, US stopped providing engine to LCA.

A obedient dog, Can only buy other people's weapons. how can become a powerful country?

In any case, China is still the world's top 3 arms exporter. India? Wait until you get into top 10. And then speak. No one cares what the agricultural countries think.

Oh, by the way - in the Mao Zedong era, China already had nuclear weapons, and nuclear submarines, and the first satellite successfully into space.

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Substandard chinese weapon have enough customers in unstabled areas.

What good reason?
BD is nothing in these scenario .
Pole vaulters should be the last one to pass comments about us .
BD is still that same thing that Kissinger said after 1971 .International basket .

So you are the cheerleader of China from that same international basket.

That's how a loser tries to distract when he loses the debate.
That's how a loser tries to distract when he loses the debate.

Nope .This is what happens when a loser from an irrelevant nation tries to unwantedly poke in some others business.
Nope .This is what happens when a loser from an irrelevant nation tries to unwantedly poke in some others business.

Why is it that some indians think that they are in a position to tell who is allowed to speak and who's not on a public forum? I suppose this is the result of too much indulgence with Nazi aka RSS philosophy. If you can't tolerate differing views stop using public forum, this is not your chutiya media.
Why is it that some indians think that they are in a position to tell who is allowed to speak and who's not on a public forum? I suppose this is the result of too much indulgence with Nazi aka RSS philosophy. If you can't tolerate differing views stop using public forum, this is not your chutiya media.

Your opinion is not a effing thing in our matters .Oh yes .I have RSS idealogy and what you gonna to do about it ?
What views?
Your opinion is not a effing thing in our matters .Oh yes .I have RSS idealogy and what you gonna to do about it ?
What views?

As I said this is not your chutiya media, get used to it or stay out of it.
As I said this is not your chutiya media, get used to it or stay out of it.

This is the topic about India and it only concerns India .Now minion Bdis should stay away from it.
Michael Pillsbury, senior adviser to the US President Donald Trump , said that the US arms sales to India and China-India border disputes are among the top six "sensitivities" senior Chinese officials have listed for the new Trump administration .

He also said that under Trump, the US-China relationship will be of critical interest to India, affecting its own grand strategy.

Pillsburry is a China expert and has been recently appointed as an adviser to Trump. He said that Chinese have never come out in open and objected India purchasing weapons from US or anyone but might do it now.

"Six areas of outsized importance to President Xi Jinping and the ruling elite have been revealed. The Chinese have never openly objected to India's weapons purchases from the US or anyone. The fact that they would do so now is significant. This and the South Korean missile shield are on their list," he told TOI.

Also, China has asked that Trump not meet Dalai Lama . According to Pillsburry, China is nervous about the THAAD (terminal high altitude area defence) missile interceptors and SPY radar systems that the US has agreed to position in South Korea.

He also said China would not like the US to add to these, which could neutralise China's ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) capability that targets the US mainland.

"Whether President Trump supports India's claim to Arunachal Pradesh and continues US arms sales to India already requested by PM Modi, now America's largest customer of weapons, is another Chinese worry about the coming year," Pillsbury said at the recent Raisina Dialogue.

However, China would ideally like Trump to agree with its denial of the UNCLOS verdict on its South China Sea claims, said Pillsburry.


andi rona:lol:
If it is true China is insecure about India

Well, after all, the right to speak in the west.
Indians seem to have forgotten, Who executed the Louis Mountbatten plan? Who is the manufacturer of the conflicts in South Asia?
Who invaded Vietnam for 13 years?
Who colonized Philippines for 50 years?
Who invaded Panama?
Who invaded Grenada?
Who first supported al Qaeda and Taliban?

Oh, the right to speak in the west. Then the pig believed him...

You should thank you for the telecom equipment suppliers - HUAWEI
He provides base station technology so you can use the internet.
Funny, an agricultural country will have any valuable things?

Indians and Pakistani leaders are responsible for conflicts in South Asia
Blaming the British is a easy cope out
This is the topic about India and it only concerns India .Now minion Bdis should stay away from it.

Get off the public forum with your "this is the bla bla bla bla!". What prevents you from conveying this to the mods? Could it be that you know all too well that your fascist rants won't be appreciated?

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