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China responsible for Pakistan’s economic quagmire: US

The US intervention in Afghanistan has proven to be a catastrophe for both regional security and economic growth, the sooner the Yanks vacate the region the better, then all the pieces will fall in place, only then can we expect a safe and secure environment which can and will create the necessary confidence for economic growth, any supposed responsibility of the Chinese for our dismal fiscal state is merely supposed to throw us folk off the scent, the people are wise and do not appreciate being patronised by this vulture of a nation USA, nobody is buying their nefarious propaganda.
Bro, we loathe them but also request them to bail us out - strange dynamics and character of the society.
I am not sure what you guys mean by colonialism. You have said Pakistan pays for the construction of Chinese owned infrastructure. Please provide me with some proof as this idea seems ludicrous.

Many members here claim China is the sole reason behind Pakistan's indebtedness even though Pakistan has asked IMF for a bailout 13 times in the past. Keep in mind that CPEC has only been in existence for less than 5 years. Clearly the problem can't be blamed on China. If anyone knows the composition of Pakistan's debt, please let me know.

Many in China are concerned about whether their tax money is spent correctly. Perhaps a reduction in CPEC will serve will serve both countries well. Pakistan could spend that money on its education or even get some more western loans and China should reroute BRI or invest that money on land infrastructure in the stans. This way no stress will be put onto our Pakistani friends. Win-win.
Bro, we loathe them but also request them to bail us out - strange dynamics and character of the society.
This is all due to the corrupt practices of previous administrations whose so-called leaderships main prerogatives were to take the largest chunks of the pie for themselves and their kin, however finally the good folk of Pakistan have given these swines the boot courtesy of the ballot box yet the ramifications of their stewardship of the nations interest and finances is still haunting us and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, with a heavy heart I must confess I see no other alternative other than going to the IMF though perhaps their is one option that has yet to be exercised and by God I am all for it, what is stopping us from implementing the successful strategy of Crown Prince MBS who retrieved a 100 billion dollars worth of capital in mere days from corrupt individual using the dark arts, perhaps the time has come to take the gloves off, heck their is no "perhaps" about it.Kudos Bro.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee
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First of all, this is all BS propaganda by the US and others. 99.9% of the news on CPEC is a fabrication by the media whose strings are being pulled by the US. '
However, there are a few things about CPEC that always bother me - think about it:
-so Pakistan has to get in "debt" so that China can "secure" its supplies routes?
-Pakistan has to pay loan interest to the Chinese.
-Pakistan has to "use" Chinese companies and CPEC projects are using minimum local manpower.
-And then is Pakistan gets into economic trouble, it has to go to IMF for a bailout?

IF what I am saying above is true, then CPEC is a terrible deal for Pakistan. I say if the Chinese do not want to come to the party with Pakistan then as far as I am concerned, they should go and F* themselves. The Chinese need to do much better than what they are doing now, and if they can't do it, Pakistan needs to cut a deal with the US. It is as simple as that.
Be wary of those trying to stop CPEC. They aren't your friends and want to see you suffer.

The only problem Pakistan HAD was crooks and traitors like Zardari and Nawaz Sharif in important and powerful positions working against the interest of the state. That is no longer the case.

Nawaz Sharif is one of the worst in thr long line of hypocrites, liars, traitors, thieves and the most incompetent idiots to have ever sat on a seat of power. Of course all and any deals he made need to be looked into carefully. Once that is done move forward in CPEC full steam ahead.

You have Imran Khan sitting on power in Pakistan. A real captain is at the helm. This alone has scared the hell of the Brahmin and his masters.
This is all due to the corrupt practices of previous administrations whose so-called leaderships main prerogatives were take the largest chunks of the pie for themselves and their kin, the good folk of Pakistan have show these swines the boot courtesy of the ballot box yet the ramifications of their stewardship of the nations interest and finances is still haunting us and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, with a heavy heart I must confess I see no other alternative other than going to the IMF though perhaps their is one option that has yet to be exercised and by God I am all for it, what is stopping us from implementing the successful strategy of Crown Prince MBS who retrieved a 100 billion dollars worth of capital in mere days from corrupt individual using the dark arts, perhaps the time has come to take the gloves off, heck their is no "perhaps" about it.Kudos Bro.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee
There are other alternatives as well.. but it is better to go to IMF for a temporary relief..

But I am not in a favor of going to IMF once PTI government completes its 12 months.. after which any attempt to go to IMF would mean failure of the government's economic policies..
The title of the thread is just as emotive rather than any critical fact into it...Rather it should be written as Pakistan is responsible for mismanagement of utilization of CPEC and its corresponding projects...Nothing else...

For last 1 week, i was going through the post about Pakistan seeking bailput from different nations...One thing which is very common, is the emotions associated with each kind of analysis done by the analyst, panelist and even in PDF...This is really strange to see such kind of post and comment are being posted to such crucial topics that need some serious debate by Pakistan posters.

1- CPEC : CPEC is a development project..It is not going to reduce your weakness rather enhance your strength with economy..Now, in order to enhance it, it is responsibility of Pakistan Gov to build adequate infra for their own people...It is not China's job to look after what is good for you.
2- IMF : Same story goes for IMF too....Every discussion associated with IMF is emotive in nature starting with why they are taking help from West and IMF which is controlled by Non Muslim West...Why do you need to bring the religion other silly things into discussion when this is not relevant at all....IMF is a bank that look for profit..It will do whatever is best to make itself profitable...So why to blame the other institutions when you are not even ready to take a load to ready to use it properly.....
  1. Chinese Banks will make money on interest for CPEC Loans
  2. Chinese companies will be paid from these loans to build CPEC
  3. Pakistan will payback the loan, even though 90% of goods that will travel will be from China to Pakistan - Pakistan has nothing to sell to China.
  4. On top of these cheaper Chinese goods will flood Pakistan and increase unemployment there.
  5. ...

Everything looks good.
Hi, you must be an economist by trade. How terrible that loans need to be paid with interest. I didn't know that is how the banks make money.
First of all, this is all BS propaganda by the US and others. 99.9% of the news on CPEC is a fabrication by the media whose strings are being pulled by the US. '
However, there are a few things about CPEC that always bother me - think about it:
-so Pakistan has to get in "debt" so that China can "secure" its supplies routes?
-Pakistan has to pay loan interest to the Chinese.
-Pakistan has to "use" Chinese companies and CPEC projects are using minimum local manpower.
-And then is Pakistan gets into economic trouble, it has to go to IMF for a bailout?

IF what I am saying above is true, then CPEC is a terrible deal for Pakistan. I say if the Chinese do not want to come to the party with Pakistan then as far as I am concerned, they should go and F* themselves. The Chinese need to do much better than what they are doing now, and if they can't do it, Pakistan needs to cut a deal with the US. It is as simple as that.

Based on the media reports, China and its investments are mostly associated with loan/investment where no outside bidder is not allowed except nominated by China....Just check it out with your own people who are dealing with CPEC projects, you will know the truth...
There are other alternatives as well.. but it is better to go to IMF for a temporary relief..

But I am not in a favor of going to IMF once PTI government completes its 12 months.. after which any attempt to go to IMF would mean failure of the government's economic policies..
Agreed this should only be a temporary measure, if we can get our act together and implement the necessary reforms then we should be able to ride this out and of course their are many Geo-strategic factors which are contributing to our regression ie US occupation of Afghanistan which precludes pre-war on terror security dynamics which in turn makes us less a attractive investment opportunity for major overseas corporations etc and then off course their is Gangadesh........Kudos bro
This is all due to the corrupt practices of previous administrations whose so-called leaderships main prerogatives were to take the largest chunks of the pie for themselves and their kin, however finally the good folk of Pakistan have given these swines the boot courtesy of the ballot box yet the ramifications of their stewardship of the nations interest and finances is still haunting us and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, with a heavy heart I must confess I see no other alternative other than going to the IMF though perhaps their is one option that has yet to be exercised and by God I am all for it, what is stopping us from implementing the successful strategy of Crown Prince MBS who retrieved a 100 billion dollars worth of capital in mere days from corrupt individual using the dark arts, perhaps the time has come to take the gloves off, heck their is no "perhaps" about it.Kudos Bro.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee
Okay China is responsible for Pakistan's economic misery wonderful?

It was china who imposed sanctions on Pakistan in 1998?
It is China who is not paying us our billions of dollars for supporting Americans in war on terror.

It was china who gave us wheat instead of F-16?
It was china who sold weapons to India and disturbed the balance of power in south Asia? Starting an arms race.
It is China who is funding ptm BLA ttp and making India establish foot hold in Afghanistan?
It was China who asked Nawaz Sharif govt to increase the govt spending so that foreign reserve deplete and there is a reserve default situation in country?
It was China who placed Pakistan on FATF?

It is China who gave Pakistan JF-17 when Pakistan was given wheat from USA to fly.
It was china who gave Pakistan $2 billion so that PTI can make good start in office.
It is China who is giving dams to Pakistan.
It is China who is giving marine ships to Pakistan.
I can go on for ever and things which China did for Pakistan are those which USA has not done for Israel. Sorry I cannot bash some one if they have done good to us.
This is all due to the corrupt practices of previous administrations whose so-called leaderships main prerogatives were to take the largest chunks of the pie for themselves and their kin, however finally the good folk of Pakistan have given these swines the boot courtesy of the ballot box yet the ramifications of their stewardship of the nations interest and finances is still haunting us and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, with a heavy heart I must confess I see no other alternative other than going to the IMF though perhaps their is one option that has yet to be exercised and by God I am all for it, what is stopping us from implementing the successful strategy of Crown Prince MBS who retrieved a 100 billion dollars worth of capital in mere days from corrupt individual using the dark arts, perhaps the time has come to take the gloves off, heck their is no "perhaps" about it.Kudos Bro.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee
Although no fan of MBS/MBZ, but their tactics might be the right staffs for the crooked folks......
Okay China is responsible for Pakistan's economic misery wonderful?

It was china who imposed sanctions on Pakistan in 1998?
It is China who is not paying us our billions of dollars for supporting Americans in war on terror.

It was china who gave us wheat instead of F-16?
It was china who sold weapons to India and disturbed the balance of power in south Asia? Starting an arms race.
It is China who is funding ptm BLA ttp and making India establish foot hold in Afghanistan?
It was China who asked Nawaz Sharif govt to increase the govt spending so that foreign reserve deplete and there is a reserve default situation in country?
It was China who placed Pakistan on FATF?

It is China who gave Pakistan JF-17 when Pakistan was given wheat from USA to fly.
It was china who gave Pakistan $2 billion so that PTI can make good start in office.
It is China who is giving dams to Pakistan.
It is China who is giving marine ships to Pakistan.
I can go on for ever and things which China did for Pakistan are those which USA has not done for Israel. Sorry I cannot bash some one if they have done good to us.
You deserve positive rating :cheers::tup:.Kudos bro for the excellent summary,pseudo-liberal youth would do well to read this.

Although no fan of MBS/MBZ, but their tactics might be the right staffs for the crooked folks......
Agreed, I am no fan of this chap, when it comes to thinking ahead, he has a severely limited time horizon.Kudos bro

Sorry I cannot bash some one if they have done good to us.
BTW was not bashing the Chinese but the Americans and NS/AZ.Kudos
This is all due to the corrupt practices of previous administrations whose so-called leaderships main prerogatives were to take the largest chunks of the pie for themselves and their kin, however finally the good folk of Pakistan have given these swines the boot courtesy of the ballot box yet the ramifications of their stewardship of the nations interest and finances is still haunting us and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, with a heavy heart I must confess I see no other alternative other than going to the IMF though perhaps their is one option that has yet to be exercised and by God I am all for it, what is stopping us from implementing the successful strategy of Crown Prince MBS who retrieved a 100 billion dollars worth of capital in mere days from corrupt individual using the dark arts, perhaps the time has come to take the gloves off, heck their is no "perhaps" about it.Kudos Bro.
@Zibago @war&peace @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee
Imf now looks like a really bad deal why dint they tell that the main reason of increased debt was expensive token projects by sharifs and artificial price of PKR for political brownie points?
Now China should counter this by giving Pakistan US $ 10 billion aid. Will that happen??? No. China just uses Pakistan, would never help Pakistan unless its related to India or just a statement here n there.

China has taken Pakistan's support for granted esp since Pak US relations have deteriorated. Thats what happens when you are at the mercy of some one.

I really dont understand what has China done for Pakistan?? They are building CPEC for their own business to thrive. They are building power plants with loans which people of Pakistan have to pay back. Is China really a friend?? I seriously doubt that now.

America and China are big player , they will use India and Pakistan
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