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China population: concerns grow as number of registered births in 2020 plummet

2 kids policy was not designed to increase fertity. It was designed to keep status quo.

China is different from Japan and Korea. These two countries are controlled by some big companies. Normal Japanese and Koreans have lost their hope to change their fates. Their social envolvement has been frozen. China's CCP can easily break any social structure that impedes development. For example, CCP can make education for free if necessary. It can also limit house price by publishing new policy.

the 2 child policy was designed to increase fertility. maybe not to above replacement level, but it was definitely to increase fertility from what it was during the 1 child policy. also, lets see how long communism can control people that get richer and more used to thinking for themselves.
What foreigners from the West will work in China in their sane mind, beside some broke English teachers?

Bachelor degree, and work experience? Lol, you'd be better looking up criteria of places in EU or Anglophone countries.

China is by the way pretty unique in it being nearly one and only country around which does not demand language knowledge for work migrants.

Even freaking India, and Bangladesh want one.
So you know the answer, there won't be an import of workers to factories. Cheap value factories are flying to ASEAN and are going to fly.

To Poland immigrated in the last few years about 1 million Ukrainians, some of them seasonal workers, but still can work. Mostly low skilled Labour. I can't imagine China importing 40 million Viets or Filipino, Indonesians lol
China so far doesn't make any measure to increase fertility rate. On the contrary, "two kids" policy is still carried on. AI age is coming. Millions of drivers, workers in banks, restaurants and factories will lose their jobs. Big population is more like a burden than a profit for a country.
China's productivity almost stagnated last decade, so it seems I see some cracks in the economy and in logic that robots and AL will take over the economy.
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for anybody who believes more people/brains = more intelligence and creativity take a look at ants. More does NOT equal greater intelligence or creativity. Some people are brilliant others are not.
It was designed to keep status quo.
Soon you will have mandatory child policy. Authoritarian regimes have a skewed view of the future. They think they can bring about social changes with banning and unbanning. How come even with two child policy there is lower birthrate? Eventually, what will happen in say 100-200 years when Chinese in China will be a minority and you will end up importing Brown, black or other Asians to your country just to keep the country from becoming barren. AI can only do so little. You can't replace a country with AI bots. There should be an organic way, increased income and education decreases the number of kids and it will stabilize naturally.
China so far doesn't make any measure to increase fertility rate. On the contrary, "two kids" policy is still carried on. AI age is coming. Millions of drivers, workers in banks, restaurants and factories will lose their jobs. Big population is more like a burden than a profit for a country.
The age Neanderthals is over. Now it's about quality over quantity. Trust me too many Neanderthals is a libability. Better to have reduced population than a war, famine or some other calamity to cull the waste. As you said the future is AI. Less but high quality manpower.

After all Israel with a population of a small Pakistan city has greater producity than all of 220 million Pakistani's.
take a look at ants.
Great analogy.
for anybody who believes more people/brains = more intelligence and creativity take a look at ants. More does NOT equal greater intelligence or creativity. Some people are brilliant others are not.

what does that mean? there are more humans than lions, so are the lions more intelligent?
The age Neanderthals is over. Now it's about quality over quantity. Trust me too many Neanderthals is a libability. Better to have reduced population than a war, famine or some other calamity to cull the waste. As you said the future is AI. Less but high quality manpower.

literally every analyst disagrees with you, even those that favour robotics as much as you. Japan wouldnt be desperate to increases its fertility if you were right. https://www.ft.com/content/ae0bd03a-4a51-11e9-bde6-79eaea5acb64
What the hell you are talking about? America has 0.4 billion population. It never stopped US being super power.

There are two ways to settle the aging problem. 1, Increase fertility rate. 2, Increate production efficiency. The second is very likely to happen. With living standard improvement, the cost for each person drastically rises. Education, health care, pension etc. Unless the government gives up the idea of improving economy and its people's welfare, the only way left for a country is focusing on quality rather than quantity of the population.

You don't know the tactics of the enemies of China, Kissinger and pals went around the world promising development to those who go along with zero population growth.

You tell your enemies to have zero or one kids. You tell Hindutvas to have no population because you hate them. You tell Aussies to stop populating because Aussies are your enemies. The whole birth control and control population was Westerners telling "undesireables" like Latinos that they need to stop having kids.

You want Hindutvas to have zero kids, so in 80 years, there are no more Hindutvas.

To have China embrace population is a burden and having no kids is ok, means you fell for the Kissinger and pals brainwashing. If China had the same population as USA, China would be as powerful as Italy, not rivaling the USA.

China is brainwashed that killing your unborn kids is a good patriotic thing. Westerners resisting the zionist-nazi menace will never fall for that.

China produces enough food for herself, and can stay at 1.4 billion population for the next 1000 years.

And if China is full, meaning no need for any new population, you can't be strong armed to take in immigrants from India or wherever.
what does that mean? there are more humans than lions, so are the lions more intelligent?

If the number of lions increased from 10,000 to 10,000,000 lions, would lions become more intelligent or still be lions?
We can see ants existing in mind bogglingly huge numbers but ants are still ants.
Those super freak hyper intelligent people have existed all through history (even when the populations were much smaller) and they have created almost everything we have. kind of like they are a subspecies.
That is what I am trying to say.
literally every analyst disagrees
Really? Have you been counting them? The facts are some of the most poorest countries on earth have high birth rates. Most of the most developed have lowest birth rates. In fact there is a correlation. Useless, uneducated trash is being pumperd out in millions. Quality is always harder to achieve.
The age Neanderthals is over. Now it's about quality over quantity. Trust me too many Neanderthals is a libability. Better to have reduced population than a war, famine or some other calamity to cull the waste. As you said the future is AI. Less but high quality manpower.

After all Israel with a population of a small Pakistan city has greater producity than all of 220 million Pakistani's.
Great analogy.
Isreal TFR for developed nation is actually quite high at 2.0
Israeli birth rate reaches all-time high as population tops 9 million - www.israelhayom.com
If the number of lions increased from 10,000 to 10,000,000 lions, would lions become more intelligent or still be lions?

the lions would still be lions. they wont become more intelligent. but that is my point. its stupid to compare humans. your example was dumb to begin with.

Really? Have you been counting them? The facts are some of the most poorest countries on earth have high birth rates. Most of the most developed have lowest birth rates. In fact there is a correlation. Useless, uneducated trash is being pumperd out in millions. Quality is always harder to achieve.

find me one analyst that agrees with you. literally every developed country that is going through fertility rate issues is trying desperately to increase the birth rate and not betting completely on robotics. i think you have been watching too much sci-fi movies and robot sex p0rn. you are seeing the world for how you want it to be and not for how it is.
he lions would still be lions. they wont become more intelligent. but that is my point. its stupid to compare humans. your example was dumb to begin with.

no that was my point. If you have 10000 stupid people increasing that to 1000000 stupid people won't make them smart. Only a tiny few people in a small number of nations create everything.
Those who mention these supposed Israelis, remember, ONLY ONE man was Israel. The Israelites were NOTHING without Joseph. ONE MAN was great.
The age Neanderthals is over. Now it's about quality over quantity. Trust me too many Neanderthals is a libability. Better to have reduced population than a war, famine or some other calamity to cull the waste. As you said the future is AI. Less but high quality manpower.

After all Israel with a population of a small Pakistan city has greater producity than all of 220 million Pakistani's.
Great analogy.

I was thinking about your comment and realized the opposite is actually occurring. It is the people who completely lack technology and education that are increasing. China, North Europe, Japan are all advanced, socialist and civilized trying to care for their populations. Then look at Africa. There is no quality there. They cannot build or create much of anything. Africa's near stone age population is exploding. So for most of the world a return to the bronze age or stone age beacons. Super intelligent people will probably try to disappear and seal themselves off someplace away from the less intelligent hordes. building their own Great Wall.
China is probably the only country which can easily deal with issues like this. China is run by engineers not lawyers/politicans like other countries. China implemented 1 child policy. It can simply change it to any number it wants and get results easily.
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