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China lauds India's Mars mission as 'pride of Asia'

China today hailed India's successful Mars mission saying that it was not only a proud achievement for the country and Asia but also a "landmark progress" in mankind's exploration of outer space, in a rare acknowledgment of its Asian rival's rising space prowess.

"We have seen the report and congratulate India on the Mars satellite entering the orbit successfully," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a media briefing here while replying to a question on the successful sojourn of India's Mars Orbiter Mission spacecraft 'Mangalyaan'.
Science package is small, orbital lifetime unknown, domestic content needs to be increased.

However, these flaws in no way invalidates India's achievement, and getting preachy about misguided investment into space is the stupidest thing. Space engineering drives almost all areas of non-biological science and technology ranging from materials to communication to sensors.


Not just Asia, but the whole third world!
A well deserved congratulations to India as a nation and specifically to the technical prowess of engineers and physicists at ISRO! :cheers:

This celebration is dedicated to all of humanity! Lets put aside our petty differences & lets relish the joy in this achievement as a feet of human achievement. Proud to be an Indian & Citizen of this planet.
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Congrats to a non deserve credit on MOM. Indian should not deserve for this credit, NASA is the most deserve on Indian MOM. Congrats NASA.
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