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China lauds India's Mars mission as 'pride of Asia'

Great achievement. India did beat not only China to mars(who tried to hitchhike on Russia's mission.lol not knowing Russia's rockets are now quite unreliable with lots of failures compared even to India's ones.:D), but even Japan.
But its good to see there are other rival members here who are decent enough to congratulate India.
Well done again India.:cheers:.

Thanks china... :tup: By solving our political differences, we can become partners to counter west and bring prosperity and glory to Asia....

what?? to counter West?o_O
Do you know NASA provided alot of help to India for this mission(without which this mission probably wouldnt have even taken place/succeed)? Now we want to counter the west with China/Asia?lol
Be realistic bro, just because you succeeded in sending a Mars pobe(which indeed is a great achievement) doesn't means you should start getting ahead of yourself and thinking of 'countering the west'. lool
Just cooperate with us, it will be better for your development, if you want to challenge us head on, then we can slow down your growth condierably(just like even Russia despite being way more powerful/advanced than India is now finding out that challenging us has serious repercussions).

So chill bro. We are all congratulating India(though some of our media are always resentful of any advance India makes, which is unfortunate). Well done again for this mission.:cheers:
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Congratulations to India. I think it will be the only Asian country to send probe to Mars within 20 years, as China cancelled its Mars probe program last year.
what?? to counter West?
Do you know NASA provided alot of help to India for this mission

Well read my statement again, did I mention only space anywhere. I said the statement in a general term which means not only space but in every other situation possible.... Its true ours is a third world country and we are years away from west, but keeping in mind that fact that ours is a new country, in fact less then 70 years old, we are catching up fast.

By the way check the facts book again, India and China both are among the top 10s of the world GDPs and what I said is perfectly possible, if Europe can unite why not Asia. Please drop your superiority complex, coloniel days are over my friend... :cheers:

Thanks for your wishes.... :coffee:
We have co-operate space program wt France-JP-India, and they help us to launch the satellites, I dont hear any problems wt our satellites yet.

Why can't mighty Vietnam launch its own satellites? Why do you lie and say its cooperation when all Vietnam is doing is paying another country to launch a 1950s era Vietnamese satellite into orbit? There's no cooperation at all. It's like saying I'm a co-partner in building every car I've ever driven even though all I do is pick out some features, pay the dealer, and drive it home. :pop:
Why can't mighty Vietnam launch its own satellites? Why do you lie and say its cooperation when all Vietnam is doing is paying another country to launch a 1950s era Vietnamese satellite into orbit? There's no cooperation at all. It's like saying I'm a co-partner in building every car I've ever driven even though all I do is pick out some features, pay the dealer, and drive it home. :pop:
All North Korea did for their space program was to launch a bassilic missle towards the sea, and the world made a fuss about it. Now look at the map, and draw a possible path for VN long range missle to fly without passing over any other nations airspace. Whatever VN tries to lauch, it will not fall on our land/sea. That will certainly spark an international incident.
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