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China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land.. Newsweek

Why would PAF start a massive offensive if only a few crows and trees were hit? Why did it take Pakistan 43 days
to take journalists to the strike area when they could have done it the next day?

Its simple, if you have bothered watching the documentary, it explains it. The Indian bombs did breach Pakistani sovereignty which warranted a response. If there was any causality on Pakistani side, you wouldn't have seen Pakistani pilots moving the bombs away from the Indian military targets. Hell, we even recorded these acts! Use common sense, if there were any casuality on Pakistani side, these bombs will be hitting the Indian military installation and killing god knows how many Indian personals. Those Indians who were on the ground were at total mercy of the PAF pilots who were controlling these weapons systems.

I have still not seen the pic of all the missiles attached to the mig in that DGISPR video you call "documentary". Can you show me the pic or the exact time on the vid?

its there. Put your reading glasses on and watch it again. Both R73s are accounted for. Unused and unfired. Abhi didn't even take the basic step of jettisoning the fuel tanks before entering the combat, poor soul didn't even know what hit em.

Let me repeat the 3rd circumstantial evidence: DG ISPR imminently said it shot down 2 IAF jets and has 2 IAF pilots in custody. Later changed to just 1 pilot in custody. what happened to the second pilot?
For your reference, tiny 1 min video:

I have my info that second pilot expired belonging to the Su30 because he received plenty of "treatment" from the local Azad Kashmirs. Abhi was lucky that Pak Army got to him and saved him from the mob, before he would have meet the same fate. A rather embarrassing situation admittedly to be in that is why it was all hushed up. Officially though, DG ISPR later said that because there were multiple teams who were searching for the Abhi, that's why confusion with the number of pilots.

he current indian government hides information. But the indian military never does. They are always honest about victory and loss. This is why Pakistan gives a lot of its medals depending on what they read in indian army records and recommendations of indian officers, But never the other way around.

I am sensing that you are starting to get very patriotic and emotional. So lets go back to the topic ok?

LOL, Indian forces are subordinated of the government of India, at least that you guys say all the time. Its for the government to release the info not the forces as per the narrative of all Indian trolls.
What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

Pretty much the same old recipe that led India to its 1962 humiliation. Nehru was forced by media and parliament to talk tough publicly, then Chinese took his words all too seriously. I don't think Indians have learnt anything from their "Himalayan Blunder".
come on indians, start shooting already! war war war
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