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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

May be he missed some, but he has warrior heart as he crossed the LOC ALONE to bomb your controlled area.

Abhinandan was carrying an air to air loadout and had no intention of engaging in combat, as he did not drop his fuel tanks. His comms and radar were completely jammed and he didn't even know he was about to be shot down, otherwise he would've dropped his tanks and started evasive manoeuvres . He was the only one from his formation to not turn back from the LoC because he did not hear the order to turn around as his radio was jammed.

Warrior heart, more like clueless moron. He also started shouting pro India slogans in the middle of Kashmir, started firing at civilians and got his *** beaten before being rescued by the Pakistan Army. Not the smartest move in my opinion.
Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan. Referendums have been held in these places, and China respects the choice for the local people. India can also let the people of southern Tibet vote, and China will also respect the voting results.

This is how China deals with territorial issues:

1. The ruling legitimacy of PRC comes from the foundation and development of Sun Yat Sen's three people's principles, while Sun Yat Sen's ruling legitimacy comes from the abdication and grant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the PRC's territory came from the inheritance of the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, we declare ownership according to the map of the Qing Dynasty.

2. If a certain territory is the territory of the Qing Dynasty, the PRC has the right of inheritance. However, the PRC will not necessarily require the rule of this territory. We will operate according to its actual situation.

3. If this is the territory of Han people, such as Taiwan. Then there will be no room for compromise. According to the Han tradition, the territory of the Han people must be unified, and the Han people can only have a legitimate government. Any country can choose to recognize the Beijing government or the Taipei government, but it is not allowed to recognize both governments at the same time. Han people can accept the rule of Beijing government or Taipei government, but if there are two governments at the same time, the war will not stop. This is the fundamental reason why all previous dynasties of China have moved from division to reunification.
PRC is only a dynasty in the history of Chinese civilization. One day, the CCP regime will perish, just like the previous dynasties. Therefore, CCP has no right to abandon the unification tradition of the Han nationality.
It cannot be a precedent for undermining a civilization tradition of thousands of years. If the CCP dares to do so, it will no longer be the legal regime of the Han people.

4. If it is a minority territory, the PRC will consider the support of the local people. If the local people support the PRC, the PRC will establish autonomous regions to rule and give autonomy to laws and taxes (for example, Tibet, Xinjiang). If the local people do not support the PRC, the PRC will make them independent or join the country they like (for example, Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan).
PS: different from the illusion of most Indians, most Tibetan people support the PRC because the PRC gives all Tibetan serfs freedom. Only a few serf owners fled to India. In Tibet, where the environment is bad, the PRC cannot rule without the support of the people.

About Southern Tibet, just like I said, if the local people support the PRC, we will establish the southern Tibet Autonomous Region. If not, we support their independence.
Aksai Chin is a no man's land. Ladakh is a disputed territory between China and Pakistan, not India. After India leaves, China is willing to negotiate with Pakistan to solve the Ladakh issue.

Tibet was the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

Mate...it's funny that you guys come up with a story/notion...and start claiming the world basis that. Matter of fact is, rest of the world does not agree with you.

Your China was a territory of Genghis Khan (Mongols)...can they lay claim on you citing that....

When did Qing claimed south China sea?...You made an artificial island there....not in any of Qing Dynasty map.

So you think Ladakh is Pakistan's land because Pakistan claims it on the basis on right to self determination of people of Kashmir? You also said " If it is a minority territory, the PRC will consider the support of the local people. If the local people support the PRC, the PRC will establish autonomous regions to rule and give autonomy to laws and taxes (for example, Tibet, Xinjiang). If the local people do not support the PRC, the PRC will make them independent or join the country they like"....If so, why you hypocritically do not agree with right of self determination of Taiwan / Hong Kong to be independent?
Madrassa Educated Muslims spanked Yindu puny little ugly arses and ruled them for years!

so yes Safron boy quit your rss/Modi fart whatsapp education and learn real history and not myths and stories fed to you by your safronis!

All BS and no content...has been feature of your posts Mate. Besides, I hardly understand the non-English words you use .....So Chill.
Madrassah education? But u recently claimed to be a Pakistani so aren't u madrassah educated u ugly little rat. Why is it that u hide ur true ugly existence? Sometimes u become Pakistani and at times u becomebwesterner but why r u ashamed to show ur true rat lineage and ahow u r a gutter rat? Too embarrassed of ur ugly self??
Go ask chinese why they beat the crap out of those ugly sissies, go cry to UN and ur daddy US.

Read my previous posts again......Pakistan descent not Pakistani....

I never hide my identity unlike most of your mates here in PDF.....some are Chinese (sitting in Rawalpindi), Turks, UK, US etc.....singing the same tunes that your establishment want you to sing.

Daddies are made and changed by your establishment...not by other sovereign countries.... US, Saudi and now China...read your history...you will not find many such examples and yours.
I have tried hard not to post pictures of Col. Santosh Babu and others and kept them to myself since last year. But I guess if Indians won't stop with the propaganda, I will post them. They are more gruesome than anything you have seen posted till date, on the topic.
Read my previous posts again......Pakistan descent not Pakistani....

I never hide my identity unlike most of your mates here in PDF.....some are Chinese (sitting in Rawalpindi), Turks, UK, US etc.....singing the same tunes that your establishment want you to sing.

Daddies are made and changed by your establishment...not by other sovereign countries.... US, Saudi and now China...read your history...you will not find many such examples and yours.

Lolz and when it suits u, become a westerner 😂😂😂. Look in the mirror before u claim that. Why would we need to pretend to be chinese or turk, they already hate u more. Its u ppl that have to change identities because ur too insecure.
Its u who needs to read history lolz, u been slaves most of ur existence, first slaves of muslims and then USSR and now ur new daddy US. Even the US likes u because uve been loyal servant always and they trust u to be a loyal servant of US now. Phull sapportt sirrrr.
China is learning from India to cut sausages!

Western Theater Spokesman Speaks on 13th Round of China-India Military Chief-level Talks

Original title: Western Theater spokesman on the thirteenth round of China-India military commander-level talks

Colonel Long Shaohua, spokesman for the Western Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), said that on October 10, the two armies held the 13th round of military commander-level talks on the Chinese side of the Mordor/Chushul meeting point.

During the talks, the Chinese side made great efforts and fully demonstrated its sincerity to promote the de-escalation of the border situation from the perspective of maintaining the overall situation of relations between the two countries and the two armies, but the Indian side still insisted on unreasonable and unrealistic demands, which added difficulties to the negotiations.

I hope the Indian side will not misjudge the situation, cherish the current hard-won situation in the Sino-Indian border area, abide by the relevant agreements and consensus between the two militaries, show sincerity and action, and work together with the Chinese side to maintain peace and tranquility in the border area.
Don't try us. You won't like the results.
Ladakh is now a matter of sovereignty for China
Lolz and when it suits u, become a westerner 😂😂😂. Look in the mirror before u claim that. Why would we need to pretend to be chinese or turk, they already hate u more. Its u ppl that have to change identities because ur too insecure.
Its u who needs to read history lolz, u been slaves most of ur existence, first slaves of muslims and then USSR and now ur new daddy US. Even the US likes u because uve been loyal servant always and they trust u to be a loyal servant of US now. Phull sapportt sirrrr.

I pity your arguments.

Suggest you please don't try to become mouthpiece of the world...you speak about yourself.

Slaves of Muslims were yours and mine ancestors as well...what do you think the condition of Muslims was ,during the rule of Turks, Khiljis, Mughals....just because their religion was Islam..you are happy... irrespective of the condition of Muslim population at that time. Those rulers were as selfish and hypocrites as your current leaders are....Look at the condition of common people in Pakistan today...but people like you who are brainwashed by religious fanatics since their birth will still defend it...at least they are Muslims...isn't it?

I never claimed I am a westerner...I am born and raised here...so my affiliations are with their culture, same as I have with my culture that I inherited from my parents.

Besides, you please be happy....I don't want to snatch that little thing from you given there are very less opportunities you people get to be happy about.
The PLA stipulates that the retirement age of soldiers is 22.
Platoon level officers are 35 years old, company level officers are 40 years old, and battalion level officers are 45 years old.
Compared with PLA, Indian soldiers are a group of old men. I don't know why Indian soldiers retire so late? Who can tell me?
In India joining the army is a way for a good earning at a government job with lots of perks and privileges….
In India joining the army is a way for a good earning at a government job with lots of perks and privileges….

Seriously Mr. Turk?..... Why you don't speak about our beloved Pakistan first.....

If in India, army is a way of good earning...in Pakistan it's the way to be privileged, above law and if reached to rank of General..then getting license to loot and plunder. Don't you agree?
I pity your arguments.

Suggest you please don't try to become mouthpiece of the world...you speak about yourself.

Slaves of Muslims were yours and mine ancestors as well...what do you think the condition of Muslims was ,during the rule of Turks, Khiljis, Mughals....just because their religion was Islam..you are happy... irrespective of the condition of Muslim population at that time. Those rulers were as selfish and hypocrites as your current leaders are....Look at the condition of common people in Pakistan today...but people like you who are brainwashed by religious fanatics since their birth will still defend it...at least they are Muslims...isn't it?

I never claimed I am a westerner...I am born and raised here...so my affiliations are with their culture, same as I have with my culture that I inherited from my parents.

Besides, you please be happy....I don't want to snatch that little thing from you given there are very less opportunities you people get to be happy about.

Yeah i can see the inferiority complex because they did enslave ur ancestors. Dont worry abt our ancestors, they were the ones who fought and settled. We know our ancestry way better than u. The ones who converted to Islam are proud to this day, Islam breaks the chains of caste and creed. Most of those converted were ur low caste ppl whom u treated like animals and muslims made them equal. It were muslims that brought prosperity to the land. Hinduatan became sonay ki chirya when muslims ruled it. You are talking out of ur a** and its all BS and not backed by any evidence. The reason colonialists came herw because of the riches.
Condition of common ppl in Pakistan is still better than covid ravaged india. You ppl dnt even get to die honorably, instead tossed into a river. Most of ur population dnt even get to ise a toilet and ur talking abt common ppl. Its u ppl who r brainwashed and fed fake hindutva crap.
Just coz ur born there doznt make u one, u said "we" as in westerners, have colonised u lolz forgetting that ur ancestors took the brunt lolz. In our culture, it better to die than to pretend to be something ur not. Please live in ur hindutva lala land of superiority. U were suoa powa 10,000 years ago and ur still one 😂😂😂.
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