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China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

Now pay attention to below bold part.
The problem is, modern day Indians need to realize that India's history started the day British Raj of India was formed. Not 10,000 1,000 or 500 years ago but 1858. Before British Raj, India was never one entity so just because a hindu kingdom ruled a certain location so and so many years ago does not mean it is now part of India.

Read even bolder part....

The manipulated history taught to you is not the truth. You need to consult and read history books outside Pakistan's curriculum if you want to seek knowledge...else your Madrassa education will not take you far enough.....

No country has been same as one entity throughout history...boundaries keep changing so India is no exception.....

If Alexander conquered half of the globe...and made it Greek entity...was it same today?...Was Mongolian empire still intact land-wise?.....or Ottoman...or even British empire?

If you call entity as under unified control of a king from India..then read Mauryan empire, Chola empire of South India etc....
China used the map of the Qing Dynasty because CCP inherited the territory of the Qing Dynasty from the Qing emperor. If India wants to use the map in A.D. 900, please divide other Indian territories according to the map in A.D. 900. As for the British map, it was unilaterally made by the British, which was not recognized by the Qing Dynasty.

Here is map of Qing dynasty's extent...You better claim Mongolia and parts of Russia..than Ladakh.

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Chinese territory?....How? as per you Ming/Qing dynasty forged maps which you will dig out from old graves?

Here is the map from King Nyimagon of Yarlung dynasty of Tibet from Circa 900 AD.

View attachment 784058

This is from British archives when they first colonised India.

View attachment 784057

Anyway it's nothing to do with India! I can show you more beautiful maps.
To the Chinese members of this board, here's a tip, don't even bother trying to point out facts to a pro narrative Indian. They will do all they can to ignore the facts, twist words, and put their own lies across. Just look at the Russian-Indian relation and compare it to the Pakistani-Chinese relation. Pakistan and China are relatively respectful to one another when they do interviews and even when they talk about their arch rivals like India and the USA with one another.

India, on the other hand, always paints their own view forward like they are some kind of super-dooper-galatic power in the making, and the world should bow to them. Just take a look at these interviews with "good Indian friends".

1.) Russia: Go to 8:10, look at how the interviewer forcefully demands answers about Pakistani and Taliban questions to the Russian official.

She asks, "What role has Pakistan played in this", and his reply "Pakistan plays an important role". She was trying to get her narrative across, thinking that since Pakistan is an enemy of India, Russia should abide by their demands.

2.) Saudi Arabia go to about 3:30. The interviewer again paints their role of "bad Pakistan" to the Saudi foreign minister.

These are small examples. You should see how the Indian media paints the Chinese and Muslims as "evil".

3.) Indian Youtubers. Take a look at how the Indian Youtuber titled this video along with the comments.

How can India claim a land that was never under Indian control before british empire? So is Pakistan also disputed territory? lol no wonder why u guys hate us so much...
Is it not logical to continue using the maps of British India which were in existence in the most recent time before independence ?
As for the British map, it was unilaterally made by the British, which was not recognized by the Qing Dynasty.
Qing had no authority to accept or reject border agreement with India as India's border was with Kingdom of Tibet.
Read even bolder part....

The manipulated history taught to you is not the truth. You need to consult and read history books outside Pakistan's curriculum if you want to seek knowledge...else your Madrassa education will not take you far enough.....

No country has been same as one entity throughout history...boundaries keep changing so India is no exception.....

If Alexander conquered half of the globe...and made it Greek entity...was it same today?...Was Mongolian empire still intact land-wise?.....or Ottoman...or even British empire?

If you call entity as under unified control of a king from India..then read Mauryan empire, Chola empire of South India etc....

Here is map of Qing dynasty's extent...You better claim Mongolia and parts of Russia..than Ladakh.

View attachment 784074

Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan. Referendums have been held in these places, and China respects the choice for the local people. India can also let the people of southern Tibet vote, and China will also respect the voting results.

This is how China deals with territorial issues:

1. The ruling legitimacy of PRC comes from the foundation and development of Sun Yat Sen's three people's principles, while Sun Yat Sen's ruling legitimacy comes from the abdication and grant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the PRC's territory came from the inheritance of the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, we declare ownership according to the map of the Qing Dynasty.

2. If a certain territory is the territory of the Qing Dynasty, the PRC has the right of inheritance. However, the PRC will not necessarily require the rule of this territory. We will operate according to its actual situation.

3. If this is the territory of Han people, such as Taiwan. Then there will be no room for compromise. According to the Han tradition, the territory of the Han people must be unified, and the Han people can only have a legitimate government. Any country can choose to recognize the Beijing government or the Taipei government, but it is not allowed to recognize both governments at the same time. Han people can accept the rule of Beijing government or Taipei government, but if there are two governments at the same time, the war will not stop. This is the fundamental reason why all previous dynasties of China have moved from division to reunification.
PRC is only a dynasty in the history of Chinese civilization. One day, the CCP regime will perish, just like the previous dynasties. Therefore, CCP has no right to abandon the unification tradition of the Han nationality.
It cannot be a precedent for undermining a civilization tradition of thousands of years. If the CCP dares to do so, it will no longer be the legal regime of the Han people.

4. If it is a minority territory, the PRC will consider the support of the local people. If the local people support the PRC, the PRC will establish autonomous regions to rule and give autonomy to laws and taxes (for example, Tibet, Xinjiang). If the local people do not support the PRC, the PRC will make them independent or join the country they like (for example, Mongolia, Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, gorno autonomous region of Tajikistan).
PS: different from the illusion of most Indians, most Tibetan people support the PRC because the PRC gives all Tibetan serfs freedom. Only a few serf owners fled to India. In Tibet, where the environment is bad, the PRC cannot rule without the support of the people.

About Southern Tibet, just like I said, if the local people support the PRC, we will establish the southern Tibet Autonomous Region. If not, we support their independence.
Aksai Chin is a no man's land. Ladakh is a disputed territory between China and Pakistan, not India. After India leaves, China is willing to negotiate with Pakistan to solve the Ladakh issue.
Is it not logical to continue using the maps of British India which were in existence in the most recent time before independence ?

Qing had no authority to accept or reject border agreement with India as India's border was with Kingdom of Tibet.
Tibet was the territory of the Qing Dynasty.
China issues harsh statement, blames failed talks on India’s unreasonable demands
GT staff reporters
04:43 Oct 12 2021
China India. Photo: VCG

China India. Photo: VCG

The harshly worded statement issued by the Chinese government on China and India failing to reach an agreement during their latest round of corps commander-level talks showed China's subtle change of attitude toward India, and the country's staunch determination to protect its territorial and sovereign integrity, said analysts.

Observers also noted that India has been triggering new incidents along the eastern section of the border recently. Chinese experts have warned of the risks of a new conflict, saying that China should not only refuse to give in to India's arrogant demands at the negotiating table, but also be prepared to defend against new Indian military aggression.

China and India held the 13th round of corps commander-level talks at the Chinese side of the Moldo-Chushulborder meeting point on Sunday, during which India made unreasonable and unrealistic demands, adding difficulties to the negotiations, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Western Theater Command said in a statement released on Monday.

Taking into consideration of the overall situation in China-India ties and the relations between the two countries' militaries, China has made tremendous efforts to ease border tensions and fully demonstrated its sincerity, said Senior Colonel Long Shaohua in the statement.

China is unwavering in its determination to safeguard its sovereignty, and hopes India will not misjudge the situation, will cherish the current hard-earned situation and take actions with sincerity to safeguard peace and stability at the border by abiding with the relevant agreements and consensus reached by the two sides, Long said.

India to blame

As for the nature of the "unreasonable" and "unrealistic" demands, Lin Minwang, professor with the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Monday that India had proposed returning to the pre-April 2020 positions in the western section along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), which Lin said is totally unreasonable for China. "Why doesn't India ask to throw the border situation back to after the 1962 China-India war?" Lin asked.

Where did India, which is suffering from a sluggish economy and lingering coronavirus situation, find the strength to challenge China? Lin believed that India sees the winds blowing in its favor with China locked in a serious confrontation with the US.

"It [India] sees that Washington attaches great importance to New Delhi, as US President Joe Biden has frequently interacted with the Indian government since taking office, and jointly discussed plans to thwart China's growth," said Lin, noting that such moves have emboldened India to put forward unreasonable requests.

Lin said the strongly worded Chinese statement is also straightforward, and warns India not to misjudge the situation. It also showed a subtle change in China's attitude toward India, remarked Lin, adding that it also put China's stance on safeguarding territory and security on the table.

Due to India's aggression on Chinese land, China and India have been engaged in a border confrontation in the western section of the two countries' border since May 2020, highlighted by a clash in the Galwan Valley in June 2020, leading to 20 deaths on the Indian side and four on the Chinese side.

After many rounds of military and diplomatic talks over the past year aimed at resolving the issue, some achievements were occasionally reached, including the disengagement in locations such as thePangong Lake. However, a full disengagement is yet to be realized.

The strongly worded Chinese statement on India's unreasonable and unrealistic demands at the 13th round of corps commander-level talks came shortly after Indian media outlets News18 cited Indian government sources as claiming on Friday that the Indian army temporarily detained a few Chinese soldiers in the Zangnan area in southern Xizang (Tibet) for "incursions" into this area.

In response, a Chinese military source was quoted by Chinese media as saying that the report was completely fabricated.

Chinese border troops conducted a routine patrol on September 28 in the Dongzhang area on the Chinese side of the China-India border and encountered unreasonable obstruction from the Indian military. The Chinese officers and soldiers took resolute countermeasures and returned after the patrol mission was completed, the Chinese military source said.

A few days ago, a group of unverified photos, taken at an unknown location and time, show that several lines of people, said to be the Indian army, were escorted in a rocky, valley terrain by formations of soldiers well-equipped with bulletproof vests, helmets, shields who seemed to be in PLA uniforms.

According to the photos, the alleged Indian soldiers held by the PLA were disarmed, wore unified clothing and seemed to be in low morale. Some of them were wounded and were using bandages.

Although the source of the photo remains unknown, Lin said that it is aimed at Indian media, which is constantly crossing China's bottom line. "What will be the result of India's provocations? The photos have said it all."

After China issued this unusually harsh statement, India's Ministry of Defense said in a statement that the "Indian side made constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas but the Chinese side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals."

Indian media outlet News18 went further, citing a "top source" as blaming "China's pre-determined mindset" for the failed talks, and cited the concocted Zangnan incident as a reason.

When asked to comment on the statement from the Indian ministry of defense statement, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that India's statement is baseless. China has made great efforts and demonstrated sincerity in de-escalating the border issue with India, yet India has insisted on making unrealistic demands, Zhao said.

Zhao said China's determination to safeguard its national sovereignty is unwavering, so hopefully India will not misjudge the situation and will cherish the hard-earned peace.

Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, said this is India's habitual behavior of using the media to fool its public, and such tricks not only fanned domestic hatred toward China and poisoned bilateral ties, but also deterred the two sides from moving to a peaceful direction.

Two soldiers from a special combat brigade under the Tibet Military Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army take an oath during a Party admission ceremony on a plateau near the China-India border. Photo: Courtesy of Wang Shudong

Two soldiers from a special combat brigade under the Tibet Military Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army take an oath during a Party admission ceremony on a plateau near the China-India border. Photo: Courtesy of Wang Shudong

Intense situation

The situation at the China-Indian border region has been intense for a while, with India consistently increasing troop numbers, creating frictions at border region and having tried to encroach on China's territory in the past years, the Global Times learned.

The Global Times reporters could feel the tension in the air while visiting some border troops stationed in Xizang in September. During an interview at a border barrack, the reporters saw soldiers and officers reacting immediately to an alarm going off, which suddenly turned the atmosphere from peaceful to nervous. In a blink, the troops at the scene were assembled, equipped and ready to confront any emergency.

In some regions, the defense facilities of the Chinese and Indian sides are interlocked with each other on different mountain peaks, with border troops closely and nervously watching each other's movements.

The tension is also evident in the daily working conditions of Chinese officers and soldiers, as well as some changes in the border defense troops in the past years.

Because of the pressure at the frontline, commanders of some border defense troops are rarely seen staying at their headquarters, as they are frequently leading patrols or tasks at the front.

But the soldiers are ready to fight, with many writing appeals for battle assignments. A young border defense soldier told the Global Times that he did not fear facing Indian troops, as he was willing to defend the homeland and his brothers. The newcomers have also been well prepared to face any conflict on the frontline.

Infrastructure constructions on China's side have been advancing steadily, such as road building and upgrading, greatly improving the mobile and rapid response capabilities of the frontline troops.

New barracks and watch points have also been built or further completed.

Basic supplies are guaranteed for the frontline troops. Even the most remote watch points can have fresh food delivered and soldiers stationed there can enjoy heating systems, have easy access to Wi-Fi and other entertainment devices.

A regiment commander at the Xizang border defense post said that the improvement of living conditions and supplies can ensure that soldiers are focused more on training and their duties, which will greatly lift combat effectiveness.

Seeing border construction as a competition, India has also been investing in military infrastructure, but the outcome may not be that ideal.

Since 2015, the Indian government has spent 200 million Rupees ($2.6 million) on a project to build over 40 integrated Border Outposts with "freeze-proof toilets, running water and temperature maintained at above 22 C at all times." But it was announced that the project failed in late September, Indian media reported.

"When the snow is heavy and cuts off roads, Indians could only burn wood to warm themselves," a border defense soldier told the Global Times, pointing at stone bulwarks not far away.

At a border checkpoint, it could be seen that the highway on the Indian side is in good condition and covered with asphalt. "But that is just a show. At the places that we cannot see from here, the roads become ragged," a border defender said.

"The Indian soldiers at the border regions are much older than the Chinese ones," said the border defender. "Though they look bigger and sometimes they are seen in larger numbers, their will to fight cannot match that of the Chinese defenders."

Indian media reported Monday that in the western section of China-India border, where the standoff has been going on for 17 months, around 50,000 to 60,000 Indian troops will suffer "another bitter winter in the heights" in temperatures of minus 30 C.

Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times that if India still possesses any sanity, it will not raise more unrealistic, unreasonable demands, will not take more aggressive actions, and then the situation will generally remain peaceful.

China has made quite clear its attitude of safeguarding its territorial and sovereign integrity, so if India fails to learn the lesson this time, or ante up its aggressive behavior, China will fight until the end, said Qian, warning India to abandon its unrealistic illusion, or more risks will lurk in the border area.
To all Pakistanis and Chinese who are exulting on these pictures. I would only say this.

There are only 2 scenarios
1. The pictures are fake and it is Chinese attempt to show how strong they are.
2. The pictures are real. It will start a tit-for-tat trend that any captured soldier (POW) would not be treated decently but be paraded and clicked for propaganda purposes.

Both scenarios showcase the unprofessionalism of Chinese army.

You took months to release pics. GOI will also give appropriate response in time.

So you completely ignored my question and started talk of Galwan here.
The manipulated history taught to you is not the truth. You need to consult and read history books outside Pakistan's curriculum if you want to seek knowledge...else your Madrassa education will not take you far enough.....
Madrassa Educated Muslims spanked Yindu puny little ugly arses and ruled them for years!

so yes Safron boy quit your rss/Modi fart whatsapp education and learn real history and not myths and stories fed to you by your safronis!
There are one things India now want desperately -- PLA to roll back her forward deployment as per 2020, so that India can have an overwhelming manpower advantage. Of course China refuses.
The PLA stipulates that the retirement age of soldiers is 22.
Platoon level officers are 35 years old, company level officers are 40 years old, and battalion level officers are 45 years old.
Compared with PLA, Indian soldiers are a group of old men. I don't know why Indian soldiers retire so late? Who can tell me?
this time maybe not fist ..india know china should solve taiwan problem first,
India knows that this is a good opportunity to encroach on China's territory. China will use its greatest willpower to avoid full-scale conflict. In the face of Indian invasion, look at the later development.

Personally, I hope India will not misjudge the situation. China also fought the Korean War when it was poor. Once China makes up its mind, it will not care about casualties. In 1950, China prepared to liberate Taiwan, but a fierce war broke out between North Korea and the United States. Now China wants to liberate Taiwan, and India is provoking a war, which may burn Taiwan's artillery on India. (have you really thought about it?)----just I think
The PLA stipulates that the retirement age of soldiers is 22.
Platoon level officers are 35 years old, company level officers are 40 years old, and battalion level officers are 45 years old.
Compared with PLA, Indian soldiers are a group of old men. I don't know why Indian soldiers retire so late? Who can tell me?

PLA also have lots of non comms that she is desperate to retain. Non comms can serve until very old, though I am not sure exactly.
PLA also have lots of non comms that she is desperate to retain. Non comms can serve until very old, though I am not sure exactly.

The service age of a Chief Sergeant may exceed 22. Sergeant and corporal serve at the same age as soldiers, no more than 22 years old. Staff Sergeant (usually squad leader) and grade IV Chief Sergeant are not more than 25 years old? The third Chief Sergeant is 28 years old, the second Chief Sergeant is 31 years old.
Only the first Chief Sergeant is 60 years old, but the PLA has no more than 200 first Chief Sergeant.
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The service age of a Chief Sergeant may exceed 22. Sergeant and corporal serve at the same age as soldiers, no more than 22 years old. Staff Sergeant (usually squad leader) and grade IV Chief Sergeant are not more than 23 years old? The third Chief Sergeant is 24 years old, the second Chief Sergeant is 25 years old.
Only the first Chief Sergeant is 60 years old, but the PLA has no more than 200 first Chief Sergeant.

In peace time you need lots of non comms. Army have some career path for those who cant go OCS. Top one go OCS, and the next become non comms. Majority will be out after 3-4 years.

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