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Did you read the washingtonpost link, it is a blog post by Simon denyer.

worldviews section is blogs section. It stated the guy is The washington posts bureau chief in china...then why is he using RFA as a source??

This is a list of some his blogs.
Too much anti china sentiment
Simon Denyer - The Washington Post


You think just because he is Bureau Chief of Washington Post in China, that he has some special status in China? Nope. Wherever he goes, he is followed around by Chinese intelligence agency folks. That's how things work in China. He cannot even question anyone for first hand information openly on a sensitive topic without a government minder present. So ofcourse if he is relying on Radio Free Asia, he would have his reasons to believe in what they sourced from locals in Xinjiang.
Nope. Wherever he goes, he is followed around by Chinese intelligence agency folks. That's how things work in China. He cannot even question anyone for first hand information openly on a sensitive topic without a government minder present.

Yep, he can't do anything at all.... except for writing and publishing defamatory articles on China with zero proof to back it up. :lol:
You think just because he is Bureau Chief of Washington Post in China, that he has some special status in China? Nope. Wherever he goes, he is followed around by Chinese intelligence agency folks. That's how things work in China. He cannot even question anyone for first hand information openly on a sensitive topic without a government minder present. So ofcourse if he is relying on Radio Free Asia, he would have his reasons to believe in what they sourced from locals in Xinjiang.
Before imentioned the writers name and also his job designation u didnt even know anything abt him. And suddenly now u are saying he is followed around and much more as if simon is ur childhood buddy.
And this guy is sitting in china and has written so many anti china(whether justified or not i am not questioning that) blogs.

Yes i am very very interested to know tht this news is authentic or not.
And even the guy himself has it published as a blog. I had missed to see that earlier.
Not evn an editorial it is.

Ok lets not argue. Idont know abt it. Good day.

And before i had mentioned it is simon,namaloom pa ji u were writing , that somehow muslims there have gotten this news out. Now that its mentioned simon is himself seated in china and relying on Rfa.........

Shamain playing lame lawyer. Hehe

. Oh and btw if news carried so mch weight why was it published as blog????
China orders Muslim shopkeepers to sell alcohol, cigarettes, to ‘weaken’ Islam - The Washington Post



I see a lots of muslims working in liquor store here in the U S----many of them owned by muslims----.

Pakistan is more free than China when it comes to media freedoms. Washington Post is not some evening Urdu newspaper. Their editorial board would have debated at length before running with the story. Again, you are doing what we say in Urdu, 'baat ki khaal nikaalna'. The ONLY point that matters here is that there is nothing called 'media freedoms' in China. Whatever source can sneak out whatever information risking their life is pretty much gold.

And the point of this thread was to reinstate my deleted thread. But the Mods and the WebMaster have seem to gone to sleep after a little bit of lip-service by making couple of posts here in this censorship thread showing 'concern'.

I wasn't born yesterday. Defence.pk is stifling open discussion on topics it finds hard to swallow.

Defence.pk is pne of the fairest forum on the web---. You have an agenda against the Chinese---you take it to Washington post---. Washington post is a discriminative news paper---. Their shit stinks as bad as any other one sided news paper
^this man spoke like a boss. (Second part of the post imean).
Easy to say 'oh Radio Free Asia report isn't credible' but once you realize how difficult it is for a journalist from any of the big media organizations in the West to get any real information out of China, then you will come to be a little bit more humble. Kudos to those Muslims who somehow managed to get information out to Radio Free Asia people without being arrested by the authorities. You should know that in China, everything and everyone is monitored, especially the flow of information that flows online or on the airwaves.

can you please post a thread about the "muslims" sponsored by nato wrecking havoc in syria??

"radio free asia" is a cia operation, just like "radio liberty" and "radio free europe"... essentially anti-eastern-bloc operations... this you don't know??
can you please post a thread about the "muslims" sponsored by nato wrecking havoc in syria??

"radio free asia" is a cia operation, just like "radio liberty" and "radio free europe"... essentially anti-eastern-bloc operations... this you don't know??

Must be youtube was NSA operation. Hmmmm.
Oh yeah, Youtube is CIA plot.. Facebook is Mossad plot.. lmao! This is a slippery slope..

I see a lots of muslims working in liquor store here in the U S----many of them owned by muslims----.

Defence.pk is one of the fairest forum on the web---. You have an agenda against the Chinese---you take it to Washington post---. Washington post is a discriminative news paper---. Their shit stinks as bad as any other one sided news paper
There is no shortage of posters who would consider (and require others to concur with them too) any Tom Dick and Harry American, however shady or unreliable he/she maybe, as the most reliable and authentic source of information so long the report serves their purpose. Certain posters have issues with Pakistan-China relationship and they go to any length to malign it for that is all they can do. Obviously they cant really influence Pak-China relationships in any way.


And those Bhartis who are taking cheap shots at Pakistan with reference to You Tube. Well, not long ago Al-Jazeera was taken off air for showing (rightly so) Kashmir the part of Pakistan. They themselves cant tolerate something that goes against their national policy but when Pakistan does the same, they start suffering from nervous brake downs. Hypocrites of worst kind.
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Oh yeah, Youtube is CIA plot.. Facebook is Mossad plot.. lmao! This is a slippery slope..


If you want to bash china---then do it on Washington post forum----or build your own website---.

Don't ask us to be your PAD to LAUNCH your agenda---. We are not your CRUTCH. Plz find some other place.

If you want to bash china---then do it on Washington post forum----or build your own website---.

Don't ask us to be your PAD to LAUNCH your agenda---. We are not your CRUTCH. Plz find some other place.

So you are saying you are not in favor of allowing discussion that doesn't go well with YOUR agenda even though it is a very fair discussion? Very undemocratic of you.

There is no shortage of posters who would consider (and require others to concur with them too) any Tom Dick and Harry American, however shady or unreliable he/she maybe, as the most reliable and authentic source of information so long the report serves their purpose. Certain posters have issues with Pakistan-China relationship and they go to any length to malign it for that is all they can do. Obviously they cant really influence Pak-China relationships in any way.

So being an experienced forum user, you believe anyone who wants to question Chinese religious freedoms is in some manner against Chinese-Pakistani alliance? Quite naive.

And those Bhartis who are taking cheap shots at Pakistan with reference to You Tube. Well, not long ago Al-Jazeera was taken off air for showing (rightly so) Kashmir the part of Pakistan. They themselves cant tolerate something that goes against their national policy but when Pakistan does the same, they start suffering from nervous brake downs. Hypocrites of worst kind.

So your comparison for freedom to engage in open discussion on uncomfortable topics comes from comparing yourself with what Indians do? Who cares what India does or doesn't do. Shouldn't Defence.pk have its own standards of fairness and freedom of discussion? ARE THERE ANY STANDARDS HERE? I, being a Pakistani, started a fair discussion on the treatment of Muslims in China. Funny, how fellow MUSLIM Pakistanis jumped in to defend ATHEIST China & started dragging India in to the issue as a way to derail discussion.
So you are saying you are not in favor of allowing discussion that doesn't go well with YOUR agenda even though it is a very fair discussion? Very undemocratic of you.

So being an experienced forum user, you believe anyone who wants to question Chinese religious freedoms is in some manner against Chinese-Pakistani alliance? Quite naive.

So your comparison for freedom to engage in open discussion on uncomfortable topics comes from comparing yourself with what Indians do? Who cares what India does or doesn't do. Shouldn't Defence.pk have its own standards of fairness and freedom of discussion? ARE THERE ANY STANDARDS HERE? I, being a Pakistani, started a fair discussion on the treatment of Muslims in China. Funny, how fellow MUSLIM Pakistanis jumped in to defend ATHEIST China & started dragging India in to the issue as a way to derail discussion.


If you don't see any standards over her----you may try bharat rakshak---they will indeed love to hear from you.

We maybe naïve---but we are not stupid.
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