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Cat in distress


Sep 12, 2010
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In the parking of my building, I saw a small newborn cat, very weak and hardly moving, almost dead looking. I thought it was a stray. Today again it was present and squeaking.

I put milk and pieces of bread on a small low plate but the cat seemed to go away from the food. It has some sort of injury to its back legs I suspect.
The whole parking is totally cement, no food source whatsoever, so I suspect that it is without food for 2-3 days.

I had no luck in feeding it, searched for some pet care centre or animal shelter on the net but none were found, I am in Dubai. All of them are on the other corner of Dubai while I am on the other corner.

ANyody can give some tips and a address for a animal shelter? Is there any government service for this?


Urgent please, I suspect it is going to die by the looks of it.
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Feed it raw meat....
Wild cats who have never been domesticated rarely drink milk...
Try throwing a lump of meat for it... And water in a bowl...
Feed it raw meat....
Wild cats who have never been domesticated rarely drink milk...
Try throwing a lump of meat for it... And water in a bowl...

It's only a couple of days old I suspect, will it eat meat?

Do cats eat fish?
In the parking of my building, I saw a small newborn cat, very weak and hardly moving, almost dead looking. I thought it was a stray. Today again it was present and squeaking.

I put milk and pieces of bread on a small low plate but the cat seemed to go away from the food. It has some sort of injury to its back legs I suspect.
The whole parking is totally cement, no food source whatsoever, so I suspect that it is without food for 2-3 days.

I had no luck in feeding it, searched for some pet care centre or animal shelter on the net but none were found, I am in Dubai. All of them are on the other corner of Dubai while I am on the other corner.

ANyody can give some tips and a address for a animal shelter? Is there any government service for this?


Urgent please, I suspect it is going to die by the looks of it.

Err it is not wise to feed baby kittens cow milk....how old do you think it is? few weeks?

Feed it raw meat....
Wild cats who have never been domesticated rarely drink milk...
Try throwing a lump of meat for it... And water in a bowl...

Dude a baby cat wont eat RAW MEAT! it cant digest it well...unless it is at least a month old!
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In the parking of my building, I saw a small newborn cat, very weak and hardly moving, almost dead looking. I thought it was a stray. Today again it was present and squeaking.

I put milk and pieces of bread on a small low plate but the cat seemed to go away from the food. It has some sort of injury to its back legs I suspect.
The whole parking is totally cement, no food source whatsoever, so I suspect that it is without food for 2-3 days.

I had no luck in feeding it, searched for some pet care centre or animal shelter on the net but none were found, I am in Dubai. All of them are on the other corner of Dubai while I am on the other corner.

ANyody can give some tips and a address for a animal shelter? Is there any government service for this?


Urgent please, I suspect it is going to die by the looks of it.

make sound with your tongue touching your teeth and lower one of your hand toward the cat (give a loving look like you do if you see some one you love. animals can read our eyes), the cat will response to you.

i am not joking , i had many cats as pet
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It's only a couple of days old I suspect, will it eat meat?

Do cats eat fish?

Yes they do...We feed out cats fish all the time....I used to give small pieces of cheese and egg to our 2 months old kitten...usually the mother cat is always around before that so no idea what to feed a new born :unsure:

kittens are usually copy cats....no seriously, I remember my kittens used to follow our feet around the house, and a few times nearly got squashed by my mom :blink:

When kittens are born, they usually nurse every few hours -- and when they are not nursing, they're sleeping. Some kittens may nurse more than others, and kittens within a litter may nurse at different times. Kittens will continually nurse until they are approximately three weeks of age; at this time, their teeth begin to erupt, and they are ready to begin eating small amounts of moist kitten food. At first, kittens should be offered soft kitten food, or dry kitten food that has been soaked in water. Food should be placed in a shallow pan for easier access. Once the kittens notice their mother eating the food, they will try to eat it, too.
Yes they do...We feed out cats fish all the time....I used to give small pieces of cheese and egg to our 2 months old kitten...usually the mother cat is always around before that so no idea what to feed a new born :unsure:

it drinks power milk (mixing with water), little kitty loves it .
I don't think you guys are understanding it, it ain't a month old kitten.

It seems very newborn. There part of it's back legs is still without hair. The cat could sort of fit onto the open palm of my hand. It's VERY VERY VERY weak, doesn't move much either.
@Talon, yeah it is cow milk. What do you suggest? Plain water and some fish?
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Determine the age of the kitten to see if he or she needs to be bottle-fed or can start immediately on soft food:
Eyes closed, ears folded over - kitten is 1 - 14 days old
Eyes are open, kitten moves around but is wobbly - 2 - 3 weeks old
Eyes are open, ears up, can walk around - 3 - 4 weeks old
Running around and is difficult or impossible to catch - 4 - 8 weeks old or older.
1 - 3 weeks old - will need to be bottle-fed.
3 weeks and older - can be offered soft food, but may need to be bottle-fed.

Kitten Care

Raising Orphaned Kittens - Care, Feeding, Toileting & More Tips! | Cat Care Articles

6 Reasons Kittens Suck (Learned While Raising Them) | Cracked.com

Your Kitten: 1 to 7 Weeks Old | Petside
The kitten is going away from milk...and also shivering a bit.

I have spilled the cow milk now.
take out the 9mm pistol and shoot it

please relief it from its misery
I don't think you guys are understanding it, it ain't a month old kitten.

It seems very newborn. There part of it's back legs is still without hair. The cat could sort of fit onto the open palm of my hand. It's VERY VERY VERY weak, doesn't move much either.
@Talon, yeah it is cow milk. What do you suggest? Plain water and some fish?

mix power milk with water and give it to the cat, little kitty loves it. at this age will not be able to eat fish
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I don't think you guys are understanding it, it ain't a month old kitten.

It seems very newborn. There part of it's back legs is still without hair. The cat could sort of fit onto the open palm of my hand. It's VERY VERY VERY weak, doesn't move much either.
@Talon, yeah it is cow milk. What do you suggest? Plain water and some fish?

try buying goats milk and have a look at the site @Parul posted above your post....at the bottom of the site it shows how to prepare artificial kitten meal...

The kitten is going away from milk...and also shivering a bit.

I have spilled the cow milk now.

keep it warm....it wont drink cows milk unless it is a little bigger...cow milk smells different to them :unsure:
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