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Caste composition of Indian members!

What is your caste ?

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Create another list of premium castes so i can vote, it should be on top. While rest of brahmin-bhangee- rajput-bhangheee castes can be number 2. @Jarha

95% indians here are upper caste, they are voting as lower caste to balance things out. Basically likes of tribals don't have access to roti let alone internet.
What's your view on caste system? Since you seemed to know something about Periyar.

Also I feel the caste based politics never existed in TN and Kerala but most prevalent in all north Indian states. Why so?

Irony of Indian people is upper caste people doesn't want reservation system but when it comes to politics they talk about their own caste being greater than fellow lower caste citizen. When do Indians will come out of this? I'm feeling disgraced to see youths of India still talking about this crap.

Caste is most irrelevant thing for me being born to Tamil dad and Telugu mom but sometime I feel doomed about the future of this country looking at these comments. When Indians will come out of this? Sanatan dharma stated caste of a person is not determined by birth but by deeds and way of life.

A Brahman can be Kshtriya when he acquires fighting skills.
A Shudra can be Brahmana when he reads vedas and dedicates himself for nature without harming anyone.
A Kshatriya can be vaishya when one learns trading skills.

Stop this BS people. Please close this thread, don't give negative impression of India to others.

Tn is a casteless society? hahahaha.

upper caste people want genuine reservation and removal of creamy layer,they have no problems with deserving people getting reservation.
so the Indian muslim also has caste system or only hindus?
so the Indian muslim also has caste system or only hindus?
most of the muslim members of PDF and internet proudlishow there caste names like chowdhary, rana, rajput , malik, gurjjar or butt and guess what all are hindu caste names... i wonder what is that ;)
most of the muslim members of PDF and internet proudlishow there caste names like chowdhary, rana, rajput , malik, gurjjar or butt and guess what all are hindu caste names... i wonder what is that ;)

Hindu caste names?except rajput.none of them are hindu caste names.

Beside this as far as i know in Pakistan it doesnt matter whether he's rana,malik,gujjar etc.
it doesnt matter in india also.i see people carrying surnames like Gill and all.
Do you feel offended if some one asks you about your caste? Cuz I do!! Feel like punching them in the face
i also feel like breaking every bone of someone's body when they say brahmins alone are responsible for the plight of dalits and those who justify vilification of brahmin officers in PSUs.
i also feel like breaking every bone of someone's body when they say brahmins alone are responsible for the plight of dalits and those who justify vilification of brahmin officers in PSUs.

and everything in India is sanskritized version o_O:omghaha:
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