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Can Afghan troops hold off the Taliban after Nato withdraws?

They should be grateful for what you guys have done to them? You guys openly support the Taliban in AFG and then ask why are they ungrateful lol

btw, don't pull numbers out of your behind. The Pashtuns support the taliban, the Parsis (tajiks/Hazara) don't. They're like oil and water.

well he had to come up with a number. 70% is as good as any I guess lol

Its not our fault that they couldn't fight against the soviets...This invited US, Pakistan to help them with their fight against soviets...Although i would say Iranian's also supports Taliban's and have faction's in Afghanistan...Please go back in date and search why Jundullah was created...
he he he lolzz kepp dreaming buddy hardli matters anything to us indians as for us we have already made counterarrangents to get to the oil and resources of central asia thru iran and US cant stop us in long run its onli this weak govt whos not taking use of owr full potential any thats not an issue unlike pakistan who is now not in a position to control its own territory and people forget likes of Afghans they are now starting to get pro active with you soon youl see the big instalments coming of your investment in Afghanistan as for taliban well keep dreaming about there support its not peoples support they are in afghanistan but the fear factor soon that will evaporate aswell then youl face the real musik but till then keep carrising your ego and keep your dreams alive to be dominant factor :cheers:

And Please Do put your barbie doll and the magic wand aside for a while when you rite these...:D
Afghan Troops are a like a baby who has just started to stand up...They need support (A hand from US) to stand up...if you take the support away, it will fall down...So as long as there is support they are OK but that's until they learn to stand on their own(which will take too much time)...US is leaving in 2014, that would be a disasters for Afghans...

US is not leaving like 1989. :cheesy:
If they can't the sltn will be simple: cut the country in half. That's literally what will happen if the south tries to pull the same **** again. This time the North is way more developed than the South (take Herat and compare it to the Southern half, like night and day). Also everybody on the planet supports the North (from Iran to US, India, Turkey, NATO...). The Southerners have a choice: become civilized or lose the North.

I really don't understand why it hasn't happened yet. Afghanistan isn't even a country in the classical sense. The central govt in the country has no legitimacy in the eyes of the people who are mostly tribal. On top of that the Pashtuns treat everybody else like animals and they don't even consider them Afghans! So wtf is the point of it all? Break the country in two, let the North live its life in peace and let the South be ruled by Taliban.

Herat can be the capital of the North and the country can develop 10 times faster than the South.

Herat is not north my brother! Herat is west and you have never been to Lashkargah (Helmand, South) or Kandahar city (south) they are more developed than Herat, USA/UK has put big money in those cities than Herat; Herat is an old cultural city you can't even call it a modern city plus you guys have same problems within Iran far greater than Afghanistan so lets sketch up an Iran in 4/5 pieces?? and kindly reconsider your remarks on Pashtuns you have never lived among Afghans! just because of some Taliban nuts who been aggressive towards Iran doesn't mean all Pashtuns are the same!
The Taliban would continue to swing against the Afghan government because after the Soviet withdrawal the Afghan populance was deeply divided and this divide has remained. From an Afghan perspective the Taliban are not truly just a religiously motivated entity but a valid political option. To completely eradicate the Afghani Taliban chapter a few conditions need to be fulfilled:

- The economic backbone of the Taliban funding needs to be completely severed. This seems unlikely because this network has been run by many Afghans not just the Taliban.

- The Pakistani Taliban chapter needs to be contained and eradicated. To be objective, this seems possible provided the Pakistanis are allowed to handle this problem themselves. If the Afghani government/army takes anti-Pakistani policies or if there is considerable Indian involvement then the derailing of the Pakistani Taliban chapter would suffer as the armed forces would naturally have to shift their focus to the external threats.

- A cooperative and developmentally fair climate needs to develop in the FATA and Afghanistan that feed the Taliban with recruits. (soldering provides a good economic option for many; uneducated people are more prone to fall to the Madrasa programmes and so on)

- A stable Afghanistan needs to flourish (Hazaras and other minorities and groups need to be safe as it would ensure a stable governance of the country and secure it from destablising and falling pery to insurgancy)

- Pakistan needs to have its security policies catered by all parties involved (Afghanistan, India, NATO and so on) unless this is done the national policy centres who have seen the Taliban as a necessary evil for a secure or at least friendly Western border won't lose their voice (sad but true)
Every time this subject is discussed , people conveniently forget that Pakistan has been milking USA in the name of Afghanistan support. This was the case during Zia and this is the case now.

Once USA leaves in 2014, Pakistan finances will dry. Paksitan will be leasing its assets to China ( Gwader is just the beginning), but will China fund Paksitan to that extent? Pakistan may again cede some of our Kasmir land (currently occupied) to China to survive.

Let's see what will unfold...
Is there any difference between Afghan taliban and TTP!!!

there is a big difference between afghan taliban and ttp
firstly many a people say that pakistan supports afghan taliban if there isnt any difference between them than we are stupid
and secondly ttp and bla is supported by cia and raw
this is proxy war going on cia and raw supporting ttp and bla in response pakistan supporting afghan taliban

Every time this subject is discussed , people conveniently forget that Pakistan has been milking USA in the name of Afghanistan support. This was the case during Zia and this is the case now.

Once USA leaves in 2014, Pakistan finances will dry. Paksitan will be leasing its assets to China ( Gwader is just the beginning), but will China fund Paksitan to that extent? Pakistan may again cede some of our Kasmir land (currently occupied) to China to survive.

Let's see what will unfold...

we have got enough resources to survive
we are sitting on the treasure and begging
If Pakistan will not stop proxy war (terrorism) in Afghanistan so they should be ready for same treatment from Afghanistan as well
there is a big difference between afghan taliban and ttp
firstly many a people say that pakistan supports afghan taliban if there isnt any difference between them than we are stupid
and secondly ttp and bla is supported by cia and raw
this is proxy war going on cia and raw supporting ttp and bla in response pakistan supporting afghan taliban

we have got enough resources to survive
we are sitting on the treasure and begging

You are wrong, rise of TTP lies in the hunt for Al Qaida militants by Pakistan army and PA support to America and Musharraf's crackdown in Lal Masjid.
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