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Can Afghan troops hold off the Taliban after Nato withdraws?

Looks like some stepped on your tail..

Little touchy there my little friend.

And speaking of humour, I am not seeing any Zingers coming from , Genius.

Same old "Sour Puss " comments that are getting pretty stale, bucko.:D

If I had the free pass you Pakistanis have, my "humor" would be entirely different. In that context you need to up your game.
I can't say whether they can hold them off or not, but I hope they can do it
I think Taliban will continue its hit and run tactics in Afganistan.but its hard for them to overthrow its government.especially when a large number of soldiers are trying to protect it.and I think no country and no man(sigh,some members here showed their pathetic mentality) should support terrorists groups like taliban.but yet,with blessing of an unnamed country,taliban will flourish again,thats the sad truth.ANA should increase its armour and air power to crush Taliban and I think they can with proper help.and some members are dragging India unnecessarily here.India will not send its army there,they will only provide training for the officers.
Days of Taliban are gone. There back bone is broken. There is no support of local government to them.Their re emergence is NIL.
Afghan Troops are a like a baby who has just started to stand up...They need support (A hand from US) to stand up...if you take the support away, it will fall down...So as long as there is support they are OK but that's until they learn to stand on their own(which will take too much time)...US is leaving in 2014, that would be a disasters for Afghans...
People living in cities whose lives are linked to US presence are worried and the rest see it very promising and they have started supporting their own forces that's why ANSF have so much success in a very short time we will be having challenges for another decade but that will be extremely good if Afghans take the responsibility and take this country forward by themselves.

Rome was not Built is a Day same goes with ANSF slowli but steadily they are getting there and going by there sucsess rates it wont be such a big issue for them in two years and NATO & US are training they very good and they now know all the weeknessess of Taliban and ISI as for taliban getting to its former glory onli time will tell cause last time they did that was more than a decade back when afghans wanted peace deu to constant infighting between the warring warlords for the control but NATO,US & now ANSF have almost mercilessli killed and fractured both fighting cpability and moral of taliban and Taliban deu to its criminal & stupid actions on its own people and there zest to make Afghanistan a colony of Pakistan have lost the support of comman Afghan and so has the ISI they oali remain in very remote corners soon they will also be taken care of as for pakistan its reaping the fruits what it sowed in afghanistan for almost 3 decades dont worry my paksitani & pre Taliban friends youl be more than surprised in coming future :cheers:
Afghan Troops are a like a baby who has just started to stand up...They need support (A hand from US) to stand up...if you take the support away, it will fall down...So as long as there is support they are OK but that's until they learn to stand on their own(which will take too much time)...US is leaving in 2014, that would be a disasters for Afghans...

make no mistake US and NATO dint invest billions in Afghanistan to give it to taliban on a platter as for baby well evry baby grows same was said about taliban but your ego wont accept that hardli matters now as they are fighting last bettle for there survival and those who supported it have lost faith in it and the people of afghanistan aswell every body wants peace and growth unlike few who still dream of khilafat and ummah well they are also getting the taste of there own medican lolzzz
If they can't the sltn will be simple: cut the country in half. That's literally what will happen if the south tries to pull the same **** again. This time the North is way more developed than the South (take Herat and compare it to the Southern half, like night and day). Also everybody on the planet supports the North (from Iran to US, India, Turkey, NATO...). The Southerners have a choice: become civilized or lose the North.

I really don't understand why it hasn't happened yet. Afghanistan isn't even a country in the classical sense. The central govt in the country has no legitimacy in the eyes of the people who are mostly tribal. On top of that the Pashtuns treat everybody else like animals and they don't even consider them Afghans! So wtf is the point of it all? Break the country in two, let the North live its life in peace and let the South be ruled by Taliban.

Herat can be the capital of the North and the country can develop 10 times faster than the South.
make no mistake US and NATO dint invest billions in Afghanistan to give it to taliban on a platter as for baby well evry baby grows same was said about taliban but your ego wont accept that hardli matters now as they are fighting last bettle for there survival and those who supported it have lost faith in it and the people of afghanistan aswell every body wants peace and growth unlike few who still dream of khilafat and ummah well they are also getting the taste of there own medican lolzzz

Its not about my ego...There is no battle going on in Afghanistan right now...Just an attack or two every month...Although 70% of Afghanistan is still in Taliban's control or you can say 70 % of locals support Talibans...
Secondly I also want peace in afghanistan so that these 8 million ungrateful afghan refugees can leave our land...
Its not about my ego...There is no battle going on in Afghanistan right now...Just an attack or two every month...Although 70% of Afghanistan is still in Taliban's control or you can say 70 % of locals support Talibans...
Secondly I also want peace in afghanistan so that these 8 million ungrateful afghan refugees can leave our land...

From where you got that data...
Same Things will happen in Afghanistan in 2014 which was happened after USSR With draw

Oh that means Pakistan will have to suffer for a decade again!! Now I would not have wished that if I was in your seat!!
Its not about my ego...There is no battle going on in Afghanistan right now...Just an attack or two every month...Although 70% of Afghanistan is still in Taliban's control or you can say 70 % of locals support Talibans...
Secondly I also want peace in afghanistan so that these 8 million ungrateful afghan refugees can leave our land...

They should be grateful for what you guys have done to them? You guys openly support the Taliban in AFG and then ask why are they ungrateful lol

btw, don't pull numbers out of your behind. The Pashtuns support the taliban, the Parsis (tajiks/Hazara) don't. They're like oil and water.

From where you got that data...

well he had to come up with a number. 70% is as good as any I guess lol
Its not about my ego...There is no battle going on in Afghanistan right now...Just an attack or two every month...Although 70% of Afghanistan is still in Taliban's control or you can say 70 % of locals support Talibans...
Secondly I also want peace in afghanistan so that these 8 million ungrateful afghan refugees can leave our land...

he he he lolzz kepp dreaming buddy hardli matters anything to us indians as for us we have already made counterarrangents to get to the oil and resources of central asia thru iran and US cant stop us in long run its onli this weak govt whos not taking use of owr full potential any thats not an issue unlike pakistan who is now not in a position to control its own territory and people forget likes of Afghans they are now starting to get pro active with you soon youl see the big instalments coming of your investment in Afghanistan as for taliban well keep dreaming about there support its not peoples support they are in afghanistan but the fear factor soon that will evaporate aswell then youl face the real musik but till then keep carrising your ego and keep your dreams alive to be dominant factor :cheers:
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