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#‎BREAKING‬ VIDEO: ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation launches its first indigenous space shu

So what is Pakistan trying to make?
SUPARCO's annual budget is probably less than 14 million USD which is the money India spent to launch this scale model, but that's not the point here.
Point being Space shuttle isn't a cheap way of launching satellites, that's why it was abandoned by USA and Russia. Now reusable rockets and Soyuz style capsules are the things to work for.
This was just a very small technology demonstrator which didn't go high enough for having any real reentry hazards. But even if a decade from now India does succeed in building a functional space shuttle, it's a thing of the past today, what chance it will have 10-20 years from now?
reusable rockets
RLV is a reusable vehicle

Soyuz style capsules
you should check internet ....more often...........only thing is that it is not anything like Soyuz
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He failed to undrstand inspite irepeatedly explained him.

Just because it looks like space shuttle or buran, it doesn't means it is a space shuttle. You can imagine it in way that they added wings to rocket's Second Stage.

Earlier whole rocket was destroyed after launch, not we can can use 80% parts from previous launch and reduce costs by factor of 10.

its a Reusable vehicle not Space shuttle that why the name: RLV - Reusable Launch Vehicle
What an exciting time for ISRO and India! This is a huge milestone and one that speaks for the continued support and funding for the Indian space program.

A test vehicle like this paves the way for larger, manned space vehicles, which will prove critical to not only India's manned launch program, but also the competitiveness of its commercial launch services. This is a solid step towards the ultimate holy grail of cheap, reusable, manned launch vehicles.
Correct. Now tell me the cost comparison

And I do hope you know the worth of the flight data that has been collected.
ISRO isn't doing anything new they are just trying to do it economically efficient way.
It's not a ready to use RLV its TD

Just to add, first the Top gear test was launch failure

The Top Gear launch was probably never meant to succeed considering that those idiots were sending a car (something that is not aerodynamically shaped) to mimic a space shuttle.

I guess the whole thing was for meant viewership of idiots who take it seriously.

Second, what ISRO is doing is not exactly an easy feat considering it involves technologies involving ICBMs warhead i.e ability to withstand high temperatures during atmospheric re-entry and still maintain communication with command center.

Plus, this also provides a technology base for future development of Hypersonic glide vehicles or MaRVs.
SUPARCO's annual budget is probably less than 14 million USD which is the money India spent to launch this scale model, but that's not the point here.
Point being Space shuttle isn't a cheap way of launching satellites, that's why it was abandoned by USA and Russia. Now reusable rockets and Soyuz style capsules are the things to work for.
This was just a very small technology demonstrator which didn't go high enough for having any real reentry hazards. But even if a decade from now India does succeed in building a functional space shuttle, it's a thing of the past today, what chance it will have 10-20 years from now?

Burn baby Burn :flame::flame::flame::flame:
Oh come on. We both know you dont mean it. :lol:

No I think this is aimed at low cost satellite launch. After a decade , when Pakisan will have to launch its satellite, we may do that at a very low cost for them. So pakstni members should be happy rather than looking the development from a very narrow perspective.
Dragon V2 is comparable to Soyuz capsule not Space shuttle.
Nobody is trying to make Buran or Challenger anymore.

India is not making any space shuttle, we are trying something similar to X37B of USAF/NASA.


In future I will expect the RLV to carry kill vehicles to destroy ballistic missiles and satellites.

Hyper-sonic glider with limited manoeuvrability, doesn't seems like a science mission, more like a futuristic strategic weapon system. ISRO did not have a live coverage like GSLV/PSLV. ;)
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