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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Now I understand why gulf people iraqis and iranians are the largest property buyers hope TR government cancels house purchases as soon as possible
The United States will do anything necessary to protect our forces and people.

Soleimani was a butcher and enemy of the United States. We warned Iran repeatedly. A clear message was sent tonight.

Ah yes. These is why you ivnaded Iraq in 2003 and(among millions of Iraqis)killed thousands of US soldiers. Your government is a disgrace and a grave danger to the whole world. This attitude of killing anyone who want without the slight regard for international law is 1000 more dangerous than any terrorist.
The most important thing now is that the communication command and Control of regional anti-american forces remains intact.
The United States will do anything necessary to protect our forces and people.

Soleimani was a butcher and enemy of the United States. We warned Iran repeatedly. A clear message was sent tonight.

The US shouldn't be meddling in these countries to begin with. You can't interfere in other's affair with boots on the ground and claim innocence and claim you 'gave warnings' when you've already committed numerous transgressions. It's like breaking into someone's house and claim you warned them not to harm you, and then attacked them all while claiming innocence (as you appear to do in your post).

At this point both sides are going to engage each other in one form or another and things are going to get ugly. I imagine Iran's next move is going to be hard to predict.

Soleimani was a butcher and enemy of the United States.

No, George Bush was the butcher of the US in Iraq, he is the one who should be held accountable. The others merely defended themselves from US aggression.
This is what i've been considering as well. A few days ago we saw senior general handling a situation

It seems very much like an internal power struggle with things behind the scene that aren't public, the power struggle has been quite obvious looking at Iraq's political scene lately.

We have to wait and see, but I do know no action or decision is going to 'magically' be good for the country at this moment. Problems will occur either way.

Well, everything points to it.

People don't talk about it much but Al-Assad is now aligned with Arab nations (reaching out to the GCC as well, KSA and UAE in particular) and he pretty much won the internal war between Syrian Arab nationalists aligned to the Al-Assad regime and the Pro-Mullah Wilayat al-Faqih lot. Russia was obviously on the Al-Assad side while Iran was supporting the Shia faction ("religious one"). With their main allies being Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias led by the now dead Al-Muhandis etc.

Houthis are also distancing themselves from the Mullah's. There never was much of a close relationship (other than political and some military smuggling initially from September 2014 to March 2015 and later on smuggling networks across the Arabia Sea) but they too know where this is all going. Too large of a distance, very few if any similarities (Zaydi's are totally different to Wilayat al-Faqih), KSA next door, people to people relations and the fact that Yemen has always and will always rely on KSA. They (Houthis and the elite) cannot afford a perpetual war against KSA so they are reaching out as well with negotiations ongoing under conditions of them completely cutting off ties to the Mullah's.

But this is all the desperate actions of a sanctioned regime who is using gullible Arab warlords to contain the fire outside of their own borders but little do they know. They still have nightmares about the Iraq-Iran war hence the proxy obsession.

However we should not be tolerating it. Look at KSA and Bahrain. Every such attempt is crushed mercilessly. Such elements only are kept alive in unstable countries.

Look at Libya as well nowadays. Same story repeating itself.

This is way bigger than country x or y or sect, ideology or whatever. It is about foreigners taking advance of war-torn/unstable Arab countries. Therefore we should not accept/tolerate such attempts from minorities within us who contribute to such a situation one way or another.
The temperate reaction is to get on the phone with Iraq and let them know if the occupiers are not out of Iraq in 2020, Iraq is going to be in the middle of a military conflict.

Do Iraqis want Shia in Iraq, or do they want foreign unwanted occupiers.
Well, everything points to it.

People don't talk about it much but Al-Assad is now aligned with Arab nations (reaching out to the GCC as well, KSA and UAE in particular) and he pretty much won the internal war between Syrian Arab nationalists aligned to the Al-Assad regime and the Pro-Mullah Wilayat al-Faqih lot. Russia was obviously on the Al-Assad side while Iran was supporting the Shia faction ("religious one"). With their main allies being Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias led by the now dead Al-Muhandis etc.

Houthis are also distancing themselves from the Mullah's. There never was much of a close relationship (other than political and some military smuggling initially from September 2014 to March 2015 and later on smuggling networks across the Arabia Sea) but they too know where this is all going. Too large of a distance, very few if any similarities (Zaydi's are totally different to Wilayat al-Faqih), KSA next door, people to people relations and the fact that Yemen has always and will always rely on KSA. They (Houthis and the elite) cannot afford a perpetual war against KSA so they are reaching out as well with negotiations ongoing under conditions of them completely cutting off ties to the Mullah's.

But this is all the desperate actions of a sanctioned regime who is using gullible Arab warlords to contain the fire outside of their own borders but little do they know. They still have nightmares about the Iraq-Iran war hence the proxy obsession.

ASSad will inshallah follow Qassem path.
Soleimani was a butcher and enemy of the United States. We warned Iran repeatedly. A clear message was sent tonight.
Now that is pot calling kettle black. US is just another declining imperial power, it got its hand stained more than Iranians or any other regime currently in power. It was only the Soviet empire that equaled US in its blood letting.

From the day US invaded Iraq, US had achieved only one thing with success and that is make Iranians more powerful in the middle east. Invasion of Iraq only bolstered Iran across the region.

By killing Sulemani, US declared open season across the ME. The fire Trump and his band of sycophants had lit will burn everyone in the ME and beyond.

proper retaliation would be testing nuclear weapon

You are just another sorry excuse for a human being

The only message sent out tonight is a unilateral attempt to destroy peace and stability.

This event will not deter anyone as it holds the moral equivalency of murder but it may very well start off a new season of bloodshed in the region.

The region was finely balanced on a tip of a polarised sword.

I term this act as act of Fassad.

By doing this US had painted a big red target at all its assets and personnel across the ME. Iranians will not take it sitting down. The Iranian regime was under pressure by the crippling sanctions and the public anger was building against the regime but US once again in its shear arrogance and unlimited stupidity provided a huge reason to people of Iran to unify against the big satan. Thank you US, you just cant help but keep shooting yourself in the foot again and again.

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