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The issue is not disagreement with Sharia, rather the way to go about it. The fact that the Laal Masjid posse is sitting on occupied land and putting up Masjid in itself is against the laws of Islam, the fact that they kidnap people is against Islam. If they want action against vices in the society then they should have sit-ins at the Police stations and ask the state security mechanism to enforce laws in the land.

The way these people are going about it, they are making people annoyed with enforced Islam.

You have something i lack, patience.
Who the **** gave you the authority to gauge who good a muslim he is or he is not. Who are you tell him what constitute's being a good muslim and what not. Let Allah do his job, you dont have any right to take over for allah.

Dann thats the second time you have talked sense.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). .

In recent religious rulings, Qaradawi has been praised for his condemnation of the 11 September 2001 attacks, defense of the right of American Muslim soldiers to fight against other Muslims in Afghanistan, and critique of the October 2002 bombing of two nightclubs on the Indonesian island of Bali as a heinous crime. His account of Palestinian suicide bombers as martyrs engaged in a just struggle against an occupying force and militarized society that targets them has not been as well received.
The Busharraf is again taking Pakistan towards another crisis of the history during his tenure. This follower of "Murtid" Mustafa Kamal Ataturk is following the US agenda. However he still has time to come towards right path and try to implement Islamic law in Pakistan. The "Shariyat Bill" is already readied by Islamic Ideology Council" he just have to implement otherwise he will be responsible in front of Allah on Judgement Day.

You are not making sense and furthermore how is Musharraf responsible for the peoples actions. It's a very delicate matter. I'm sure if there were no women inside the place would have been stormed a long time ago.

Just to add that he does not like Bush, but has to live with it for the sake of Pakistan. Either that or give the masses of land surrounding Afganistan to the US. I would rather have a President of Pakistan in charge than a US one.
How did these people get hold of AK-47 and gas masks?
They seem well prepared for showdown.
CON Pakistan has the largest illegal small arms bazar in the world. getting hold of an unlicensed AK-47 is no problem. I wouldn't think getting hold of gas masks is any hard business either. The Lal Masjid has certainly taken advantage of the Governments leniancy and calm sentiments.
CON Pakistan has the largest illegal small arms bazar in the world. getting hold of an unlicensed AK-47 is no problem. I wouldn't think getting hold of gas masks is any hard business either. The Lal Masjid has certainly taken advantage of the Governments leniancy and calm sentiments.

I cant believe that students would have so easy access to weapons. This ain't some Afghan border,but the capital of the country.
Someone needs to taken to task for letting non-state elements collect weapons.
The Pakistani army was preparing to storm a pro-Taliban mosque in central Islamabad early this morning, after a day of vicious street battles had left at least 12 people dead and 150 wounded.
A column of troops and armoured vehicles moved towards Lal Masjid, or the Red Mosque, where the electricity had been cut off and a curfew imposed. A government minister warned hundreds of armed students holed up inside to surrender. "We ask them to lay down their arms. But if anyone comes out with weapons, he will be answered with bullets," deputy interior minister Zafar Waraich told a midnight press conference.
The dramatic siege was the culmination of months of simmering tension between authorities and the radical students, whose anti-vice campaign - including kidnapping alleged prostitutes and burning films - has embarrassed the president, Pervez Musharraf.
Heavy gunfire echoed across the capital from midday after a clash at a security checkpost triggered a five-hour gun battle. Masked students hid behind sandbags on the mosque roof, firing at police and rangers in the surrounding streets. Security forces returned a barrage of bullets and teargas shells. From the mosque loudspeaker a voice urged students to prepare for suicide bombings.

Hospital officials confirmed 12 people dead including at least four students, several civilians, a soldier, and a journalist. Mosque authorities claimed a higher toll.

The violence turned one corner of the placid city into a war zone. Volleys of bullets whipped through the trees in a central district near the parliament and supreme court. Lines of soldiers scurried through alleyways and at least three journalists were wounded in the crossfire.

A thick plume of smoke rose in the sky after students torched two nearby government buildings, including the ministry of the environment, and set cars ablaze. They also ransacked a girls' school.

A black flag depicting two crossed swords and a verse from the Qur'an - similar to the Taliban standard - fluttered from the mosque rooftop. Inside, young men brandished rifles and pistols and some wore gasmasks. Burka-clad female students huddled in prayer, some apparently preparing for martyrdom.

Unusually, a woman led prayers in the main mosque, a red-walled building with a white dome. She called on "the angels" to help them defeat General Musharraf. Other terrified young students fled for safety, some rescued by relatives. "We sent her to Lal Masjid for an education," said one woman preparing to dash inside to fetch her 20-year-old sister. "We do not like terrorism. We are for peace."

The radical preacher who runs Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi, changed his tone from conciliation to threats of extreme violence as the afternoon wore on. Among passers-by sheltering behind trees on the streets outside, opinions were divided.

One young man said the president deserved to be ousted. "Musharraf, dog!" he said in broken English, making a woofing noise.

Shahid Hayat, a 20-year-old business student, supported the president. "This is not good, it is hurting our country's reputation," he said. "It's hurting Islam."

After evening prayers, Shah Abdul Aziz, a conservative parliamentarian wearing a black turban, emerged from the mosque to declare a ceasefire. President Musharraf should "see these students as his own children," he said on the way out. "War is not a solution."

Hours later sporadic gunfire rang out again. An armoured vehicle left a temporary army base in the national sports stadium and trundled towards the mosque. At 4am soldiers on loudhailers warned all women and children to leave.

One government official, describing the mosque as a "cult", said that decisive army action might be necessary to avoid a "Waco-style" siege - a reference to the death of 78 people in Texas in 1993.

The media was kept at a distance. There were reports of clashes between other radicals and police in the Swat Valley, 120 miles to the north. Reached by telephone, Abdul Rashid Ghazi refused to comment. "You can judge for yourself," he said.


The Red Mosque is at the heart of fears that "Talibanisation" is spreading in Pakistan. Its students have tried to violently impose their strict social code on the capital by abducting prostitutes, threatening CD shop owners and defying police. They are led by brothers Abdul Rashid Ghazi and Abdul Aziz, who boast of meeting Osama bin Laden. Until yesterday President Musharraf was reluctant to take them on, saying he feared violence could spread. But critics accuse him of manipulating the crisis to bolster support among western allies.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death.
Nationalism or secularism has no place in Islam. Similarly just accepting Islam by tongue and following the laws of Kafirs and keeping Quran aside is not acceptable to Allah.

Hey buddy wanna share with us all where God gave you the permission to judge.
who is Yusuf Al Qaradhawi.let me rephrase that who cares who he is.iam willing to bet he doesn't work for his money.and if he doesn't guess what some one is giving him money.if thats the case he will say what the master tells him.
but when prophet told us all any answer you need is in quran.thats where i look before i look to wards some sold out lackey Mullah.

So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death
And what makes you think you are A Muslim.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death.
Nationalism or secularism has no place in Islam. Similarly just accepting Islam by tongue and following the laws of Kafirs and keeping Quran aside is not acceptable to Allah.

You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!
You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

If they want Sharia law they should try winning an election. Breaking the law and killing police officers is not a way that is going to impress me.
Hey buddy wanna share with us all where God gave you the permission to judge.
who is Yusuf Al Qaradhawi.let me rephrase that who cares who he is.iam willing to bet he doesn't work for his money.and if he doesn't guess what some one is giving him money.if thats the case he will say what the master tells him.
but when prophet told us all any answer you need is in quran.thats where i look before i look to wards some sold out lackey Mullah.

That is pure pain, from a person who flogs it out in the office for a long time. My respects, I am the same breed.

And what makes you think you are A Muslim

He doesnt know the first thing about being a human being, how the hell can he be closer to god if he is not closer to his creations.
You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

And you call yourself an Indian, A nation made for all kinds of people, albiet with all its problems, still has made tiny steps and rather loving and spreading its idea's. You stand for something that is exact opposite. I would have called you a word, but then i am nobody to call you that.

If they want Sharia law they should try winning an election. Breaking the law and killing police officers is not a way that is going to impress me.

Exactly!!!!! Private individuals with fire-arms forcing governments of the people, is no way the right thing. When that becomes a regular occurance, you can count down for the destruction of Pakistan. it will be just like Gaza, where the streets of people will be used as a battle ground for small group individuals trying to increase their foothold and push their agenda. Law and Order is the only way for Pakistan to remain united. If 99% of Pakistan is moderate as claimed, then definitly this "lot" is the other 1% and they have no value.
I have read on the BBC that the students were supported by other young people froma around Islamabad as well as local traders.

It seems according to them that maybe just maybe musharraf might take action in light of the deaths of the security personnel.

A friend recently told me that Islamabad has become really bad recently with most of what used to be hidden like alcoholism and prostitution is now rife within the capital in a more obvious way.

I'm not a big fan of enforced sharia law but if that sort of thing is happening in Islamabad then I would like to see something done about it.
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