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They are using those girl-students as Human Shield..I am not even suprised, Those cowards
Battle at Lal Masjid leaves 5 dead

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
20:30 IST

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Islamabad: Security forces clashed with Islamic students outside a radical mosque in the Pakistani capital on Tuesday, triggering gunfire that killed five people, including one of the militant students, officials said.

The students later pelted two government buildings, including the Ministry of Environment, with rocks and set them ablaze, and torched a dozen cars in the ministry's lot.

Doctors at two hospitals said the five dead were two policemen, one soldier, a militant and a labourer. However, clerics at the mosque claimed that 10 of their supporters died.

The battle marked a major escalation in a six-month standoff at the Lal Masjid whose clerics have challenged the military-led government by mounting a vigilante anti-vice campaign in Islamabad.

Trouble began when student followers of the mosque, including young men with guns and dozens of women wearing black burqas, rushed toward a nearby police checkpoint early Tuesday afternoon.

Police and paramilitary Rangers fired tear gas and, as the students retreated, an Associated Press photographer saw at least four male students, some of them masked, fire shots toward security forces about 200 metres away. Gunfire was also heard from the police position.

A man used the mosque's loudspeakers to order suicide bombers to get into position. "They have attacked our mosque, the time for sacrifice has come," the man said.

Hours later, dozens of students were patrolling the area around the mosque, and sporadic shots were still heard.

Security forces, some riding in armored vehicles, cordoned off the area with barbed wire and checkpoints and continued to fire tear gas at the demonstrators from a distance.

Deputy Interior Minister Zafar Warriach said officials were in touch with the mosque administration to try to defuse the situation. "Despite provocation from the Lal Masjid, we are not using force," Warriach said on state-run Pakistan Television.

However, Warriach said it was the duty of the government to protect the life and property of its citizens, and "we will do it."

Shah Abdul Aziz, a lawmaker for a hard-line religious party who rushed to the mosque to mediate, emerged to say that a cease-fire had been agreed - only for the shooting to continue after he left. Aziz said the mosque's leaders claimed that 10 of their supporters had died, including two female students.


its getting worse
its getting worse

Cordon off the area with armoured vehicles. cut off phone and other comms lines as well as utilities and then wait.......

when they come out arrest them.

They do have some brain washed nitwits with automatic weapons and i am sure they are stocked up with supplies too. Siege would be too time-consuming, considering the volatile public opinion, will give these idiots time to trump up support.

They do have some brain washed nitwits with automatic weapons and i am sure they are stocked up with supplies too. Siege would be too time-consuming, considering the volatile public opinion, will give these idiots time to trump up support.

Well if they are cut off they will have no voice. no one goes in or out. They killed policemen and a ranger. Let them rot. these guys want a confrontation. don't give it to them. let them rot......
Agreed, You dont give them a confrontation, they will make sure they get one. ******* is time consuming, therefore public opinion will sway, in their favour since girls are inside. There will be other people who will trump up their cause, even if Lal-masjid cant themselves cant make any noise.

What if they have a Microphone and Loud Speakers with independent source of power like a diesel powered generation.
Agreed, You dont give them a confrontation, they will make sure they get one. ******* is time consuming, therefore public opinion will sway, in their favour since girls are inside. There will be other people who will trump up their cause, even if Lal-masjid cant themselves cant make any noise.

What if they have a Microphone and Loud Speakers with independent source of power like a diesel powered generation.

Ever heard of a anti material rifle?That would take out any speakers.
If they come out shooting then THEY would have initiated the confrontation. And they can not play the victim...Also the Police can public ally call for the girls to be sent out. If they refuse then they again would be liable not the police.
What if they start sending/uploading videos of women suffering inside bcoz of the siege.
Ever heard of a anti material rifle?That would take out any speakers.
If they come out shooting then THEY would have initiated the confrontation. And they can not play the victim...Also the Police can public ally call for the girls to be sent out. If they refuse then they again would be liable not the police.

They already killed 3 Security Personnel, I think they have made their point very very clear.
Those girls are human shields.
What if they start sending/uploading videos of women suffering inside bcoz of the siege.

Thats why you cut them off from outside. no mobile phones (jammers for ieds would kill the signal there) no phone or utility lines take out speakers with AM rifles and/or play REALLY loud music (ala noreiga :lol:)

no PR for them. Keep the public at bay with full cordons.
The Busharraf is again taking Pakistan towards another crisis of the history during his tenure. This follower of "Murtid" Mustafa Kamal Ataturk is following the US agenda. However he still has time to come towards right path and try to implement Islamic law in Pakistan. The "Shariyat Bill" is already readied by Islamic Ideology Council" he just have to implement otherwise he will be responsible in front of Allah on Judgement Day.
The Busharraf is again taking Pakistan towards another crisis of the history during his tenure. This follower of "Murtid" Mustafa Kamal Ataturk is following the US agenda. However he still has time to come towards right path and try to implement Islamic law in Pakistan. The "Shariyat Bill" is already readied by Islamic Ideology Council" he just have to implement otherwise he will be responsible in front of Allah on Judgement Day.

Sorry but no.........none should force this upon Pakistan. I have seen the taliban in action.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death.
Nationalism or secularism has no place in Islam. Similarly just accepting Islam by tongue and following the laws of Kafirs and keeping Quran aside is not acceptable to Allah.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death.
Nationalism or secularism has no place in Islam. Similarly just accepting Islam by tongue and following the laws of Kafirs and keeping Quran aside is not acceptable to Allah.


The issue is not disagreement with Sharia, rather the way to go about it. The fact that the Laal Masjid posse is sitting on occupied land and putting up Masjid in itself is against the laws of Islam, the fact that they kidnap people is against Islam. If they want action against vices in the society then they should have sit-ins at the Police stations and ask the state security mechanism to enforce laws in the land.

The way these people are going about it, they are making people annoyed with enforced Islam.
I can not hope this from you. A person can not be a muslim even if he born in a muslim family if he is not following Islam fully. See the fatwa from Qatar based renowned Islamic scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradhawi(You can see him on Aljazeera Arabic Channel). So try to be a right and true Muslim before your eyes close, since there is no return from the life after death.
Nationalism or secularism has no place in Islam. Similarly just accepting Islam by tongue and following the laws of Kafirs and keeping Quran aside is not acceptable to Allah.

Who the **** gave you the authority to gauge how good a muslim he is or he is not. Who are you tell him what constitute's being a good muslim and what not. Let Allah do his job, you dont have any right to take over for allah.
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