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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated


Feb 12, 2006
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She was assassinated on December 27, 2007 in a presumed suicide bomb attack during a political rally of the Pakistan Peoples Party in the town of Rawalpindi.[2] Ex-government spokesman Tariq Azim Khan said that, although it appeared that she'd been shot, it was unclear whether her bullet wounds had been caused by a shooting or shrapnel from the bomb.
My condolences to all Pakistanis and Bhutto Family...
This is more than shocking...
My condolences to all Pakistanis

what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.
This is indeed sad. Its the third time in pakistan a political leader has been assassinated. My condolences to the bhutto family.
what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.

She was also a mother. Take it that way
She was also a mother. Take it that way

yes a mother for her family but parasite for Pakistan.

Her dad broke Pakistan, and was killed; This is the only family in Pakistan that has brought turmoil; generations after generations.

They are responsible for thousands of Pakistani deaths

The dad broke the country while the daughter robbed it.

look at the God's justice, he killed the entire family.

[ps: anyone who disagrees with me is a traitor]
what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.

WHAT????? Sir please do not insult the dead and your ex-PM, criticising her as a politician ceases when we talk about her as a person..

She was a charasmatic person with a fan following all over the world...

She was one of the most popular Pakistani leader, have you seen the people howling on the streets?

Please leave such comments for another day.. You are not representative of all Pakistanis... and there are indeed many in Pakistan who admired her..

Have no words to exoress shock and grief over killing of BB and 17 other innocent human.


The more sad and shocking for me as a Pakistani is the post-killing situation the entier country will be on fire which has started already.

Protesters are burning shops, cars and buildings.

Just in front of my Office the Police Station has been put on fire besdies a CNG and Oil gas station was also set on fire by the PPP protesters while the house of Liaqar Jatoi in Dadu Sindh was also burnt.

Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi is already on fire. :(

MY countrymen please play your role and counter any anti-Pakistan propoganda irrespective of your political affiliation.
R.I.P. didn't like her but i am saddened by her death she was a wife and mother afterall .All the more to start clamping down on these bloody militants !
pakistan is going throught a critical point in it's life right now it will take the right path and get through this.
Have no words to exoress shock and grief over killing of BB and 17 other innocent human.


The more sad and shocking for me as a Pakistani is the post-killing situation the entier country will be on fire which has started already.

Protesters are burning shops, cars and buildings.

Just in front of my Office the Police Station has been put on fire besdies a CNG and Oil gas station was also set on fire by the PPP protesters while the house of Liaqar Jatoi in Dadu Sindh was also burnt.

Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi is already on fire. :(

MY countrymen please play your role and counter any anti-Pakistan propoganda irrespective of your political affiliation.

couldnt agree with you more!
God help us!
WHAT????? Sir please do not insult the dead and your ex-PM, criticising her as a politician ceases when we talk about her as a person..

She was a charasmatic person with a fan following all over the world...

She was one of the most popular Pakistani leader, have you seen the people howling on the streets?

Please leave such comments for another day.. You are not representative of all Pakistanis... and there are indeed many in Pakistan who admired her..


now she's dead all of sudden she becomes saint?

First ask her family to give $5 billion, then ask for forgiveness.

Islam demands greater emphasis on Haqooq-ul-Ibad (Rights of People) than Haqooq-Allah (Rights of God).

Do you know that no one can forgive Haqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of people) expect people themselves?

And i choose not to forgive her, only if her family returns all the money they stole.

All sins which do not relate to any other person and are such that Allah will punish because of disobedience, will be pardoned. Even Kufr and shirk can be pardoned by truly asking for forgiveness. But sins in which the creatures of Allah are concerned, for instance, making wrong use of an orphan's property, making false charges against someone or doing cruelty, these cannot be pardoned by merely asking Allah's forgiveness.

For this, the person concerned should be asked for pardon. First pay him his dues and ask his forgiveness then expect Allah's pardon. These sins are infringement and violation of Huqooq-ul-'Ibad (peoples' rights) and they cannot be pardoned by Allah alone.
what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.

That is a different matter.

Killing a defenceless woman in no way is a brave act.

Only cowards do such things!

She is no Saint, but then one should have the grace to grief a death, especially when cowards kill her!

To support cowards itself allow other cowards to take heart and lead the country into further chaos!
Have no words to exoress shock and grief over killing of BB and 17 other innocent human.


The more sad and shocking for me as a Pakistani is the post-killing situation the entier country will be on fire which has started already.

Protesters are burning shops, cars and buildings.

Just in front of my Office the Police Station has been put on fire besdies a CNG and Oil gas station was also set on fire by the PPP protesters while the house of Liaqar Jatoi in Dadu Sindh was also burnt.

Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi is already on fire. :(

MY countrymen please play your role and counter any anti-Pakistan propoganda irrespective of your political affiliation.

ugh.......idiots why is our country filled with these mental people like damaging property is really gonna help and it's against islam :crazy:
As if the country is not already in enough turmoil these people are gonna make more by burning down their own city these should be rounded up,beaten and thrown in jail.:angry:
now she's dead all of sudden she becomes saint?

First ask her family to give $5 billion, then ask for forgiveness.

Islam demands greater emphasis on Haqooq-ul-Ibad (Rights of People) than Haqooq-Allah (Rights of God).

Do you know that no one can forgive Haqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of people) expect people themselves?

And i choose not to forgive her, only if her family returns all the money they stole.

Sir I am shocked at your response but the manner in which she was killed is despicable.. Suicide bombers and Assassination.. if Pakistanis really hated her then why did they welcome her with such massive crowds? why are there rioting?

The fact is that people are unhappy that the will of Pakistanis is being superseeded with just 1 gentleman.. who claims he knows better than 150mn Pakistanis.

and as for corruption have the charges been proved?? why did Musharraf cut a deal with her?? Corruption is a fact of life in subcontinent and I don't know how you arrived at that figure but if you think that politicians are saints is not the point..

The fact is that she was twice the PM of Pakistan who carried with her the will of the Pakistani people and she was one of the people that defines Pakistan for the rest of the world..

If you support suicide attacks and assassinations of all corrupt officials esp against women then I have nothing else to say.. is this not unIslamic??

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