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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

maybe this is why Indians are supporting her :P

Not really.

Gloating at someone's death is not an Indian way!

It is only a weak person who finds salvation in the violent vanishing of something one does not like.

A brave person fights the issue that one does not like on a even playing field.

To appear to be supporting terrorist actions is hardly a brave thing to do!

Fight her legally and not by the rule of the jungle.

I am sure you will agree Pakistan is not ruled by the rules of the jungle!

In this context you will also note that the Indian Army has praised the actions of many a Pakistani soldiers/ officers as was the case in Battle of Basantar and also of Kargil. I have posted the same on this forum!

We are magnanimous and salute valour, even of our enemies!

We do not gloat at the misfortunes and death!
already it has a negative press and which will go down for sure.. and it is not a country that anyone except Pakistanis seem to think is peaceful.. jewish hindu chritisitan propaganda notwithstanding..

the press is only propoganda, lies and far from the truth.
pakistan is a strong and prosperous country inn the context of the region it is in.
the media more than a generation ago claimed that the then east pakistan was the engine of west pak. today almost 40yrs later pakistan has an economy of 2-3 times the size of bd even though we have had layers and yrs of sanctions and direct hostility and they have only help from all quarters.
Salim Like I said, I feel sorry for the 30 people who got killed along with her.
what are you talking about?!

Its a blessing in disguise.

She stole peoples money & ran to west. She was an American agent, good thing we got rid of her.

This isn't a "blessing" by any means. True, her tenure as the head of state was shoddy, but so was/is everyone else's; but now Pakistan (and I'm assuming that you're taking the nationalist posture here) is way worse off because:

1. The fact that a high profile presidential candidate can still be brutally murdered by a suicide bomber in Pakistan does not bode well for the nation at large. For all of those who wanted to rid Pakistan of it's "terrorist state" stigma will have to shelf their objective for a very long time to come. With this assassination that title is practically etched in stone.

2. This also sets a precedent that in Pakistan a change of leadership cannot come without severe turmoil and instability, thereby rendering it an extremely bad risk for any potential investor. The only investors knocking on the doors will be the ones mobilized by other nations exploiting Pakistan for strategic purposes under the guise of a symbiotic relationship, which in itself is the perpetuation of a nightmarish vicious cycle.

3. IMO Pakistan's primary hope is/was Pervez Musharraf. Unfortunately his position was severely weakened when he was forced to resign from the army (his effectiveness was primarily linked to his position as dictator-General). Now his already enervated position will be further weakened if not completely decimated since the fingers will be pointed at him. It is highly unlikely that any "guilt" will ever be proven or disproven, but a significant portion of the population in Sindh and an array of other international leaders whose support is integral to Pakistan will hold this against him either overtly or covertly. Worse case scenario of course will be all out communal violence.

P.S. If you hated Benazir for being a parasite during her life you're going to hate her a whole lot more in death as she will undoubtedly become a martyr for the elusive democracy of Pakistan. Nobody will remember her shortcomings instead she will be remembered as a larger than life persona, and a Muslim woman nonetheless, who battled against all odds and eventually sacrificed her life in an attempt to bring democracy to a land ravaged by Islamist terrorism and military dictatorships.
Please i this is no the time for such comments. Maybe some other time. Believe me I am no fan of the Bhutto family, but please not now. I beg all the people on this forum to please halt from making such remarks at least for now. May be some other time, but please not now. Let us all pray for Pakistan's safety. I remember my grandparents telling me when Laiquat Ali Khan was shot. When he got shot he said the kalma and his last words were "O Allah please keep Pakistan safe." Let us hope that his wish will one day be accepted.

You are absolutely right.

This is not the time!
My condolences to everyone in Pakistan becuase I don't think this will end well.
Inshallah our beloved pakistan will remain under the protection of the Allmighty
It is difficult to believe so if the terrorists can run around at will.

It is time they are hounded by all in Pakistan, irrespective of their political belief or ethnicity.

Then and then alone, will things get normal.

God helps them, who help themselves!
My condolences to everyone in Pakistan becuase I don't think this will end well.

Why's anything going to happen? She might have had a minority of support, but she wasn't some saintly figure in Pakistan in the slightest. She'll be remembered by a minority of the population perhaps, but definitely for sure as no martyr. And that will be that. What will happen is that the elections will be postponed, and there won't be any opposition in future elections. Don't get so embroiled in wet fantasies that Pakistan is on the brink of civil war, because to get to such a stage there'll have to be some sort of cataclysmic change in the mental state of the average Pakistani, which is a long way off the current situation.
mindless violence must be stamped out
if her so called supporters loved her then they are realising her dream, of anarchy.
they must be stamped out.
Rehman, I doubt most people here condoling her death are supporters of BB. However it is saddening for Pakistan to know that this too can happen.

Give the death of a person respect, even if their lives didn't have any.
Someone posted on other forum that

United Nations Security Council meeting has been called.

now im confused what this lame duck Org has to do with Internal affair of Pakistan
The lameduck organisation has a chap called Ban Moon!

They say he is a tough cookie!

But then in which forum or thread has this news emerged?
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