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BREAKING - Al Jazeera reports that : Ashraf Ghani has just left Afghanistan


Smart move. He has realised the time has come and hope is lost. Resistance is futile.

No point in dying when you were in power because a foreign occupier. No honour in that and Ashraf Ghani recognised that.
Another traitor for Afghanistan. If he is a true Afghan, he will never left for Tajikistan but fight until his last breadth. I can bet his luggage is stuff with gold mined from his country.

He is an American puppet. He was US citizen until he ran for Afghanistan presidency. Doing the dirty work of the US regime.
Peace must be made with the Tajik factions is peace is to be sustainable. Abdullah Abdullah and Ahmad Massoud have very important roles in the coming government.

Yes. Absolutely! And per my understanding, Abdullah Abdullah and Ahmad Massoud actually have significant following in Afghanistan unlike Karzai and Ashraf Ghani had.
.... wow .. no press conference or anything .. what a f------ rat ..... just reported on Al Jazeera news

He is going to Tajikistan ....
gone in a hole where Amr ullah saleh went
hope he dies there
I wonder where he will fly to... Going to India the sworn enemy of Islam and Taliban I guess...
Off to Tajikistan....
If that, happens, we Pakistani's are going to have a lot of fun, sit back, relax and watch the them do the trick.
Also, India has a military base in Tajikistan if I recall correctly. So, I think he might find himself there. Anyways, it awesome to see this happening, I had my popcorn packets ended today, cause of all the drama.
You guys should read the comments sections of various Western media outlets after Ghani's departure. It is imploding.

LOL common Joe wonders what they were spending their hard earned taxpayers money on LOL
**** all the indian bastards in Afghanistan!!

what a day!! ohh man!!!
You guys should read the comments sections of various Western media outlets after Ghani's departure. It is imploding.

LOL common Joe wonders what they were spending their hard earned taxpayers money on LOL
share bro!!

15th aug is now victory day for me!!
August 15: Pak's enemies elimination day.....

Mujib was downed on August 15, 1975

Ghani was downed on August 15, 2021

Hmm, one has got a close eye.

Somethings, are better left untold. Just like the Armistice Car.
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