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Bloomberg Propoganda: How China’s Flagship Belt and Road Project Stalled Out

If Pakistanis needed a reminder as to how important it is for us to ensure the success of CPEC, just view this 11 minute video of utter trash, compiled by those who wish to see Pakistan destroyed. And if you were asleep for the last 20 years, then look to Afghanistan where the Zionists have been trying and failing to "Balkanize" Pakistan under the guise of their bogus War on Terror (more like War OF Terror).
Chinese did not go from $1,000 GDP per capita to over $10,000 GDP per capita in 15 years because they are stupid

Chinese are super smart

Pakistan could not kickstart its economy and also US did never had interest at heart, like in Afghanistan since 20 years they only built one from from Kabul

Chinese are setting the infrastructure around these projects and adding catalyst to click start them like these special economics zones

btw these special economic zones is how China started its opening up policy in the 1980s

they are experts in setting these industries in coastal locations and expanding deep into the country
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Bloomberg = american = Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins.........:disagree:

Funny how the nation that is responsible for the deaths of over 3 million Muslims globally since 1990 is all of a sudden concerned about the economic well-being of Pakistan.......... :disagree:
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gotta love that "cool & calm objective" front that they try put forward in an attempt to hide their butthurt. yes bloomburg, China IS expanding, Pakistan IS taking advantage of it & there is nothing that you nor your "anonymous balochi journalist with a strangely indian sounding accent" can do about it.
gotta love that "cool & calm objective" front that they try put forward in an attempt to hide their butthurt. yes bloomburg, China IS expanding, Pakistan IS taking advantage of it & there is nothing that you nor your "anonymous balochi journalist with a strangely indian sounding accent" can do about it.


Well said.
If US state propaganda out of nowhere declares some China related project is struggling or controversial, that usually means its doing well and thats exactly why they are butthurt about it and going out of their way to make up filmsy excuses and lies to deny it. 😂
I know I tried to purchase property in gawadar two years ago and it was out of my price reach. I should've bought property a while back but slacked! :hitwall:

regardless, the sky rocketing property prices, especially commercial property shows that this bloomburg propaganda bit is falling flat on its face, property prices in gawadar are sky rocketing for a reason...
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