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Blast in Pearl Continental Hotel


Mar 5, 2009
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DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Blast rips through the Pearl Continental Hotel in Peshawar: 26 injured, casualties feared

ISLAMABAD: A bomb exploded outside the Pearl Continental Hotel in Peshawar, injuring 26 people, DawnNews reported.

DawnNews quoted sources as saying that 26 people injured in the blast had been shifted to Lady Reading Hospital. However, no official confirmation of casualties has been received as of yet.

Police officials say they have made arrests in the wake of the attack, but it is too soon to know if those arrested were responsible.

Pakistan has been struck by a wave of bomb attacks since security forces launched an offensive to expel Taliban militants from the northwestern Swat valley and nearby districts.
ISI needs to respond to this there is no way RAW is getting away with this bloody murders.
What the hell is the obsession of terrorists with Hotels, I'll never know. First Marriot in Islamabad, then Taj and others in Mumbai and now this in Peshawar.

At least the reports are indicating that the hotels are no longer easy targets. The security forces stopped the terrorists and the attack was mainly on the check post outside the hotel and the bomb did not explode inside the hotel.
What the hell is the obsession of terrorists with Hotels, I'll never know.

This is not a coincidence...if you recall... this is the same hotel which US State Department had plans to purchase for use as the consulate in Peshawar. At the same time If I am not wrong this hotel in Peshawar and Marriott which was bombed earlier is owned by the same person.

Senior State Department officials said the expanded diplomatic presence is needed to replace overcrowded, dilapidated and unsafe facilities and to support a "surge" of civilian officials into Afghanistan and Pakistan ordered by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Other major projects are planned for Kabul, Afghanistan; and for the Pakistani cities of Lahore and Peshawar. In Peshawar, the US government is negotiating the purchase of a five-star hotel that would house a new US consulate.

...this is the only 5 star hotel in Peshawar !!!
What the hell is the obsession of terrorists with Hotels, I'll never know. First Marriot in Islamabad, then Taj and others in Mumbai and now this in Peshawar.

At least the reports are indicating that the hotels are no longer easy targets. The security forces stopped the terrorists and the attack was mainly on the check post outside the hotel and the bomb did not explode inside the hotel.

Terror is theatre. Hotels especially upscale ones tend to attract expats, foreign tourists and businessman which plays well in the global media. If this was some office or local restaurant, CNN won't be breaking into its vapid news cycle to report it. Sad but true.
I lived in the place for seven months and was there for 3 years.
Saw many of those whom I knew very well injured
What the hell is the obsession of terrorists with Hotels, I'll never know. First Marriot in Islamabad, then Taj and others in Mumbai and now this in Peshawar.
In developing nations with poor infrastructures, luxury hotels usually double up as social and economic centers and hence feature as prominent landmarks (generally associated with modernity) in their respective cities or vicinities.

I'm not saying that they are targets for this specific reason each and every time, but these attributes tend to make hotels statistically significant targets.
I lived in the place for seven months and was there for 3 years.
Saw many of those whom I knew very well injured

Sorry to hear that. Hope those injured recover fast and are able to get back to their lifes as fast as possible.
I think media should not highlight the fact that it was a luxary hotel but focus on the fact that innocent civilians were killed. It will help strength the opinion of the masses against terrorist.
here is picturre of the after effect ......god saves the world man this is really bad


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If I remember correctly I read a report that US is considering to buy a 5 star hotel in Peshawar for it's embassy's expansion. And I think the report also mentioned that there is only one 5 star hotel in Peshawar. So that hotel must be Inter-Continental, as all Inter-Continentals are 5-stars only. Direct attack on American plans.
RIP to the people who lost their innocent lives in the game of the people with bodyguards and jammers around them.
Yep. Another clear sign of the great success of the military offensives.

Increasing the bombing (probably to continue to line the $$ strewn pockets of those holding the "elite" positions in authority), has increased the veracity of the insurgent response.

Another disaster much like Iraq is ensuing, or possibly worse. Course it will be trumpeted as a success, and to an extent it is, since those needing their pockets lined will get them so done.

You'd have thought wiser heads existed, but clearly not.

Another prediction I'll make. The Swat and every other offensive won't make a blind bit of difference to what goes on in Afghanistan. In fact there will be a rise in the violence in Aghanistan, even though the Pakistan military is supposedly containing the insurgents that cross the border from their alleged havens. How terribly stupid the chickenhawks think some people are.

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