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Berlin threatens neighbors over migration

hey romanian guy relax nobody is coming to your country don't you know it's the poorest country in the E.U

So ? ....still better then 2/3 ds of the globe.-including Tunisia-.....let's keep it that way and we're fine with it.

Dude, I don't think who you think you are but here in West-Europe we see an Arab or a Black in the same light as a Romanian or Bulgarian who come here. Both groups are not wanted. You are not part of the club here. You can trust my word on this.

Oh,yes,Turks re most welcome i gather.I don't even care dude,to each his own,it's not like we weren't a country before the EU.With good or the bad,we'll weather this storm to,anything is better than Germany shoving the ME/Africa down your throat.As for your insinuations,you have the same GDP per capita as Romania despite being in the Western camp since 1945 while we were a commie shitholle...so spare me the inuendos.
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thats 100 percent true because they are not fleeing from war(vast majority of them are refugees who already settled in turkey or lebeanon) they just want to live the european-german- dream
Tunisia has experience of this with Libyans Do you think an influx of them has destabilised Tunisia?
So ? ....still better then 2/3 ds of the globe......let's keep it that way and we're fine with it.

Oh,yes,Turks re most welcome i gather.I don't even care dude,to each his own,it's not like we weren't a country before the EU.With good or the bad,we'll weather this storm to,anything is better than Germany shoving the ME/Africa down your throat.As for your insinuations,you have the same GDP per capita as Romania despite being in the Western camp since 1945 while we were a commie shitholle...so spare me the inuendos.
Only Istanbul and the surrounding region has higher gross GDP than whole of Romania. Get out of here LMAO. How can you even compare Romania to Turkey? If you say Romanian here they don't see you as one of us. You are not part of the club. When we hear Romanian or Bulgarian we think of cherry pickers or sausage pockets.
In our case it's the other way around they helped our economy

I'dont think so...only if you consider the viking age colonialism :-)
I think yes. Do a google search. Also as I said after that sentence. Sweden is paying for colonial past of the UK and France.
Only Istanbul and the surrounding region has higher gross GDP than whole of Romania. Get out of here LMAO. How can you even compare Romania to Turkey? If you say Romanian here they don't see you as one of us. You are not part of the club. When we hear Romanian or Bulgarian we think of cherry pickers or sausage pockets.

I think yes. Do a google search. Also as I said after that sentence. Sweden is paying for colonial past of the UK and France.

Turks=kebab ...that's it.

You're 80 million,we're 20 million...the GDP per capita is the same,can't you grasp simple things ? With the difference you enjoyed being in the Western camp since 1945 while the USSR was sucking up our resources 'till 1960 and then we were a shitty planned commie economy.On top of that you had hundreds of thousands of expats in Western Europe since the 70's,sending money home ....get it now wise guy ? On top of that i can still see old Dacias in Turkish movies and you still don't have a nuclear power plant.Do a poll in every European country,Romanians ,Bulgarians will never equal Turks,let lone Arabs for them....The'll take 10 Romanians over a single Turk every day...stop day dreaming and smell the real world.

You're not "us".You don't even have a Netherland flag nor do you love that country.
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I think yes. Do a google search. Also as I said after that sentence. Sweden is paying for colonial past of the UK and France.
i hope you give me some informations about sweden's colonial past...look it's not about colonial past it's just people living in hell (africa-me) and they want to go to the E.Udue to it's proximity to those regions to get better lives

Turks=kebab ...that's it.

You're 80 million,we're 20 million...the GDP per capita is the same,can't you grasp simple things ? With the difference you enjoyed being in the Western camp since 1945 while the USSR was sucking up our resources 'till 1960 and then we were a shitty planned commie economy.On top of that you had hundreds of thousands of expats in Western Europe since the 70's,sending money home ....get it now wise guy ? On top of that i can still see old Dacias in Turkish movies and you still don't have a nuclear power plant.
that's not true ..iok turkish population is 4 times bigger than yours but their economy is 10 times bigger than yours!! so stop this demo-economical nonsense and plz don't mention the history...
Turks=kebab ...that's it.

You're 80 million,we're 20 million...the GDP per capita is the same,can't you grasp simple things ? With the difference you enjoyed being in the Western camp since 1945 while the USSR was sucking up our resources 'till 1960 and then we were a shitty planned commie economy.On top of that you had hundreds of thousands of expats in Western Europe since the 70's,sending money home ....get it now wise guy ? On top of that i can still see old Dacias in Turkish movies and you still don't have a nuclear power plant.

You're not "us".You don't even have a Netherland flag nor do you love that country.
If you went to school instead of growing up in a brothel you would know that GDP is not a good measure to compare economies.
If you went to school instead of growing up in a brothel you would know that GDP is not a good measure to compare economies.

Now you're loosing and act like an idiot.Yes it is duffus.If somebody knows me on this forum ,it will know that i'm the last person to have something against Turks but against a misinformed clown like you it's the only solution.So,let me spell it for you idiot in simple things:......despite being an European country in the Western camp since 1945 you're still poorer than Hungary,Czech,Slovakia,Croatia,Slovenia,Poland,Latvia,Estonia,Lithuania,and basically the same as Romania-all ex commie planned economies who lost 45 years....you don't even have a nuclear plant .....Get it now ?

On top of that,you now have a crazy islamist at the helm which might end up breaking your country,pulling you in the ME fiasco.

that's not true ..iok turkish population is 4 times bigger than yours but their economy is 10 times bigger than yours!! so stop this demo-economical nonsense and plz don't mention the history...

No....their economy is 4 times bigger.Take a chill pill.
They're so guilty over Nazi atrocicties that they've gone completely to the other extreme.

I think it is something else. The demographics of Germany are weak - they have an ageing population and are looking for young labour. Their experience so far with Turkish and Eastern European migrants has been positive, so they are being experimental. Imagine their surprise when they learn the unpleasant truth about this new wave of migrants!!!
BERLIN — Germany warned Eastern European countries of serious consequences if they don’t drop their resistance to accepting more refugees, reflecting Berlin’s growing frustration at the unwillingness of its neighbors to help alleviate the crisis.

Speaking at a joint press conference Monday after agreeing to earmark an additional €6 billion to deal with the influx of asylum seekers, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel stressed that the rest of Europe, particularly countries in the east, needed to do more to stem the crisis instead of relying on countries like Germany, Austria and Sweden shoulder the burden.

“Eastern Europe enjoys the greatest economic advantage from open borders,” Gabriel said. “It is in Germany’s interest to maintain these open borders but everyone should be aware that if (the refugee burden) is concentrated on these three countries the debate will take another direction.”

Gabriel hinted that EU funding for countries could also be at risk if a solution to the refugee crisis wasn’t found soon. Merkel echoed his comments, adding: “What isn’t acceptable is that some maintain this situation has nothing to do with them.”

Berlin’s not-so-subtle threats of retribution suggest Germany is quickly losing patience with its European partners over their reluctance to play a bigger role in managing the crisis. While Germany estimates it will take in as many as 800,000 refugees this year, some countries in Eastern Europe have taken almost none and have rejected calls to do more.

Berlin threatens neighbors over migration – POLITICO

As per its usual habit Germany tries to destroy Europe.We're watching them on their 3rd attempt in 100 years.As they say "If you won't let someone die,he won't let you live".

Kanzlerin Merkel is right. you can't disobey the boss. you follow them. the only thing you can do is to surpass Germany to not be dictated by them, and that is the hardest part of being an European country that isn't Germany, Period.
BERLIN — Germany warned Eastern European countries of serious consequences if they don’t drop their resistance to accepting more refugees, reflecting Berlin’s growing frustration at the unwillingness of its neighbors to help alleviate the crisis.

Speaking at a joint press conference Monday after agreeing to earmark an additional €6 billion to deal with the influx of asylum seekers, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel stressed that the rest of Europe, particularly countries in the east, needed to do more to stem the crisis instead of relying on countries like Germany, Austria and Sweden shoulder the burden.

“Eastern Europe enjoys the greatest economic advantage from open borders,” Gabriel said. “It is in Germany’s interest to maintain these open borders but everyone should be aware that if (the refugee burden) is concentrated on these three countries the debate will take another direction.”

Gabriel hinted that EU funding for countries could also be at risk if a solution to the refugee crisis wasn’t found soon. Merkel echoed his comments, adding: “What isn’t acceptable is that some maintain this situation has nothing to do with them.”

Berlin’s not-so-subtle threats of retribution suggest Germany is quickly losing patience with its European partners over their reluctance to play a bigger role in managing the crisis. While Germany estimates it will take in as many as 800,000 refugees this year, some countries in Eastern Europe have taken almost none and have rejected calls to do more.

Berlin threatens neighbors over migration – POLITICO

As per its usual habit Germany tries to destroy Europe.We're watching them on their 3rd attempt in 100 years.As they say "If you won't let someone die,he won't let you live".

Nazi Adolf merekel needs to calm down
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