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Being called a ‘****’ in Western world is abuse: Lt Gen KJS Dhillon

Being called a P*** is the ultimate abuse as far as the non asian races are concerned in the UK

Same as Niggar in USA

Indians get called P*** AS do the genuine Pakistanis

We indians take it as Abusive language ..............I HAVE NO IDEA how you pakistanis boys treat this term

Its just a word and it shows white racism towards non-whites, it is demeaning if you start feeling it. Now not using the word Nigga towards blacks in public makes all whites love blacks?

If you start calling sparrow to one of your co-worker every time you see him and week later he will get mad at you and then calling him sparrow is more fun. Similarly if all non-whites in UK refer to white as Okra the word Okra will become very offensive.

anyone can call me **** or anything else it doesnt even raise my one pubic hair.
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Its just a word and it shows white racism towards non-whites, it is demeaning if you start feeling it. Now not using the word Nigga towards blacks in public makes all whites love blacks?

If you start calling sparrow to one of your co-worker every time you see him and week later he will get mad at you and then calling him sparrow is more fun. Similarly if all non-whites in UK refer to white as Okra the word Okra will become very offensive.

anyone can call me **** or anything else it doesnt even my one pubic hair.

Similar to how they use to call Italians WOPs. Which meant With Out Papers. The real insult to the Italians were when they were called Guineas; as in dark like Africans, because a lot of the Italians that came over were from southern Italy, and were tan.
Being called a P*** is the ultimate abuse as far as the non asian races are concerned in the UK

Same as Niggar in USA

Indians get called P*** AS do the genuine Pakistanis

We indians take it as Abusive language ..............I HAVE NO IDEA how you pakistanis boys treat this term

and yet indians are guilt of this is more often than not.
It means you are a hyper ugly, small statured short man with a little incy wincy weiner.


that was epic...
Imagine this guy is a "general" in India army

Indian army is well on its way to be next Afghan national army with such generals. Good for Pakistan
Imagine this guy is a "general" in India army

Indian army is well on its way to be next Afghan national army with such generals. Good for Pakistan
He was a General, and did serve during wars. If it was next ANA and yet Pak army was unable to outmaneuver us in wars. Where does that place your Army vis Taliban.
He was a General, and did serve during wars. If it was next ANA and yet Pak army was unable to outmaneuver us in wars. Where does that place your Army vis Taliban.

Outmaneuver????????..........:lol:.......seems the already low indian IQ is dropping by the day........ :lol:................india is more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia yet still remains too weak, powerless and scared of taking on the Pakistan military.............:azn:.............8-)
One of the best Pakistani restaurant in London is Taste of Pakistan.
In US too.... I've been there, another one is Auntys Kitchen Pakistan Casual...
Imagine this guy is a "general" in India army

Indian army is well on its way to be next Afghan national army with such generals. Good for Pakistan
Its already there the last demo was in Galwan to prove my point. But west will keep pumping this proxy to keep China busy.
I find South Asian derogatory comment :coffee: unnecessary term

Just a term associated with
  • Lower Pay scale
  • Bad infrastructure
  • Culture riddled with Bribe
  • Bad work life balance

  • Pakistan, Pakistani People Unique cultural more closer to Iran / Turkey , Eastern Europe , Central Asia - Largest food producer in region. Modern influence with Middle East/ Religious connection
  • Nepal , Poor Nation
  • Afghanistan pretty much Europeans in Shalwar Qamis like setup but poor as hell
  • Srilanka , poor but beautiful people, great facial features even with dark tones, I found them beautiful people
  • Bangali = East Pakistan but clearly own identity
  • India rape , crime , murder , fake tv , fake artist, caste system , gangs. Pundits, Cannibalisms cult (as discussed on cnn), occupation against Kashmir and Sikh
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