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Beijing vows justice after Islamic State kills Chinese captive

Sending drones by China to bomb the rats is enough.
dude, in case you haven't notice, most of those organisation (ISIS, AQI, JT, Haqqani) was form DURING those dictator in charge, it's not that they "CAN TAKE CARE" of them but rather, they simply don't care about them, simply as they are themselves dictator, they don't really care about how sectarian violence tore thru their own country, as long as they don't touch their own regime affluence.

Violence from those group were still rampant before US invasion of Iraq in 2003, those group did not just create and sit there and do nothing prior to US Invasion. or you really believe Haqqani did just sit there in Pakistan/Afghan border and do nothing between their creation in 1985 until the US invasion in Afghanistan in 2001?

Man, you and your fellow Chinese are so gullible, like this @TaiShang dude, to a point that even funny. Better learn something about Middle East before open your mouth on Middle Eastern issue. Than saying oh, this is all US fault. LOL
In brief, there are two countries that should be responsible for the islam extremism expansion.

One, Saudi Arabia, who is the source of extremism ideology and biggest Wahabi exporter to all the world using their oil dollar.

Two ,USA of course. For two reasons:
Reason a: Saudi Arabia's main supporter and an accomplice of Saudi Arabia(Strangely this country is not democratic at all). Till now USA is still supporting these Wahabi extremists. ISIS was one of the extremism groups supported by USA.
Reason b: As I said at #28
The effort to whitewash the fascist Western regimes that set the basis, funded and trained violent political Islam in the Middle East is telling. These peoples' loyalty and keeping the state line should be awarded by someone. But their rabid anti-China and Russia ideology is to be countered at every instance, rest assured.

It definitely did not start with the US, but the US took the flag from the British that were instrumental in the emergence of the Islamic Brotherhood.

From then on, political Islam got cover in the Levant under the protection of the Western regimes. In the 60s, they were used as a green shield against the spread of nationalism and socialism. In this process, Batahist regimes were either made complicit like in early Saddam era, or they were demonized like in Syria.

US military interventions from the 1990s opened up the strategic space for the fringe ideologies that were being suppressed by authoritarian-secular governments to gain popular strength. Hence there must be no surprise that most of the governments affected by the Arab Spring were republics. It did not touch the Gulf except Bahrain, maybe.

As particularly for ISIS; that's only a chapter in the long story and I oppose reducing the entire debate to ISIS.

ISIS can be and will be defeated because they stick out way too much. The West needs long term assets and the assets lie somewhere between ISIS and Syrian people. Therefore the Western media name and fame them as moderates.

ISIS might disturb the game, as they did with Hollande, who is now a new recruit in the ranks of Putin's mighty coalition. Obama is dancing between tables at the point, like a professional belly dancer, tables occupied by Russia and allies, Qatar, Turkey and allies, and other side powers. Which lap the dancer will end up sitting on does not matter too much at the point as Mr. Putin seems to be shuffling the cards across the tables.

We will see.

What is the most important at the point is not to fall prey by the Western propaganda to over-focus on ISIS and miss out on other terrorist groups that were/are supported by the US and its allies. We should should not let them

As for more technical details on ISIS (in Iraq), this infographics give some useful detail right by the experts from the region (Al Qadhr Press from Iraq):


The country flags represents the number of foreign fighters in Iraqi part of ISIS. In Syria, the number is definitely in 10000s. Rest of the graph talks about how ISIS finds new recruits, step by step.

The reason I share the above graph is, ISIS is definitely not a black box. It is yet another creation of the US policies in the Middle East. When looked from this larger geopolitical perspective, like Mr. Putin does, it is easy to decipher it.

Handling the US and its allies in the Middle East is the way to handle ISIS and the likes because these two are inseparable in the final analysis.
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In brief, there are two countries that should be responsible for the islam extremism expansion.

One, Saudi Arabia, who is the source of extremism ideology and biggest Wahabi exporter to all the world using their oil dollar.

Two ,USA of course. For two reasons:
Reason a: Saudi Arabia's main supporter and an accomplice of Saudi Arabia(Strangely this country is not democratic at all). Till now USA is still supporting these Wahabi extremists. ISIS was one of the extremism groups supported by USA.
Reason b: As I said at #28

1.) You talk about Wahabi, then you should know what is Wahabi and what is Salafi Muslim in Sunni Islam ideology?

Which one actually create more extremist I wonder? Wahabist or Salafist?

2.) lol team USA again, how much do you know the relationship between Saudi Arabia and US, how the US fund Saudi Arabia and how they contribute to ISIS and Salafi group supported by Jordan?

You can keep saying USA support SA thus support Wahabism and that's where the terrorist is from, you can keep saying that but that does not mean it was true. Of course, you are more than welcome to criticize US on Saudi Arabia, all the way until ISIS hijack a plane and hit your Forbidden Palace in Beijing.

As I thought, you know nothing about the situation in Middle beside the script you are given by your superior. LOL. What can you say beside US support SA and turkey which support ISIS and China should support Kurdish independent??

I mean if you want to be a joker, it's your problem, please do so without identified yourselves as Chinese. I feel ashamed for being a Half Chinese just sitting here, reading what you said about Muslim, it's even worse than those Texas Reverend interpretation on Muslim and they are pretty outrageous

The effort to whitewash the fascist Western regimes that set the basis, funded and trained violent political Islam in the Middle East is telling. These peoples' loyalty and keeping the state line should be awarded by someone. But their rabid anti-China and Russia ideology is to be countered at every instance, rest assured.

It definitely did not start with the US, but the US took the flag from the British that were instrumental in the emergence of the Islamic Brotherhood.

This is as far I gone with your post, before I laugh my arse off and fell off the chair. Honestly, good one, can I use it and post your view on my college Political Science message board. Title "Joke of the day"

By the way, it's "Muslim Brotherhood" there are no such thing as Islamic Brotherhood.

Muslim Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, In case you don't know what's so funny about your post, the very mission Muslim Brotherhood created in 1928 in Egypt is to push the British out of Egypt. the UK were no where near "Instrumental" for creating Muslim Brotherhood. Unless British create them to topple their own reign in Egypt.

Funny, ain't it?
dude, in case you haven't notice, most of those organisation (ISIS, AQI, JT, Haqqani) was form DURING those dictator in charge, it's not that they "CAN TAKE CARE" of them but rather, they simply don't care about them, simply as they are themselves dictator, they don't really care about how sectarian violence tore thru their own country, as long as they don't touch their own regime affluence.

Violence from those group were still rampant before US invasion of Iraq in 2003, those group did not just create and sit there and do nothing prior to US Invasion. or you really believe Haqqani did just sit there in Pakistan/Afghan border and do nothing between their creation in 1985 until the US invasion in Afghanistan in 2001?

Man, you and your fellow Chinese are so gullible, like this @TaiShang dude, to a point that even funny. Better learn something about Middle East before open your mouth on Middle Eastern issue. Than saying oh, this is all US fault. LOL

Haqqani network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Originating in Afghanistan during the mid-1970s, it was nurtured by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan.[3][16]

Jalaluddin Haqqani commanded the Mujahideen Army from 1980-1992, he is credited with recruiting foreign fighters. Two notable jihadist are two well known Arabs, Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden, both began their careers as volunteers for the Haqqani’s and trained to fight the Soviets.

After the Taliban came to power, Haqqani accepted a cabinet-level appointment as Minister of Tribal Affairs.[20] Following the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent overthrow of the Taliban government, the Haqqanis fled to the Pakistani bordering tribal regions and regrouped to fight against coalition forces across the border.[21]
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Haqqani network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Originating in Afghanistan during the mid-1970s, it was nurtured by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan.[3][16]

Jalaluddin Haqqani commanded the Mujahideen Army from 1980-1992, he is credited with recruiting foreign fighters. Two notable jihadist are two well known Arabs, Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden, both began their careers as volunteers for the Haqqani’s and trained to fight the Soviets.

After the Taliban came to power, Haqqani accepted a cabinet-level appointment as Minister of Tribal Affairs.[20] Following the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent overthrow of the Taliban government, the Haqqanis fled to the Pakistani bordering tribal regions and regrouped to fight against coalition forces across the border.[21]

I don't understand what you are trying to say in this post?

Are you trying to say US supported Haqqani Network during the Soviet-Afghan war? YES, OF COURSE, it is of public record that CIA, NSA and DIA funded Mujahedeen during the war and we all know even AQ was in some way got their weapon training and bomb making skill from the CIA. So? US government also supported the IRA during the mid-late 20s against British Occupation, do you want to add that to the list?

My point on that post is not about US supported which organisation, my point is to the previous poster that those terrorist network had and still exist during their reign, and it's been "Taking Care Of" like that poster said but instead being ignored.
Are you trying to say US supported Haqqani Network during the Soviet-Afghan war? YES, OF COURSE, it is of public record that CIA, NSA and DIA funded Mujahedeen during the war and we all know even AQ was in some way got their weapon training and bomb making skill from the CIA. So? US government also supported the IRA during the mid-late 20s against British Occupation, do you want to add that to the list?

But you don't believe US has anything to do with ISIS?
But you don't believe US has anything to do with ISIS?

lol... What did US have to do with ISIS? Because the US trained the Mujahedeen? Or because US not invade Iraq, ISIS would not be ISIS now?

In a way, if US have anything to do with ISIS, then the whole world, China included, have everything to do with ISIS. If US was indeed, as you or most people claimed) have anything to do with ISIS because the US train them in the 70s? Then you need to know this, not only US was involved, had Soviet not invade Afghanistan, the US would not had train the Mujahedeen. Then if China have a good relation with SU back in 1970s, SU may not invade Afghanistan to stabilise its own border. And don't forget, both Pakistan and China helped the CIA to train the Mujahedeen, so basically if US is involved because of what happened in 1970, then then whole world is involved.

Or you want to say had US not invaded Iraq, ISIS would not become ISIS now? Do bear in mind, ISIS was created in 1999 by a guy name Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It will still be there had US Not invade Iraq, and in fact, US actually beaten ISIS (or AQI, which it was known as back then) so severely, they have not had any influence in Iraq while the US troop in Iraq. Ask yourselves this, when did you first hear about ISIS? Before or After the US left Iraq in 2011??

So exactly how US involve with the formation of ISIS? By leaving Iraq?
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ISIS can be and will be defeated because they stick out way too much. The West needs long term assets and the assets lie somewhere between ISIS and Syrian people. Therefore the Western media name and fame them as moderates.

And here is just one example of how the Western media attempts poorly to paint the non-ISIS terrorists in Syria as moderates. On this effort, they went so low that even Al Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham have been labeled as "moderates" by the most mainstream state friendly fascist US media.

Here’s what WSJ said:

“Among seven areas that Syrian state media listed as targets of Russian strikes, only one—an area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province—has a known presence of Islamic State fighters. The other areas listed are largely dominated by moderate rebel factions or Islamist groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Now, Russia and China definitely hold the long view, not being blinded by the mosquitoes (ISIS etc.) but, while dealing with the swamp itself, which is certain Western regimes led by the US and their complicit and embedded media.

They now try to set a new narrative in the form of branding a new type of "good-natured rebels." Part of this job requires putting Mr. Putin under a bad light. This job also requires to derail the Russian & Chinese efforts for a political solution "only" brought about by the Syrian peoples themselves. To this end, the Western capitals insist on the "Assad must go" line.

Washington simply years for a Gaddafi moment for Assad. Then Syria will be divided into at least three parts. Then, the energy from the Gulf can be more conveniently carried into the Western shores, which would weaken Putin's energy card on Europe.

For the geopolitical ends of the state, anticipate the West to continue to act like a big unified mouth.

China definitely sees the big picture. It won't be blinded by the Western theatrics. China's deep historical knowledge of international relations and sound foreign policy doctrine keep it from being arrested by emotions or short-shortsightedness.

China knows very well who is who in this picture and the least amount of faith is put on the likes of Obama and Hollande.


In New Video, A Grateful Al-Qaeda Thanks US For Supplying Anti-Tank Missiles
Tyler Durden on 11/23/2015

On September 30, just hours after a three star Russian general strolled into the US embassy in Baghdad and told the staff to inform Washington that Moscow would begin airstrikes in Syria “in one hour”, the Western media was alive with accusations that The Kremlin wasn’t targeting ISIS, but rather other, US and Saudi-backed rebel groups fighting Assad’s depleted SAA. Here’s what WSJ said at the time:

“Among seven areas that Syrian state media listed as targets of Russian strikes, only one—an area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province—has a known presence of Islamic State fighters. The other areas listed are largely dominated by moderate rebel factions or Islamist groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Yes, “moderate rebel factions such as the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Put simply, the US had become so desperate to preserve whatever was left of the strategy to overthrow Assad, that Washington had the mainstream media floating trial balloons to see if the public would accept the characterization of al-Qaeda as “moderate.”

Generally speaking, most Americans didn’t notice, presumably because they were too busy ogling at Russian fighter jets and/or Islamic State’s latest Hollywood special (which at the time was a clip of an SAA fighter being run over by a tank), but for anyone who did pick up on the fact that the mainstream US media had just officially (and posthumously) labeled Osama Bin Laden a “moderate”, the farce was complete.

To anyone who frequents these pages - and to anyone who has endeavored to question the official narrative - the fact that the US now counts al-Nusra as a de facto ally came as no surprise. The Saudis and Qatar have backed al-Nusra virtually from the beginning, and the US is all for anything that destabilizes Assad, even if it means funneling guns and money to the very same group that flew passenger jets into skyscrapers on American soil. And let’s not forget that this wouldn’t be the first time Washington has backed al-Qaeda. The US has had lots of practice in getting arms to the Mujahideen - see the Soviet-Afghan war, for example.

None of this is a secret, which is what makes it so astonishing that the Western public is largely clueless despite the efforts of people like Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and Georgia Republican Austin Scott.

Of course Washington isn’t as vocal in its support of al-Nusra as it is in its enthusiasm for the “moderate” opposition group of choice, the Free Syrian Army. As we’ve documented extensively, the FSA has received anti-tank weapons from The Pentagon over the past two months so that they may counter the advance on Aleppo by Hezbollah and the IRGC. Given that the very same Iran-backed Shiite militias the FSA is fighting in Syria are also fighting ISIS in Iraq, the fact that the US is supplying the FSA with weapons to kill them is nothing short of ridiculous. Here’s how we described the situation last month:

The US is now supplying anti-tank weapons and other munitions to the rebels fighting in Aleppo and those weapons are being used to kill these very same Shiite militiamen who are driving US tanks, fighting alongside the Iraqi army, and indirectly receiving US assistance just across the border in Iraq.

So thanks to Washington's twisted foreign policy, they are friends on one side of the Syria-Iraq border and mortal enemies on the other.


Well now, in what can only be described as an embarrassment of truly epic proportions, al-Qaeda has released a video thanking the FSA for supplying al-Nusra with American-made TOWs. Here’s Sputnik:

The Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, has released a grateful video, where they openly thank the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which the US has touted as a “moderate opposition group”, for supplying them with US-made anti-tank TOW missiles (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided").


A recently released video shows an Al-Nusra Front field commander thanking the FSA commanders for giving his forces TOW missiles, according to a report released by the Iranian news agency FARS.

The agency reminds readers that the two groups, the Al-Nusra and the FSA, formed an alliance in March, the Army of Conquest, or Jaish al-Fatah in Arabic, to fight against the forces of President Assad.

Since then, they have fought together “at almost every single battle in Aleppo, Lattakia, Hama, and Idlib Governorates of Syria.”


Through this alliance several militant groups like the Al-Nusra Front and the Ahrar al-Sham movement have been given access to FSA's US-made heavy weaponry, which has been supplied to the militant group by the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

According to the agency’s estimates, Saudi Arabia sent 500 TOW missiles to Al-Nusra directly last month.

Obviously, this is the very definition of absurdity. It would be bad enough if the US were supplying TOWs to anyone in Syria. But this is Washington and Riyadh handing anti-tank missiles to forces that are firing them at the Iranians who are operating under cover of Russian airstrikes. Just to drive that home: the US is waging war against Iran and Russia with but one degree of separation.

That's the big picture.

But as mentioned above, this is also ridiculous because The Pentagon is killing the same people in Syria that the US-trained Iraqi army depends on to rout ISIS across the border in Iraq. And when we say "the same people", we mean the exact same Shiite militias. Every Iran-backed militiaman that's killed in Syria by a US-made weapon is one less militiaman that will return to Iraq to fight ISIS, which is of course fine with Saudi Arabia and Qatar because they're opposed to Iranian influence in Baghdad in the first place.

Finally, the idea that the US is fighting al-Nusra in Syria is not only untrue, it's actually the complete opposite of what's really going on on the ground.

Hopefully no one from al-Qaeda ends up firing a TOW at a Paris cafe.
lol... What did US have to do with ISIS? Because the US trained the Mujahedeen? Or because US not invade Iraq, ISIS would not be ISIS now?

In a way, if US have anything to do with ISIS, then the whole world, China included, have everything to do with ISIS. If US was indeed, as you or most people claimed) have anything to do with ISIS because the US train them in the 70s? Then you need to know this, not only US was involved, had Soviet not invade Afghanistan, the US would not had train the Mujahedeen. Then if China have a good relation with SU back in 1970s, SU may not invade Afghanistan to stabilise its own border. And don't forget, both Pakistan and China helped the CIA to train the Mujahedeen, so basically if US is involved because of what happened in 1970, then then whole world is involved.

Or you want to say had US not invaded Iraq, ISIS would not become ISIS now? Do bear in mind, ISIS was created in 1999 by a guy name Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It will still be there had US Not invade Iraq, and in fact, US actually beaten ISIS (or AQI, which it was known as back then) so severely, they have not had any influence in Iraq while the US troop in Iraq. Ask yourselves this, when did you first hear about ISIS? Before or After the US left Iraq in 2011??

So exactly how US involve with the formation of ISIS? By leaving Iraq?

The official’s account has been corroborated by members of the Islamic State in and outside the Middle East, including Abu Yusaf, the military commander. In several interviews conducted in the last two months, they described how the collapse of security during Arab Spring uprisings helped them recruit, regroup and use the Western strategy — to support and train groups that fight dictators — for their own benefits. “There had [also] been … some British and Americans who had trained us during the Arab Spring times in Libya,” said a man who calls himself Abu Saleh and who only agreed to be interviewed if his real identity remained secret.

Abu Saleh, who is originally from a town close to Benghazi, said he and a group of other Libyans received training and support in their country from French, British, and American military and intelligence personnel — before they joined the Al Nusra Front or the Islamic State. Western and Arab military sources interviewed for this article, confirmed Abu Saleh’s account that “training” and “equipment” were given to rebels in Libya during the fight against the Gadhafi regime.

Abu Saleh left Libya in 2012 for Turkey and then crossed into Syria. “First I fought under what people call the ‘Free Syrian Army’ but then switched to Al Nusra. And I have already decided I will join the Islamic State when my wounds are healed,” the 28-year-old said from a hospital in Turkey, where he is receiving medical treatment. He had been injured during a battle with the Syrian Army, he said, and was brought to Turkey with false documents. “Some of the Syrian people who they trained have joined the Islamic State and others jabhat al Nusra,” he said, smiling. He added, “Sometimes I joke around and say that I am a fighter made by America.”

The terrorists fighting us now? We just finished training them. - The Washington Post
The official’s account has been corroborated by members of the Islamic State in and outside the Middle East, including Abu Yusaf, the military commander. In several interviews conducted in the last two months, they described how the collapse of security during Arab Spring uprisings helped them recruit, regroup and use the Western strategy — to support and train groups that fight dictators — for their own benefits. “There had [also] been … some British and Americans who had trained us during the Arab Spring times in Libya,” said a man who calls himself Abu Saleh and who only agreed to be interviewed if his real identity remained secret.

Abu Saleh, who is originally from a town close to Benghazi, said he and a group of other Libyans received training and support in their country from French, British, and American military and intelligence personnel — before they joined the Al Nusra Front or the Islamic State. Western and Arab military sources interviewed for this article, confirmed Abu Saleh’s account that “training” and “equipment” were given to rebels in Libya during the fight against the Gadhafi regime.

Abu Saleh left Libya in 2012 for Turkey and then crossed into Syria. “First I fought under what people call the ‘Free Syrian Army’ but then switched to Al Nusra. And I have already decided I will join the Islamic State when my wounds are healed,” the 28-year-old said from a hospital in Turkey, where he is receiving medical treatment. He had been injured during a battle with the Syrian Army, he said, and was brought to Turkey with false documents. “Some of the Syrian people who they trained have joined the Islamic State and others jabhat al Nusra,” he said, smiling. He added, “Sometimes I joke around and say that I am a fighter made by America.”

The terrorists fighting us now? We just finished training them. - The Washington Post

lol, you pull this article and trying to claim US or West help train ISIS??

Just one sentence of this article would know how much it fair on the scale of "truth"

“In the East of Syria, there is no Free Syrian Army any longer. All Free Syrian Army people [there] have joined the Islamic State

Well, the only response I can get is laugh. I don't know who Abu Saleh trying to fool, but he should know there were non-Islamic element within Free Syrian Army, mostly Kurd is in East of Syria. The only way there are nobody BUT IS remain in East of Syria is that IS killed all the Kurd, which last I check, they are still fighting and strong, in fact, up to a point where they actually post a threat to Turkey.

As I said before, US did do what the article suggest, which is to train the enemy of their enemy. But Again, I would ask more of a "creditable" source of proof that US is helping ISIS as we speak, this article alum to the truth of donkey piss. If you care to look at the article at all, and you cannot see this is a ISIS propaganda piece, then either you are blind or you are stupid

And here is just one example of how the Western media attempts poorly to paint the non-ISIS terrorists in Syria as moderates. On this effort, they went so low that even Al Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham have been labeled as "moderates" by the most mainstream state friendly fascist US media.

Here’s what WSJ said:

“Among seven areas that Syrian state media listed as targets of Russian strikes, only one—an area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province—has a known presence of Islamic State fighters. The other areas listed are largely dominated by moderate rebel factions or Islamist groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Now, Russia and China definitely hold the long view, not being blinded by the mosquitoes (ISIS etc.) but, while dealing with the swamp itself, which is certain Western regimes led by the US and their complicit and embedded media.

They now try to set a new narrative in the form of branding a new type of "good-natured rebels." Part of this job requires putting Mr. Putin under a bad light. This job also requires to derail the Russian & Chinese efforts for a political solution "only" brought about by the Syrian peoples themselves. To this end, the Western capitals insist on the "Assad must go" line.

Washington simply years for a Gaddafi moment for Assad. Then Syria will be divided into at least three parts. Then, the energy from the Gulf can be more conveniently carried into the Western shores, which would weaken Putin's energy card on Europe.

For the geopolitical ends of the state, anticipate the West to continue to act like a big unified mouth.

China definitely sees the big picture. It won't be blinded by the Western theatrics. China's deep historical knowledge of international relations and sound foreign policy doctrine keep it from being arrested by emotions or short-shortsightedness.

China knows very well who is who in this picture and the least amount of faith is put on the likes of Obama and Hollande.


In New Video, A Grateful Al-Qaeda Thanks US For Supplying Anti-Tank Missiles
Tyler Durden on 11/23/2015

On September 30, just hours after a three star Russian general strolled into the US embassy in Baghdad and told the staff to inform Washington that Moscow would begin airstrikes in Syria “in one hour”, the Western media was alive with accusations that The Kremlin wasn’t targeting ISIS, but rather other, US and Saudi-backed rebel groups fighting Assad’s depleted SAA. Here’s what WSJ said at the time:

“Among seven areas that Syrian state media listed as targets of Russian strikes, only one—an area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province—has a known presence of Islamic State fighters. The other areas listed are largely dominated by moderate rebel factions or Islamist groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Yes, “moderate rebel factions such as the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.”

Put simply, the US had become so desperate to preserve whatever was left of the strategy to overthrow Assad, that Washington had the mainstream media floating trial balloons to see if the public would accept the characterization of al-Qaeda as “moderate.”

Generally speaking, most Americans didn’t notice, presumably because they were too busy ogling at Russian fighter jets and/or Islamic State’s latest Hollywood special (which at the time was a clip of an SAA fighter being run over by a tank), but for anyone who did pick up on the fact that the mainstream US media had just officially (and posthumously) labeled Osama Bin Laden a “moderate”, the farce was complete.

To anyone who frequents these pages - and to anyone who has endeavored to question the official narrative - the fact that the US now counts al-Nusra as a de facto ally came as no surprise. The Saudis and Qatar have backed al-Nusra virtually from the beginning, and the US is all for anything that destabilizes Assad, even if it means funneling guns and money to the very same group that flew passenger jets into skyscrapers on American soil. And let’s not forget that this wouldn’t be the first time Washington has backed al-Qaeda. The US has had lots of practice in getting arms to the Mujahideen - see the Soviet-Afghan war, for example.

None of this is a secret, which is what makes it so astonishing that the Western public is largely clueless despite the efforts of people like Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and Georgia Republican Austin Scott.

Of course Washington isn’t as vocal in its support of al-Nusra as it is in its enthusiasm for the “moderate” opposition group of choice, the Free Syrian Army. As we’ve documented extensively, the FSA has received anti-tank weapons from The Pentagon over the past two months so that they may counter the advance on Aleppo by Hezbollah and the IRGC. Given that the very same Iran-backed Shiite militias the FSA is fighting in Syria are also fighting ISIS in Iraq, the fact that the US is supplying the FSA with weapons to kill them is nothing short of ridiculous. Here’s how we described the situation last month:

The US is now supplying anti-tank weapons and other munitions to the rebels fighting in Aleppo and those weapons are being used to kill these very same Shiite militiamen who are driving US tanks, fighting alongside the Iraqi army, and indirectly receiving US assistance just across the border in Iraq.

So thanks to Washington's twisted foreign policy, they are friends on one side of the Syria-Iraq border and mortal enemies on the other.


Well now, in what can only be described as an embarrassment of truly epic proportions, al-Qaeda has released a video thanking the FSA for supplying al-Nusra with American-made TOWs. Here’s Sputnik:

The Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, has released a grateful video, where they openly thank the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which the US has touted as a “moderate opposition group”, for supplying them with US-made anti-tank TOW missiles (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided").


A recently released video shows an Al-Nusra Front field commander thanking the FSA commanders for giving his forces TOW missiles, according to a report released by the Iranian news agency FARS.

The agency reminds readers that the two groups, the Al-Nusra and the FSA, formed an alliance in March, the Army of Conquest, or Jaish al-Fatah in Arabic, to fight against the forces of President Assad.

Since then, they have fought together “at almost every single battle in Aleppo, Lattakia, Hama, and Idlib Governorates of Syria.”


Through this alliance several militant groups like the Al-Nusra Front and the Ahrar al-Sham movement have been given access to FSA's US-made heavy weaponry, which has been supplied to the militant group by the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

According to the agency’s estimates, Saudi Arabia sent 500 TOW missiles to Al-Nusra directly last month.

Obviously, this is the very definition of absurdity. It would be bad enough if the US were supplying TOWs to anyone in Syria. But this is Washington and Riyadh handing anti-tank missiles to forces that are firing them at the Iranians who are operating under cover of Russian airstrikes. Just to drive that home: the US is waging war against Iran and Russia with but one degree of separation.

That's the big picture.

But as mentioned above, this is also ridiculous because The Pentagon is killing the same people in Syria that the US-trained Iraqi army depends on to rout ISIS across the border in Iraq. And when we say "the same people", we mean the exact same Shiite militias. Every Iran-backed militiaman that's killed in Syria by a US-made weapon is one less militiaman that will return to Iraq to fight ISIS, which is of course fine with Saudi Arabia and Qatar because they're opposed to Iranian influence in Baghdad in the first place.

Finally, the idea that the US is fighting al-Nusra in Syria is not only untrue, it's actually the complete opposite of what's really going on on the ground.

Hopefully no one from al-Qaeda ends up firing a TOW at a Paris cafe.

The fact that the Russian Jet got shot down in an Area where there were no ISIS only FSA and Turkmen exist saying something lol

And in case you don't know, Al Qaeda and ISIS is competitive group on each other. ISIS launch the Paris Attack, not AQ. And I sincerely hope AQ or ISIS do not use TOW missile in Beijing

Oh, by the way, I am still laughing from the remark you make last time regarding how British have an important role on establishment of Islamic Brotherhood....Your post is gem. Thank you @TaiShang
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lol, you pull this article and trying to claim US or West help train ISIS??

Just one sentence of this article would know how much it fair on the scale of "truth"

Well, the only response I can get is laugh. I don't know who Abu Saleh trying to fool, but he should know there were non-Islamic element within Free Syrian Army, mostly Kurd is in East of Syria. The only way there are nobody BUT IS remain in East of Syria is that IS killed all the Kurd, which last I check, they are still fighting and strong, in fact, up to a point where they actually post a threat to Turkey.

As I said before, US did do what the article suggest, which is to train the enemy of their enemy. But Again, I would ask more of a "creditable" source of proof that US is helping ISIS as we speak, this article alum to the truth of donkey piss. If you care to look at the article at all, and you cannot see this is a ISIS propaganda piece, then either you are blind or you are stupid.

We know that US had trained fighters in Libya, and we know that US has been training fighters in Syria, and we know many of them have joined ISIS. That alone is far more than what China has done contrary to your earlier statement. And there are still a lot of things we don't know. But with US track record , I won't categorically deny any such possibility.
There is no FSA that is sizable enough to form an opposition as a fighting force without cooperation from other fighting elements. In the said area, FSA has been aligned with Jabhat al-Nusra. FSA, even ignoring that they are equally terrorists as US' ideal description of terrorists, has mostly been either dissolved into small radical factions, or joined larger bodies or act in cooperation with them.

The area where the Russian jets was down is infested with various terrorist groups, mostly belonging to Al Nusra Front. Some of these are supported by Turkey, a number of brigades under various names of Ottoman sultans. There are Turkmen elements in them, but the leading forces are foreign militia, led by those from the Caucasus.

I won't go into details. The Turkey-backed Turkmen fighters that killed Russian pilot belong to the "Alwiya al-Ashar," a group closely allied to the Al-Nusra Front. This group is actively operating in the area.

It also appears that the Russian chopper hit from the ground was said to be supplied by the US to the moderate terrorists.

All that said, I sincerely hope that AQ or ISIS or many other fringe groups will not hijack another plane over Washington DC or carry out some inside job in a shopping mall in New York.


On topic, the US has never intended to eliminate ISIS, but contain it for at least another year. Hence the threat is real as they continue to receive funds and equipment.

Other AQ - Nusra related groups are said to receive new, more (anti-tank/aircraft) effective weapons from the US and its allies.

China needs to make sure that, if there is a likelihood of a US-made TOW missile being used in Beijing, there would be an equal likelihood of a more capable weapon being used in the country of the producer and supplier of the same missile.


For reference:

UN Backs Russia's War on US-Backed Syria Terrorists
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lol, you pull this article and trying to claim US or West help train ISIS??

Just one sentence of this article would know how much it fair on the scale of "truth"

Well, the only response I can get is laugh. I don't know who Abu Saleh trying to fool, but he should know there were non-Islamic element within Free Syrian Army, mostly Kurd is in East of Syria. The only way there are nobody BUT IS remain in East of Syria is that IS killed all the Kurd, which last I check, they are still fighting and strong, in fact, up to a point where they actually post a threat to Turkey.

As I said before, US did do what the article suggest, which is to train the enemy of their enemy. But Again, I would ask more of a "creditable" source of proof that US is helping ISIS as we speak, this article alum to the truth of donkey piss. If you care to look at the article at all, and you cannot see this is a ISIS propaganda piece, then either you are blind or you are stupid

The fact that the Russian Jet got shot down in an Area where there were no ISIS only FSA and Turkmen exist saying something lol

And in case you don't know, Al Qaeda and ISIS is competitive group on each other. ISIS launch the Paris Attack, not AQ. And I sincerely hope AQ or ISIS do not use TOW missile in Beijing

Oh, by the way, I am still laughing from the remark you make last time regarding how British have an important role on establishment of Islamic Brotherhood....Your post is gem. Thank you @TaiShang

You say Turkey say no ISIS in that area means no? You might as well say the earth is cube and we shall all believe it?

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