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Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

Look at the way this guy is talking. Thank god we were seperated from 'secular india'.

Come on dear friend...Why do you have to console yourself about why do you get separated from India?? Are you sure about the reason or you are trying to find the reason now??....

In my opinion, you are separated because, your leaders are 100% sure they can not be with Indian people...You do not need to find the reason again and again....

I love Cow beef it give me pleasure....:smitten:
Look at the way this guy is talking. Thank god we were seperated from 'secular india'.

I like this particular youtube comment for this video:
Rayan muhammed @ youtube comments said:
Duumb fcuks..they should even ban cows n bulls pulling carts..how can God pull carts

If they're serious about enforcing their religious values, then ban pulling carts and make no excuse. But this particular ban won't hurt Muslims and hence no political will.
Come on dear friend...Why do you have to console yourself about why do you get separated from India?? Are you sure about the reason or you are trying to find the reason now??....

In my opinion, you are separated because, your leaders are 100% sure they can not be with Indian people...You do not need to find the reason again and again....
Acting smart? I know why we seperated from India. Just that every time I look at Indians I find another reason to be proud of Pakistan.
Look at the way this guy is talking. Thank god we were seperated from 'secular india'.

Come on dont be ridiculous. These Muslims whom choose to be Indian are the brave people and fighting against this funny Dhamki Hindutva till today. And those people who raised walls around their borders and migrated to said pure land are cowards whom are best at blowing up themselves. Its not the nature of Muslims to get away of fear, instead hunt down the fear. Thanking god for separating isnt a good idea rather getting back the lost land.
Come on dont be ridiculous. These Muslims whom choose to be Indian are the brave people and fighting against this funny Dhamki Hindutva till today. And those people who raised walls around their borders and migrated to said pure land are cowards whom are best at blowing up themselves. Its not the nature of Muslims to get away of fear, instead hunt down the fear. Thanking god for separating isnt a good idea rather getting back the lost land.
Why don't you go back to India then? Funny thing is your flags show you're from a seperated country yourself lol.
Thank you for the needless suggestion for discussion in the Lok Sabha. When we need suggestions from Pakistanis, we'll ask.

The other half I presume you accept as being silly.

I hope you didn't had exceptions of Newtonian theories on the subject either. Without being disrespectful and cautiously saying.. subject is silly in itself.

For your education, Muslims respect animals including cows.. but here I am concerned if you would mind when I call cow an animal.
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You suggestions are timely and thought provoking and Modi sarkaar must take those very seriously, in particularly limiting or cutting altogether her relations with countries where flesh of mataa jee is staple food such as USA, Europe, Gulf. I fail to understand why Modi srakar is hell-bent on establishing extremely cordial relationships with mataa jee eaters? Looks like some absurd Chanakya philosophy to me or in other words shameless hypocrisy.

Imran Khan has describe Modi's attitude quite accurately that Modi couldn't grow out of his constitutional politics. He knows how to provoke, offend and control with force but lacks reconciliation, tolerance and quality of mutual existence. Modi believe in exclusivity only.

Modi also has visions and ambitions but lacks ability to create strategies leading to those. He is also hasty and rushes to solution which often backlashes. Examples of insurgency in Kashmir, amplified terrorism in Pakistan and failed negotiations with Saudis are demonstrating that.
It is ironic that the fanatic Hindu minister is insisting on calling India Hindustan, which is in fact a foreign i.e. Persian name for India. India itself is a European. In fact India ceased to exist after the creation of Pakistan. The real indigenous name of the country is Bharat and I don't know why they don't use it.

1) He is not a minister, fanatic or not, hindu or not.

2) The official name of the Republic of India is "Bharatiya Ganarajya". (ie, Republic of India).

Unlike certain people, we are not ashamed of our heritage.
We were played by the hands of coward pure land people and we had no control on our own. But we corrected our sin by creating our own country and fought the cowards. So you can see no more blowing. But fighting against the cowards, our own separate nationalism has grown that now we cant further relate ourselves to anyone else.
Yeah we know who the coward is. Traitors never get respect and you are one of those. You seperated but you've become an Indian colony. Atleast we live with pride we don't bow down to the people we won freedom from. You are nothing but an under pressure worthless neighbour of India. So you don't really have a nationality coward. Go sit in your master's lap.
Yeah we know who the coward is. Traitors never get respect and you are one of those. You seperated but you've become an Indian colony. Atleast we live with pride we don't bow down to the people we won freedom from. You are nothing but an under pressure worthless neighbour of India. So you don't really have a nationality coward. Go sit in your master's lap.

Enough poison filled in your brain, far from reality. I will leave you there prick.
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