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Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

Brother, yes we have differences and enmity with INDIA the country but dont stoop down to this level when you start making fun of the Indian's majority religion.

Imagine if there had been Pork burgers in Pakistan and christians would insist on pork sale in bazaars etc... would we support it? No.... we should be sensitive to other's religions. I think Muslims in India wont die of beef hunger. Those Muslims rather their ancestors wanted to be in India, they must pay the price (which is a very little price) by stop eating beef. Eat goats camels sheep chicken quails etc.

I don't agree with "they must pay the price", but I agree with the rest of it.

In any avowedly secular country, nobody should have to pay any price on the basis of religion.

These beliefs and practices ought to be confined to the personal realm, and should not be the business of the state.

One pro Indian bengali on this forum, no wonder you would run to the rescue. Guess what, you don't matter.

Do you?

Ever thought about that?

Then good luck co-existing with other faiths. This mind set has already made India a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Actually, that "mindset" he espoused has made Europe and North America and a few other places a lot more peaceful and harmonious than India or Pakistan.

As he stated, that is the French/European/American definition of secularism. It has served them well, in view of religious harmony. Neither India nor Pakistan has the same track record of peaceful co-existence (religion-wise) that these countries have.
Gae ke hathya karnay par prathi band
Iss qanoon ka virdodh karnay waloon ko... ummm bhool gaya
Ok learnt some hindi today

Right, but unfortunately Mata jee are currently allowed to feed on garbage and hazardous plastics. This is some strange kind of love and respect given to Maata jee.

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Yea tau julm hai . Unkay sammhan kay khilaf hai. Jarur isi sajish hai.

Anyways as of plastic bags found in cows guts, this article also talks abt this stuff in last paras ithink

Here "As emaciated cows amble all over India, foraging for food, you can only wonder why their owners don't feed them if they revere them so much. They usually stop feeding them when they stop producing milk because they feel the expense is pointless.

This is why Indian vets find plastic bags inside cows' stomachs. The poor things eat plastic bags when hungry. Speaking about the need for an anti-plastic-bag drive last week, India's environment minister Prakash Javadekar said about 30 kilograms of plastic had been found inside the stomachs of some dead cows."

Starving cows or starving minorities: India's right-wing Hindus want beef taken off the menu

This guy Prem shukla look at the way he was insulting that muslim actor and he was clling bolly khans as some cheerkut khan and how he was screaming at him. This is the respect of muslims in india?
The way they speak!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And their style of reporting is equally horrible.

On a serious note, if you listen to that idiot Hindu leader, you will realize India is a not a secular but a Hindu country. Secular is just a label. The Hindus want all Muslim to act and behave like Hindus or else Muslims are 'Pakistanis'.


Well,there exists a religion on Earth that permits people to marry their own sisters and perhaps their own mothers too if need be which is quite weird and a bit disgusting from our point of view.On the contrary,we as Dharmics hold utmost love and respect for our mothers and sisters and the reason why we call cows as mothers is due to the fact that in our lives the single most precious gift after mother's milk is the milk provided by the cow and hence we revere them as mothers and nothing else.
Now,there are people who may find this practice awkward but we can't and simply won't change this millinea old custom because of the whims and fancy of those few people:coffee::coffee:!!
There is a need to save this animal from disrespect in many ways. As a first steps,

1- Ban its slaughtering (Done)
2- Make sure it is never hungry, government of India should allocate funds for that
3- Create Gao Asharams where unattended cows could be kept, all across the country
4- For their physical wellbeing, a separate Gao-Health Department can be created who would pay periodic visit to these centres and look after ageing or sick cows.
5- Cows approaching their age need to be moved to resting places
6- Cows cannot be buried in the ground and in order to give them a respectable departure, seperate burning places can be created.
7- Sparate cow-temples or cow-semetries can be crated where their ashes are kept.
8- A National database can be crated for living and dead cows, for the benefit of people who live far way and are not able to offer their homage to these cemeteries in person.
9- Ministry of Cow Affairs is a democratic need in this regard.
10- India should also offer few words for these cows in their literature, poems and cultural songs.
11 - To make rest of the world respect this sacred animal, India should shape its diplomacy to maximise that. India can also reduce its diplomatic relationship with countries who are slaughtering cows.

These are just few suggestions which I could think of and which in my humble opinion will give comfort to the animal. This is not a trolling attempt neither it is meant to be taken negatively.. may be it sounds too much but it is with the betterment of Cow at heart.

I agree with u. Cow jee deserve full care.
Acting smart? I know why we seperated from India. Just that every time I look at Indians I find another reason to be proud of Pakistan.

and every time you look at Pakistanis I bet you feel ashamed again don't you. If you're normal and honest you should,

Even though I did not want this to turn into a religious debate. But what if a state where the majority doesn't eat beef but minority of population does. Irrespective of religion, is it fair to ban beef and put those who eat it behind bars?

good question. At what point does rights of majority and rights of minority stop? Can sombody sell pork next to a mosque in Pakistan. Can a creative cartoonist visualize Mhd and publish it ? Can a woman in Pakistan wear a pair comfortable jeans and attend mosque?
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