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Beauty and Beast




Why does DMA needs actresses when such beautiful and talented ladies are present in the air force.

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don't reduce ladies to just faces.
Just to clarify the heavy lipstick on the "pilot", this is a promotional shot and SHE IS NOT A PILOT rather an actress.


Speaking of lipstick on female warriors, there was a piece in the newspapers today about how the brave ladies of the Peshmerga put on full make-up before going into war against the Daesh. Lipstick, eyeliner, paint their nails, blusher, the works brother.

They want to look pretty even if they die. I salute these beauties. What bravery. What jigar.

The Daesh rats meanwhile run scared. Of the very likely chance of being killed by a woman. I love it.
we know you arent joking here, she is so pretty that your Air force used it in their documentary. Lady is beyond your reach and out of your league though :)

She is far from pretty brother. Pakoda nose, asymmetric chin, and Negroid lips.
Yeah we like taking things from Pakistan and using them....just look at Bangladesh for instance.

why dont you take Dawood and Hafiz...Morale of story, you take what we give and that is your auqat. while we take Kashmir and GB
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