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Backtracking: India says no helicopters used in 'surgical strikes'

Everyone watch this video about the surgical strikes, learned panel demystifying the rhetoric...

Yes that statement also doesn't mention that you crossed borders or your soldiers put their steps on LOC
What else did you expect ?
Media got some sensation piece, They made up stories to support the storytelling.
How can Indians be so naive and gullible...do they know UP and Karnataka elections are coming up, it's a political surgical strike just to win the emerging and die hard old constituency in the coming elections...you can add pandering to the local people, playing to the gallery and dozens of other political benefit.
So how exactly did Indian Army conduct these surgical strikes? Do enlighten us with your thoughts.

Just look at the statement of DGMO and IA .
Rest of the items are media creation
1. Aerial strikes mean - strikes by the IAF. The previous release does not contradict this.
2. Since this is fiction, why worry about it? Spread the message all over the world and keep your guard down. :)

Entire Pakistan is at ease, no troop movements, no hassle bustle in government, stock market is gaining, international agreements are being signed, media is back to their routine programs. Bhimber, Tatta Pani, Kel and Lipa are all populated areas and their population must had been upset, approaching media or sending images, tweets or something if their towns were invaded - and there is absolute calm and normalcy everywhere. How many camps did India destroy? 7 in 4 locations? Still no images from any of those 7 locations? Pakistanis have flushed Indian claims of "Surgical Strike" because of a reason.

However, on Indian side, something important has happens... India has renamed "Surgical Strikes" to "No Evidence Surgical Strikes" and rightfully so - as there is ZERO evidence of anything they said. Come-on you destroyed terror camps just 500m from LoC, get some mobile footage to back your claims up. Give Indians some evidence - even if only a still image - but none!

Modi needed an operation and modi has created an option in yoour imagination but salute to Indains who are ready to be fooled and are committed not to demand any evidence. SWEET!
Troopers walked 10 hours to take out a target 2km from LOC which could easily been hit by an artillery strike....

Way to go india
In the video I just posted, the anchor Aijaz was saying an important point that during the press briefing by the Indian DGMO, he said operations, strikes at terrorists lunching pads along the LOC, there is a world of difference between along the LOC and across the LOC.

More likely Indian forces attacked the whatever terrorists camps they are talking about along the LOC, inside the Indian Jammu and Kashmir, at a very far flung remote area, can be verified by another story about they walked for 10 hours in moonless night....so on and so forth.

The area of attack was some very far flung remote corner with no local population. Again posting it.

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they could be para dropped within their own Lines and then the troops would have trekked into the Pak territory. All I could read was no aerial assets were used for the "strike" ( “There were no aerial strikes,”). But that does not mean no aerial assets were used period.
what the hell u doing dude!!
why are u talking sense??
""indian army never struck them yet they were mad at indian propaganda and started shelling killing 14 indian soldiers and then pulling their bodies with a giant magnet witch pulled any body struck with metallic shell so that they can click pictures
and now they are reporting complaining this indian propaganda with UN""

write the paragraph in quotes in pdf and receive a possitive rating and lots of thanks if u do opposite u ll b banned or ur thread will b closed
Indians are right no helis were used, no air space violations: they hurled Indian Soldiers into Pakistani space through a large catapult..... thats what they call surgical strikes
Just look at the statement of DGMO and IA .
Rest of the items are media creation
It seem our Indian members have now starting to admit that their forces never crossed border now that is amusing. Next time ask your Army that before they come up with a big lie at least use Kabir Khan and Saif Ali Khan and my babe Katrina Kaif for writing the script and than stick to that story.
@Arsalan @Abu Zolfiqar
Uncle Sam helped India jam Pak Radars !! Interesting

Without proof? Are you guys really that gullible?
After abottabad ride Obama announced without proof. Proof came from Pakistani media in terms of pictures of obl compound. Please send chand nawab from indus news to loc location and expose indian lies
Given the previous track record of Pakistan, even if India is trying to sell this alleged "Surgical Strike Story" there will be a lot of buyers for that around the world.

1947 War ==> Initially Pakistan claimed it was an indigenous uprising in Kingdom of Kashmir but later it was clear that it was it's on military disguised as local militia forming the chunk of the fighting force, which was later acknowledged by various Pakistanis themselves.

1965 War ==> Again it was Pakistan who initiated by infiltrating Kashmir ( Operation Gibraltar) the failure of which forced the army to start "Operation GrandSlam", but the world had heard loud and clear what Pakistan's then FM SA Bhutto claimed in UN. That India is the aggressor, and ultimately had to eat own words. Again a lot of Pakistani's had acknowledged that fact.

1971 War ==> Indian intervention was clear and the world knew that fact, India never claimed that they haven't interfered in East Pakistan. But Pakistan had always tried to cover-up the atrocities committed by its defense forces, the fact that Justice Hamoodur Rahman commission report was never published and even got missing (intentionally or not). It was never published in full. All copies except the original submitted with the GOP was destroyed back then.

1999 War ==> Kargil war of 1999 nothing but a bunch of lies, and Mr. Musharraf in 2006 (In the Line of Fire) acknowledged that it was actually Pakistan army which had infiltrated and that the recorded phone conversation was indeed his own.

26/11 Mumbai ==> If it was indeed a false flag by India, why the hell is Pakistan still pursuing a case w.r.t that in Pakistani court (irrespective of the outcome). Why authorities in Pakistan had to arrest "zakir rehman lakhvi" and others ?? Ever thought why ?? :p:

Given the fact that almost all the top leadership Al-Qaeda or Taliban who had surfaced, apprehended or killed are from the soil of Pakistan. It finds very difficult for the world to digest Pakistan's part of the story.

And if this surgical strike thing is correct(which I wish it was), the truth will come out one day and I'm sure some Pakistani citizens will be the one to acknowledge that.

Just like Pakistan's current defense minister Mr. Khawaja Asif had claimed on record that too in parliament that Pakistan army had indeed lost all wars with India. :p:

P.S: This is just my views and the well known sequence of historical events. But @mods are free to ban me if you can't at-least digest this and consider this as a troll. :)
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