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Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

Those are exactly my fears. From one angle, the judgement sets a bad precedent that historical wrongs can be rectified. At the same time, by dividing the land, its trying to give a signal that its best to share with each other rather than award the whole land to one party.

And I am hopeful that this may not have a snowball effect as Ayodhya did indeed have special status. But then again, there are enough nuts in the Hindu right to take the judgement as confirmation of their stands on other issues. Google the Ram-Setu project. Another mythology troubled project.

For now I just hope that whoever is happy with this verdict please dont try and provoke the other party by celebrating or claiming this as a victory against Muslim wrongs and blah-blah. Just resist the urge to show the other party down. Move on, please.

My problem is that successive governments by not acknowledging historical wrongs in the national academic curriculum have actually given fodder to the likes of VHP and S.Sena to run amok and claim issues like Ayodhya by striking a chord with Hindus. Instead of the pseudo seculars denying that a temple existed there, if they had actually stated that one existed there but now it is a mosque - and that's ok - because we can't hold today's Muslims responsible for it - we wouldn't have this problem.
LUCKNOW, India, Sept 30, 2010 (AFP) - An Indian court ruled Thursday that a disputed holy site in Ayodhya with a history of triggering Hindu-Muslim clashes should be divided -- a judgment seem as favouring the Hindu litigants.

"All three sets of parties, i.e. Muslims, Hindus and (Hindu religious organisation) Nirmhoi Akhara are declared joint holders of the property in dispute," Justice S.U. Khan said in a ruling on the website of the Allahabad High Court.

Several of the litigants in the case said they would appeal the judgement to the Supreme Court, meaning the already 60-year dispute will continue in India's notoriously slow justice system.

The process to divide the site would begin in three months, the court said.

A third will go to Muslims, a second part will become a temple for Hindus who claim the spot as the birthplace of their god Lord Ram, while another third will go to the Ayodhya-based Nirmhoi Akhara.

Hindu lawyers said the court's verdict backed Hindu beliefs that the site was the birthplace of the deity Lord Ram.

"I am very happy the court has accepted the historic fact and this is a matter of great happiness for Hindus," Nritya Gopaldas Maharaj, president of Ram Janam Bhoomi trust, told reporters in Ayodhya.

But Maharaj said his group would appeal in the Supreme Court against the court's decision to give a proportion of the site to Muslims.

"The court has respected the Hindu belief but we will take the matter to the Supreme Court as the fight still remains," he said.

The main Muslim group contesting the case said it was "partly disappointed" by the verdict, which dismissed its claim to ownership of the entire site.

Zafaryab Jilani, the lawyer for the Muslim group Babri Masjid Action Committee, also said he would appeal the decision in the Supreme Court.

"We can hold talks (with Hindus) if any proposals come to us. The court has accepted there was a mosque, but we are not accepting this one-third formula and we are going to the Supreme Court," he told reporters.

The High Court ruling turned on three key questions: whether the disputed spot was Ram's birthplace, whether the mosque was built after the demolition of a Ram temple and if the mosque had been built in accordance with the tenets of Islam.

Noted constitutional lawyer Rajeev Dhawan said he was disappointed with the ruling and felt the court had shirked its primary responsibility of discerning ownership of the site.

"If you seek to divide property, you should at least first find out who owns it," Dhawan told the NDTV news network.

"This judgement seems to be a judgement where the court has done what it was not supposed to do and said 'We cant answer this question. So we must split it three ways'."
hmmmmmmm no response from pak member now??? hope they are convinced..
All the litigants had said they will respect the court decision and what I see on TV is that they are not disappointed with today's hearing.
My problem is that successive governments by not acknowledging historical wrongs in the national academic curriculum have actually given fodder to the likes of VHP and S.Sena to run amok and claim issues like Ayodhya by striking a chord with Hindus. Instead of the pseudo seculars denying that a temple existed there, if they had actually stated that one existed there but now it is a mosque - and that's ok - because we can't hold today's Muslims responsible for it - we wouldn't have this problem.

Interesting point indeed.

All the litigants had said they will respect the court decision and what I see on TV is that they are not disappointed with today's hearing.

The Waqf board is going to appeal.

I wonder why Pakistanis love to "interfere In India's internal affairs".

First go and solve your own problems.
Reading the many comments on this topic has made me laugh. I find no other better option than to keep both parties happy. Even though there is credible evidence of the site being a temple, I find it secular that the verdict has decided to be split into 3 parts. I also find it amusing of how passionate some Pakistani members are getting on here. I find no absolute better way to say that I am proud of my country and proud of the decision. Besides this is not the end of it. There can always be an appeal.

Pakistanis look at it this way. What if a Jew takes down the Kaaba in Mecca and builds a synagogue. And after 200 years, Muslims decide to tear it down and replace it with what originally stood there. This is exactly how the Hindus see it. As for the Pakistani members on here, you believe that there was nothing before Babur's invasion, when in fact there is much evidence demonstrated that it was in fact a Ram Temple.
I see more fighting on here than the Muslims and Hindus in India.

I'm proud that even though there was credible proof, the government has remained "secular" to allow both a temple and mosque.

Let's stick to the topic and not derail this even further.

Jai Hind, let this be the end of it and not let our emotions get the best of us.

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didnt get any reply to my earlier posted question
or is evryones stomach full for today???
Verdict not a win or loss, invite all to help build temple: RSS

Appealing for restraint, the RSS on Thursday said the Allahabad High Court verdict on Ayodhya title suit should not been seen as anybody's victory or defeat and sought people's support for construction of a Ram temple. "The judgement has paved the way for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya...The judgement is not a win or loss for anybody. We invite everybody, including Muslims, to help build the temple," Sarsangchalak Mohan Bhagwat told reporters.

"The court verdict should not be seen as anybody's victory or defeat," he reiterated. Bhagwat also said the joy and happiness over the verdict should find expression in a "controlled and peaceful manner" within the limits of law and constitution.

"Uncalled for provocation must be avoided," he said adding, the movement for a Ram temple was "not a reactionary one nor it is against any particular community."

Bhagwat also appealed to the Muslims to "forget the past".

---------- Post added at 06:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

Verdict not a win or loss, invite all to help build temple: RSS

Appealing for restraint, the RSS on Thursday said the Allahabad High Court verdict on Ayodhya title suit should not been seen as anybody's victory or defeat and sought people's support for construction of a Ram temple. "The judgement has paved the way for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya...The judgement is not a win or loss for anybody. We invite everybody, including Muslims, to help build the temple," Sarsangchalak Mohan Bhagwat told reporters.

"The court verdict should not be seen as anybody's victory or defeat," he reiterated. Bhagwat also said the joy and happiness over the verdict should find expression in a "controlled and peaceful manner" within the limits of law and constitution.

"Uncalled for provocation must be avoided," he said adding, the movement for a Ram temple was "not a reactionary one nor it is against any particular community."

Bhagwat also appealed to the Muslims to "forget the past".
Well the judges played safe but at the cost to logic.

Dividing the land by 1/3 is ok, but its a victory for the Hindu right as they get 2/3 of a land which they had no control over. I think the biggest folly of the judgement is to accept that the idols placed in '49 can stay. One cant just keep idols in a place and say its now a temple. And if we start going by the logic of Masjids being built on temple ruins then are we going to dig up all mosques in India and check to see if there was a temple underneath?

There's no point rectifying historical wrongs.

"1949 On December 23rd, Muslims finished their night prayer and left to their home. A shock was waiting for them, who came for fajr (dawn)prayer. Inside the Mosque a mob kept Rama, Laxamana, Sita statues and claimed that their God took avatar (appeared) inside the mosque and they started agitating against Muslims."

and after that a case was filed in faizabad and the rest you know all what happened despite court verdict of closing the site. Hindus broken the locks and started worship again leading to demolition in 92-3
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